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The Great Commission Jesus Gave

Matthew 28:19 - 20
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.  (NIV)

Therefore, go…

Jesus gave the above statement to His disciple. In other words, whosoever that will adopt this great commission must be ready to pay the price tag. The price tag is - you must accept to be His disciple.

To “go,” you need to know the provision on ground. Jesus gave this commission because; all power in Heaven and on earths belongs to Him. This commission is general to all believers but there is a specification required for it. You need the knowledge of Grace that is backing you up. There was a knowing the disciple knew that enable them to believe and obey this instruction.

Are you a disciple? Do you have a relationship with your Heavenly Father? What do you know about the Jesus you gave your life to? You must come to the place of knowing and in that place, you will be empowered to believe, and obey.

Less I forget, even after this command, they didn’t lunch out immediately, they had to wait for forty days for them to receive the promise (Holy Spirit). Having the knowledge of this is not good enough and does not mean you are fit to carry it out. There is a principle in God’s kingdom. In this kingdom, there are times, and seasons. Within these times and seasons lies a time to get the instruction, a time to get prepared for the carrying out of the instruction (understanding) and a time to carry out this instruction. Your duty is not just to go; there are specifications and patterns you must understand. 

For you to go, you must understand the plan, the specification (details), the time and season (phases), and the pattern (principles) attached to this commissioning. You must come to a point where you must be empowered with the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom but for each phase of this reality, there is a time attached to it. 

At first, I WROTE that, there is a knowing required of you. In that knowing lies your acknowledgement of who Jesus is to you personally, the understanding of the personality of the Lord, and the courage to accept the commission willingly. 

The issue of the time and season that holds the different phases in ministry has a pattern it operates with and that pattern is located in John 1:1. There is the Encounter period; a period the Holy Spirit will open up the plan to you, there is  Transformation period; a time the Lord will prepare you with His words, and there is Maturity stage; a time to handle the responsibilities of your Heavenly Father.

The word “go” is like a container, you must extract the content within it. In this content “go” lies the Encounter, Preparation, and Maturity stage.

With the information at your reach, you must come to understand that every instruction is a well of treasure and life. It will demand from the patience to access, and experience.

And make disciples…

If you are to “go” then, the next question is, from where to where? In addition, if you are to make disciple of all nation then how?

To everyone that has adopted this commission by Faith and Grace is given a location. Before we dwell on location let us go a bit deeper – “MAKE.”

After getting all the content within the instruction “go”, here comes your assignment – “to make.” It takes grace, and experience to make. If you are not made through the word of God, you cannot make others. With these two points, you must accept the truth that your assignment is more of influence than authority or title.

What does the word “Make” mean? To make is to construct, build, create or transform a material from one stage of nature into a better stage. To make, will demand from your time and patience, it will demand from you a pattern to be followed, it will demand for you specification of God’s plan, and your experience with the Word. 

All the explanations above are the conditions every disciple must experience during their personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. You can only produce after your kind. Are you a disciple? Have you been made with God’s word? 

If you are not made through the word of God, you will find it hard to make others. The set of people Apostle Paul was able to make were not the same set of people Apostle Peter build through God’s word. We are called to one specific assignment but within that assignment lies our individual experience, and pattern required for making disciples. 

The truth here reveals that your mistakes are your message, your struggles are your experiences, your pains are your passion, and in your failures lays the map to your future. Where God saved you from will determine the set of people God will send you to rescue and disciple into God’s kingdom. 

In other words, God will only assign you to make people of your own kind; people with the same story as you and people with the same struggles, pains, mistakes, and failures you once experienced. They will be the set of people who are presently at the spot where God picked you from, and made you into His disciple. Your experience during the time God was making you is the same specification required for you to use in making others into God’s kingdom. 

Making disciples becomes easy when you have been made into the personality of His (Jesus) disciple. It will be as easy and simply as pouring out your own experiences with the Father into the lives of those God has demanded you to make. Just as God saw, the best in you while you were still in the process so you like wise must learn to see the perfection in the imperfection of the people the Lord will bring your way. This is the pattern set, and this is the specification needed as a disciple making others into becoming Christ disciples. 

Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…

What is Baptism? Baptism is a process of you been deep into another kind of lifestyle. This is the process of you been adopted into a nature you have never experienced. It is your ability of been pressed into a higher life or into Eternal Life. 

The context of this instruction lies within the stage of being deep into water but I will also love to dwell on this word from the perceptive of your impact on them. I want to view baptism beyond the water area. I want to go deep into what it really expresses as a lifestyle.

Baptism is a change of identity and the process of been adopted into a kingdom with the sense of belonging. This has nothing to do with you forcing people to identify with you, your church or ministry through baptism. There is a specification given. This is about them gaining the sense of belonging to the whole body of Christ.

The direction for the baptism is stated. Everything must be towards the identity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is not about your name or about the name of your church or ministry. It is the experience of the Revelation of Christ revealed into the hearts of men.

As you baptize them, you must bear in mind that it is all about CHRIST dwelling in their lives as their lifestyle.

Let us break it down a bit. In the name of the Father is all about the Divine plan of God for your life. In the name of the Son is all about the impact and experience of His word. In the name of the Holy Ghost, is all about the Life of the Father dwelling in you or gaining divine nature.

His divine plan, His Nature and His words are the foundation for a personal relationship with the Father. These are the resources for constant growth. These are the pillars of strength in God’s kingdom. These are platforms for ministry. These three personalities of God must be their first experience they (those you are making) must experience.

The above must become an experience in the lives of those that you are making. This is the spot where you must lead them to a place of a Personal Encounter with the fullness of CHRIST (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost). During the making period, they must come to the place where of Encountering CHRIST. 

And teach them all I have commanded you…

This point has much more to do with the point of “makings.” What you are expected to teach them must not be your own ideas. It must be the extension of what God has taught you in your personal relationship with His Word. This is more of sharing and pouring out what God has given to you through your fellowship with the Word in your personal relationship with The Holy Spirit.

Your ability to teach still dwells with you been able to listen, communicate and patiently guild those the Lord has given you from the place of ignorance to the place of Revelation in Christ. Remember, the teaching process is not all about you, it is all about expressing Christ to them through your words and in your attitude or the way you treat them.

And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

You must never forget this revelation here. The Holy Spirit is always with you. It’s not about what you feel alone, even in the absence of the feelings, He is with you. It’s about what you believe.

 Do you feel you are not good enough to obey this great commission? Do you feel you are well educated for this? Do you feel people will insult you? Do you believe people will not listen to you? Do you afraid of people rejecting you? Are you afraid of loosing your friends? Are you afraid you will be isolated? Are you afraid your parents will not take care of you? Whatsoever it is, I want you to know that you are not alone in this, Jesus is with you and He will never leave you. He said, till the very end of the world, either you have made any mistake or backslide, either you have lost your virginity or not, either you have failed your self or God’s promises, remember, He is always with you.

Are you insulted and rejected? Have your parents stopped taking care of you due to your faith in Jesus, you are not alone. You don’t have a roof over your head or even have any food to eat, you are not alone. Have you lost a relationship due to your faith in God, you are not alone. Do your children hate you due to your faith in God, you are not alone. Wherever you are present with this book in your hand, Jesus is with you. The Holy Spirit dwells in you. Hold on and fight for your faith. Don’t give up or give in. Don’t compromise or sell your birthright. Protect your virginity. Jesus is with you. 

Jesus is with you! Yes! He is. Even in the dark, even when no body sees you, even in your tears, pains and struggles, He is with you. You don’t have to pray for his presence. He’s committed to you already. Even as you are reading this book, Jesus is with you and the Holy Spirit dwells in you. Praise God! All things are working together for your good. Your present situation is not here to stress you; they are here to stretch your faith to be stronger. Even if you are presently walking through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with you. Don’t let any thing hold you back. Don’t allow any thing to depress you. Am not saying that pains will not come, am not saying you will feel depressed neither am I saying, things will always be smooth. All am saying, be conscious of the truth that Jesus is with you and the Holy Spirit dwells with you. Know it, believe it and experience it. Break out of any thing that is holding you bound. Arise from your fears, worries and doubt, put on this revelation, get prepared and WALK into your destiny in Christ. Yes! You can. 

Be Inspired!


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