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Mentoring - Part 3

Mentors & Fathers

Thank you Jesus! This is another difficult issue that if we do not learn it now the next generation and the present generation will suffer in the area of their assignment in their God.

According to God’s principles, you are allowed to have many mentors but you will be allowed to have just one Father. Mentors is needed in the areas of your potentials that is, your ideas, creativity, skills and talent while a Father is needed for laying down kingdom principles that will yield you maturity and experience in the knowledge of Christ. Both mentors and your Father in the Lord are needed for you to gain and express the image of Christ on earth. They are to do teamwork.

Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you will help you to locate and find the mentors that the Lord has preserved for your life and the Father He has placed over you. You have the full right to choose your mentor if you have the required knowledge and understanding concerning your potential but the Lord will send you mentors if your knowledge is little. However, when it comes to you having a Father in the Lord, the Lord chooses it for you.

Jeremiah 23:1-4
Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.  Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.  And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them, which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.   

From the above scripture, you will understand that there are mentors and Fathers in the Lord that scatters and destroys the sheep of Christ – the church (you and I). I’ve seen and have experienced at different level of life – abuses. The few different types of abuse I know are verbal abuses, physical abuse, sexual abuse or emotional abuse. I have experienced the list above, both physically, verbally or sexually, I have experienced them and it took God mercy for me to be totally free from those memories. I have counseled some teenagers that have opened up to me in pains and tears on how it was their pastor that disvirgined them. Some youth have opened up to him how it was their cousin brother that disvirgined them. Some teenagers and youths have opened up to how parents and even men of God have constantly abused them verbally and physically. Thank God l was able to reconcile them to a personal relationship with God’s word and the Holy Spirit. At different times, I have heard them testify how God heals their hearts and hurting memories. Praise God!

I have met lots of them on social network. It is surprising that some of them suffer in silence of how some men of God have threatened them that they will place curses on them if they try telling anybody that they have been abused. Some of them do not even know is an abuse. I have been able to help most of them by showing them what the scripture says and their rights in God. Most of them are so shocked when they see the scripture for their selves, as they discover they have been locked, and enslaved by their own ignorance. However, the truth still remains that I alone cannot help. You and l must stand up to cry out this truth in one voice, and in one Faith in Christ Jesus.

From the above scripture, Fathers and mentors are not provided to us by God to fill us with fear. They are meant to help us to see the details of God’s plan faster and easier. You must come to understand that there are enough problems on ground but you must learn to be like Prophet Samuel and King David who learnt what God wanted them to learn from those God placed on them irrespective of the wrong environment and attitudes of those men (Prophet Eli & King Saul). This should not be a platform for you to abuse and disrespect. This does not imply that they have lost their calling (the calling and gift of God are without repentance). We all have our struggles in different aspects of life. We all have our own individual pains and weaknesses. Learn what God wants you to learn from them and keep moving. It is up to God who called them in the first place to handle them. In addition, if you are led by the spirit of God to correct any of your mentors or father, please, apply wisdom and respect.

Make sure you learn from their mistake, gain a better experience required for your days and make sure you do not repeat their mistakes in your own time.

Who is a Mentor?
Been a Mentor is not by showing off but it is a call to Responsibility. Mentors are Man - Kinds God that built within a period to become His Sons of God on earth. 

They are the people, ordained by God, through the problems they have been able to overcome, and by Divine Encounter. They are solution carrier, and answer givers. They are not perfect Man - Kinds but they are Man - Kinds who are constantly moving towards the perfection in Christ Jesus. 

Mentors are Man - Kinds with large hearts; they are ready to tolerate you based on what God has showed them concerning you. They treat you based on what God have assigned them to do in your life. These set of people knows your Past, understand your Present, and value your Future. These set of people will never laugh at your mistakes. They are Man - Kinds who are always ready to correct you, and help you to learn from your mistakes.

These set of people are students under the Word of God through the Holy Spirit. They are students under the tutor of the Holy Spirit and they are under Men of influence. They are Man - Kinds who have made mistakes in the past, but refused to give up on their calling. These are the set of people God have lifted from the Dust to Glory. They understand Mercy, and Grace because their own existence is a product of it.

For you to grow, and improve in the knowledge of the Plan of God for your life, you must learn from those that have gone ahead of you. They are people God has set to inspire you to become all that He has planned for you to become. They help you to look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of your Faith. They are humans whose lifestyle speaks, and practice the TRUTH that hails from God’s word. They are people that want you to be better than what they know. They are people that desire you to learn faster, easier, and better than their own personal experiences. They are people that have the Grace to help you to relate, and know God constantly.

 Galatians 3:1 – 2
Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.

The scriptures above, have opened our eyes to see that as long as you are still immature, you are still a student that needs to be set under Tutors (Mentors), and Governors (Fathers/mothers in the Lord).

Who is a Father/mother in the Lord?
He or she is the kind of person God has set you to learn both spiritual matters, and physical issues from their lives. These set of people are covenant people God has assigned to help you. This is purely the operations of God. However, Mentors are people that help, and inspire you in the area of your talent, relationships, creativity, and skills (potential).

This is the most difficult place for many teenagers, youths, and even adults. You are not under your Mentor or Father in the Lord to please Him or Her. You are there to learn from Him or Her, and become the best God wants you to do. You must always learn to see God in everything He or She does to you. You must be ready to allow the Holy Spirit to teach you to discover the reason for every of their attitude towards you.

Father’s in the Lord and Mentors are not your Alpha and Omega. It is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit that has the Final saying over your life. Everything you Hear, See, Read, and Learn from them must be tested through the Word of God and your Personal Relationship with God. Don’t impress them and don’t expect them to impress you irrespective of the gifts or money you sow into their lives.

Without a Personal Relationship with God through the studying of His word, you will lack the leading when it comes to the issues of the Mentorship and Fathering. I have heard people say that the Holy Spirit is my Mentor and with that, l don’t need any body as my Mentor or Father in the Lord. Well! That is an Expression of Ignorance. That fellow needs an urgent help from the Holy Spirit Himself. 

You cannot, and you will never be an island on your own. You did not jump from heaven to earth. Your parent birthed you into the world you are living. Likewise, you did not come into salvation all by yourself. Even if you have a Personal Encounter with the God, that Encounter you experienced was an answered prayer of somebody, somewhere, that intercessed for your life. Even Jesus needed John the Baptist, to baptize Him into Ministry. This path you are working on (Ministry or Salvation), you have not worked on it before. Even if your calling is different and new, it is my pleasure to let you know that, your Calling and Ministry is a continuation of where someone else Ministry stopped. Therefore, it is necessary you understand what existed in the past, what is expected of you now and what the future will demand from you. Mentors and fathers are set by God around you to help you discover, and fulfill your God’s given destiny.

Where Are You Coming From? Where Are You Now? Where is your destination? The question above is the major reason why you need Mentors and a Father in the Lord. 

The truth that proves that you are in the right place of your Mentor or Father in the Lord is your ability of you seeing their mistakes. The Struggles, Faults, and Pains you see in the lives of your Mentors or Father in the Lord are the Future Battle awaiting you. You must Ask questions, Listen, Observe, and Learn from their Mistakes. You must channel those questions to the Holy Spirit to help you in order for you to prepare your self ahead of time. No matter how God uses them powerfully, you must come to understand that THEY ARE MAN - KINDS LIKE YOU AND THEY CAN STILL MAKE MISTAKES.

Mentor and Fathers in the Lord are Man - Kinds that are also struggling to improve, and grow into a Higher Level of what God has planned for their lives. The difference is this, the stage you are presently in your walk with God is their own yesterday so, you can learn from their great decision that empowered their lives, and also learn from their mistakes in order for you to know, HOW NOT TO DO THINGS.

Mentors and Father’s in the Lord do not know it all, they do not have it all, but they are student in the hands of the Holy Spirit.”

Every Father in the Lord must have a Father in the Lord. Every Mentor must have Mentors. They are people that listen and accept their mentee the way they are. They do not condemn or judge people and they do not turn people to become what they want rather, they help people to become all God has Planned for their lives (Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith). They do not point Man - Kind to themselves but they pour out their own Lifestyles for Man - Kind to learn from. They do not seek for honour, and respect but their Attitude, Manner of Approach, the way they Treat people and their Maturity COMMANDS Honour, and Respect. This makes people to naturally Honour and Respect them.

They are individuals that accept Correction, even from the least of the persons under their custody

These individuals constantly demand growth, and improvement in their own lives. This naturally influences others to follow the lead. They are individuals that are driven by Truth, Focus, Discipline, and Determination. They are individuals that will teach you sacrificial living. They are ready to make you Cry, Experience Pain, and make you face Situations they know will help your Faith to Grow. They are not interest to make you happy; they are only interested in your growth and in how you can be better than their own present achievement.

These individuals want their fellow humans under their care to gain in six MONTHS, the lessons of life that took them 10 YEARS to learn. They are not selfish with what God have given them. These individuals will not solve all of your problems for you because they are always there to SUPPORT you to learn how to accept your own responsibilities, and become useful to yourself and your generation. Your Growth into what God has planned for you is more important to them than your functioning positing in the church or Ministry.

These individuals are given to you to add value, and beauty to your life. They are also vessels given to you for the investment of your money, prayers, and ideas, according to the leading of the Holy Spirit

As this point, l wants to unfold it to you that, there is a difference between a Father in the Lord and Mentorship.

Fathers in the Lord are given to you be God. They are people sent into your life by the leading and instruction of the Holy Spirit. They will discipline you, corrects you, instructs you, teach you, follow you up, and watch you closely. They are like GOVERNORS over your life but their authority over you is been determined by God’s instruction and by what God wants to achieve in your life. 


Mentors are individuals whose life style inspires you. Somebody can be your Mentor by you reading their books, listening and watching their Audio, Videos CD or DVD. YOU CAN HAVE MANY MENTORS. Your different areas of talent and skills will determine the numbers of mentors you need. Your father in the Lord can also be your mentor if he has what it takes to serve in these two offices.

Your Father in the Lord can also be your Mentor but your Father in the Lord does not have all it takes to build you into all areas of your life. Your Father in the Lord do not have all it takes for you to grow into the place God has planned for your life. That is why you must be free to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding, in all your ways and decisions, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Do not be wise in your own eyes.

You do not have the right to choose who should be your Father in the Lord. The Lord through the Holy Spirit will choose for you. He will send Him or Her to you at the right time according to His Plans and purpose. With these, it is important that you come to a place of submission to the Plans of God for your life. If you actually gave your life to Jesus then, you must come to the place where you must allow the Holy Spirit to take control over every affairs of your life (Your Growth in God).

Be Inspired!


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