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Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.


The terms “The LORD” means, a divine master or divine ruler, and a divine superior; He is a personality with subjects who are totally loyal to his instruction, desires or expectations. 

The bible did not say a Lord is my shepherd, the bible says the Lord is my shepherd. The, is a term that sets apart a thing from the rest. It reveals the superiority of a thing over the others. It reveals the specifications behind a word. There are many lords but one LORD rule over them. If the LORD Jesus Christ is your shepherd, you will not want but if lord is your shepherd, you will surely want. If you look closely into your bible, you will notice LORD and not lord. This reveals the superiority behind the personality involved (Jesus). For it to be written in capital letters reveals the nature of God or the divine personality.

The world is made of the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Jesus is the LORD in the kingdom of God while Sin is the lord in the kingdom of darkness. Who is your LORD? Who is in charge of your life? Who defines your worth and priorities? Who influences your attitude, manner of approach and mindset? Is it your money, pleasure of the world, your car, your profession, or your position in the society etc? Who dictates the pattern and approach of your decision making? Is Jesus in charge of your life?

Some believers look up to Jesus for provision but they don’t want to stay under His authority. Some believers desire God’s Grace but they deny His authority. They want the blessings from the Lord Jesus but they are not ready to obey his instruction. They are not ready to be led, rebuked and correct from the path of death in order for them to walk in the path of life. 

Whose desire are u fulfilling? Before you claim the blessing in God’s kingdom, are you under His authority. Is Jesus the Lord over your life? Are you submissive to his instructions? Praise God you are free from the power of darkness but in Christ, you are under the authority of God. Grace and authority are the lifestyle involved in salvation race. You will enjoy His Grace but don’t forget His authority. You are under an authority that will lead you into your destiny. 

Who is a LORD? A LORD discipline and influences you till His desire is achieved in your life. He is not considerate and you His subjects must be ready to put on His culture. What He eats is what you must eat? He tutors, disciplines, and train individuals into a place of maturity according to His plan. Your progress or delay is solely depended on His choice, priorities, desires and expectations. His yes is your yes and His no is final. You have no right to complain, and the only thing you are permitted to do is to obey. When He says go, you must go and when he says stop you must stop. Obeying the lifestyle for the sheep’s who are under His LORDSHIP.


Is, is a present terms. This reveals that your relationship or fellowship with the LORD has nothing to do with your PAST; it’s about the PRESENT. Thank God for whom the LORD use to be to you in the past but, who is HE to you presently. Are you under His LORDSHIP presently or your story is more like, when l use to serve the LORD? I don’t care what your past relationship with the LORD use to be, my question for you is; how intimate are you with the LORD presently? Thank God for the entire past Encounter you have experienced with the Lord. Thank God for the past prophecies and vision He has revealed to you. Thank God for the truth you know. Thank God for all the words the LORD told you in the past but what is the LORD saying presently? What is the LORD presently revealing to you? What is the present Truth the LORD is teaching you presently? You can’t use your past experience with the LORD to relate with Him today. IS He presently in relationship with you? His Mercies are new, every morning. He is the Ever Constant Progressive LORD. To Moses at the Red Sea He instructed, stretch the rod upon the sea, and the Red Sea was divided. To Joshua at Jordan He instructed, Let the Priest step into the bank of the Jordan, and Jordan divided. But to Peter the Apostle Jesus Instructed, COME! WALK ON THE SEA and the sea submitted to Peter. 


My, is a personalized word. Apart from what people have told you about the LORD, what is your personal Revelation about the LORD? What is your personal experience with the LORD? Using Moses as a case study, the children of Israel knew Him as God Almighty but Moses, had a personal experience with Him as Jehovah.

Exodus 6:3
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.  

Jehovah was the continuation of His personality as God Almighty. This is the advanced phase of His personality. Moses had a personal Encounter, Experience and Relationship with the LORD. There is a side of God’s personality that no body has discovered yet. The LORD has preserved that side of His personality for you alone due to His plan, and purpose for your life. The LORD is more than your present knowledge. Apart from the things people have told you about the LORD, who is He to you? Knowing Him and relating with the LORD is a constant progressive journey.


A Shepherd guards, defend, lead and feed His sheep’s. It involves the sheep’s welfare and them growing into maturity, and safety. For the LORD to be your Shepherd you must function in the Revelation that you are under His Authority and you are His sheep (Subject). Walking in this Revelation will help you to rest in the available Grace of God for your life. You need to understand that you are not alone. You are not left without a leader, and protector. He is your guard, defender and leader.

 Under His authority, you can’t do what you like or say whatsoever you like. In this platform, your priorities, and lifestyle will be dependent on your Shepherd’s life. Your desires and expectations are no longer needed, His desire, and expectation becomes your priority because, He knows what is best for you, and what you will need to enter in your place of destiny.

In this place, your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom must be dependent on what your shepherd’s experiences and instructions. In this place, you must be sensitive to the instructions of your shepherd. Shepherds always walk with the rod and the staff. Discipline and care are the two platforms your shepherd will place you on for growth and development. You must know that you are here to be corrected, rebuked and encouraged.

I shall not want…

This is a deep statement. The first time the Holy Spirit revealed this to me, I was shocked because this is new to me compared to what the people around me would believe it to be. The Holy Spirit said, I is not the function of the physical body or your selfish interest. The “I” is all about the real you that was created in Genesis 1:26. This is the reality of your purpose, your abilities and your ideas. The “I” is all about YOU. Your purpose, dreams, vision, abilities and idea holds the total sum of YOU (I). Mind you, the purpose, vision, abilities and ideas must be an extension of His Grace to you. If He gives you a vision, ability, idea, and a purpose for your living, he will provide for all the expense required for their fulfillment. He will always be committed to what He creates, designs, and set up. If you create any thing by your strength, you will provide for the achievement that is tagged to them.

If you submit to make the Lord your Shepherd, you will not lack all it requires for you to fulfill the purpose, dreams, vision, abilities and ideas that define you. The devil is not fighting the physical you. He is fight the purpose, dreams, vision and ability of God that is in you. He is afraid of who are about to become (YOU). Your physical body is just your container, the real you is your purpose for existence, your dreams, vision and ideas in God. That is the real you and that is what Jesus restored through His death.

I shall not want means; I will always have what I need for the accomplishment of the purpose, vision, dreams and idea of God within me. It means l will not lack the training, discipline, preparation, revelations, discoveries, divine encounter and insight required for me in becoming who God has planned for me to become. On the other hand it also means, I will lack all the unnecessary knowledge, understanding, wisdom, training, discoveries etc that is not required for the plan of God in my life.

As longer the LORD is your shepherd, you will not lack the necessities. I want to know that the LORD is not trying to plan for your needs. The LORD is not thinking of planning for you. The LORD has provided for all the necessity you need in fulfilling the dreams, ideas, purpose and vision within your life. There is an allocation set apart for every thing you will become and do in life before you were born. The LORD formed you into your mother’s womb. He has planned and provided in advance for all you need to fulfill His plan before you were born.

This is a settled issue. Every thing needed for discovering and fulfilling God’s plan for your life are already fixed in the different phases of time and season of your life. As you walk, each phase of time and season will deliver into your hand what is due for you. Through the instructions of the LORD you will be able to know what is available and what you should wait for.

Having the necessities for your life means you will lack what is not necessary for your life. You must be able to focus on the LORD in other for you to know the difference between the good and the bad. Some things are available but not needed for your life and for the plans of the LORD for your life. Joseph focused on the LORD and he was able to stick to what was necessary for His life even thou His master’s wife tempt him. Some things are available but not needed.

The path of salvation you are walking on, you are new in it. You don’t know what will help your destiny except the LORD who is the author of your destiny. For the fact that you like some things does not mean you need them. It might be pleasurable but not necessary for the plan of God in you. It might be what every body has accepted but not needed for the dream of God in you. It might be what every body pursue yet not needed according to the plan of God in your life. 

In God’s kingdom, the plan, the vision, the ideas, and the purpose of God for your life will determine the provision available for your life. Whatsoever that will not lead you into the discovery, preparation, and manifestation of God’s intention for your life, God will not permit it in your life.

How will you know that what you have is not necessary for the plan of God in your life? The way to know it is not necessary is, you will be struggling with it. You will be fighting to maintain them. Those things will become a distraction to your walk with God and to your personal self development. There will tear down your strength instead of building them.

I want you to be aware that you don’t need all the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, discoveries, revelations and divine encounter available. There are specifications surrounding who you are and who God is changing you to become. There is a specific knowledge, understanding, wisdom, training, discoveries and divine encounter require for YOU (purpose, vision, and ideas). What God wants to achieve in your life will determine what the LORD will channel to your way. 

Your purpose, vision, dreams, and ideas will determine the discoveries, trainings, preparations, experiences, pain, and joy, the LORD will permit you to undergo. This is the major reason why you need to submit to His authority. He knows what is best for you and He knows what will affect or impact YOU (purpose, vision, and ideas).

Here is another issue, it is possible that He is your Shepherd and yet you are in want. If you are not ready to follow and obey the instruction of your LORD, you will suffer and struggle in the same vision the LORD has given you. Every provision required for the trainings, preparation, discoveries, and divine encounters for the fulfillment of the purpose, vision, abilities, and ideas in you are all buried in the instruction the LORD will give you per time, per season. Be flexible to His instruction and you must embrace a constant progressing approach to your life (purpose, vision, dreams and ideas).
For you to have and submit to the LORD, it means you must always listen to His instruction. It means you must always ask question when you don’t understand His instruction. It means you must know and understand the specification within His instructions to you. It means, you must know when, why, and how to go about His instructions to you. It means you must be sensitive to the timing behind His instructions. It means, you don’t do or say any thing without His instruction. In this place, Romans 8:14 is fulfilled; for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 

 The LORD is your Shepherd, you shall not want. 

Your change is here!

May The Holy Spirit Shine thew Light of Truth in your Heart in Jesus Name. May You walk in the consciousness of who you are in Jesus Name.  

Be Inspired!


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