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God's Purpose for YOU - Part 3

Purpose Discovery

Purpose discovery dwell on two platforms, which are Self Discovery and God Discovery. Self-discovery is the process of you knowing, and understanding why God saved you, and who He has ordained you to be your generation. She is the ability of you walking into the awareness of your identity, your worth, and your priorities according to the predestination of God for your life.

God Discovery is the process of you having an Encounter with God through Faith. This births the vision, and prophecies behind God’s plan into your spirit – man. There is a vision and a prophecy that has gone ahead of you before God formed you into the womb of your mother. Your existence is the fulfillment of God’s prophecy. Discovering those vision and prophecies through Divine Encounter with God is what God’s discovery entails.

At this junction, you must wake up to this truth. There is a difference between Ambition and Divine Purpose.

Ambition is when you create a personally plan to be carried out without the consideration of God’s plan for your life. These are the workers of iniquity and the fruit of their works are selfishness, pride, and ego through carnal Desire, and Expectations.

Divine Purpose is the revealing of the end – expectation of God’s desire for your life. This is the original idea for your existence in God’s mind before he formed you into your mother’s womb. This foundation is built on God’s Desire, and Expectation for Man – kind.

Divine purpose is the Reality of Creation. In her lies the principle and expectation of the outcome, of every plan, and dream in God’s mind. She has the strength of God, and nobody can enjoy the true existence of Man - kind without the understanding of Divine purpose. 

Divine purpose carries the Mother of all Creation. In her lies the first idea, precept, or concept for creation. She is the map, the value, and the worth behind creation. She is the prophecy behind every invention, and creation on earth. She is the reality of the dream in God’s mind for the creation of the Heaven and the Earth. She carries the true Nature of God and in her lies the heart beat of God. She is the evidence of the beauty that reflects God’s glory, and she carries the principle we all must ask, seek, and search to discover, become, and manifest as Sons in God’s Kingdom.

Divine purpose carries the Eternal Life. In her dwells the Eternal Life. She is the operational power to humanity. Her nature is the strength behind success in productivity, and fulfillment of destiny. In her alone lies the reality of Eternal life, and the Life that hails from the very plan of God for Man - kind. In Her lies, the Eternal Life that swallows up the law of Sin, and Death. In Her lies the victory over failure. In Her lies the Eternal Rest, and Freedom from the Bondage of, Regrets and Shame. She is the Eternal Life that can enable you to live God’s Life here on Earth. She is the life that quickened the dead body of Jesus Christ back from the dead/grave.

Divine purpose carries the Light of Truth. She is the revelation to the truth God has designed for you before the creation of this world. She is the knowledge that enables you to discover your identity in God. She helps you to function in your God’s given vision in this path of destiny. She is the overcoming power of God, over darkness (Ignorance). She is the reality of God’s word as the Lamp unto your feet, and a Light unto your path. In her alone lies your identity in God.

Divine purpose carries the Eternal Currency. This is the only Eternal currency we have in God and destiny. In her lies the only permit we have for the breathe, we breath, the food we eat, each day we live, and for all the benefits we have in God in this path of destiny. She is the Eternal Currency the Devil, and the sinful kingdom fears. Physical currency is under the control of this Eternal currency. This Eternal Currency is the factor that enables the law, and nature of Life to submit to you. She helps you to walk into the fulfillment, and establishment of His plan for your life. She was the Eternal Currency Joseph spent in Egypt during the days physical money failed in Egypt. She was the secret behind the upkeep of Jesus before during, and after His death on earth. She was the secret of the upkeep of all the children of Israelite during their travel in the wilderness. She was the only currency Adam knew in the Garden of Eden. She was and she is still the secret behind Financial Freedom.

Divine purpose carries the Eternal Seed. In her lies, the Fruit of Life, and in her lies, the different harvest of talent the earth will need for improvement in the administration in Life, and Government. She is the only Eternal Seed that has the ability to grow, and add value to people’s life. She is the seed hidden behind the blessings that followed the covenant behind the birth of Isaac. She is the secret of the beauty behind the birth, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. She is the secret of Joseph’s preservation during the trails he en-counted in the land of Egypt. She is the secret behind the growth of all the trees, and grasses that God called forth from the ground during the creation of the earth. She is the Secret of the Light of the Moon, and the Sun. She is the secret of the motion that keeps the earth spinning. Her field is within the heart and her harvest shows up in terms of character, words, and talent (invention). 

Divine purpose is Authority. In her lies, the greatest Authority the world has never seen before. In her lies, the power that even the Lucifer has no right to resist. In her lies, the Authority of God’s plan, and all of the operations of God Almighty depends on her. In her lies the strength of God. Without the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of Divine purpose, ignorance will enslave you from fulfilling the original plan of God for your life. She is the only Authority given to man to walk in until; we all become the evidence of His plan here on earth. 

Divine purpose is all about discovery, and the understanding of this culture called Divine purpose falls into two categories, discovering your divine purpose in God, and discovering God’s divine purpose in you. These are secrets that exists in God of which we discover (find out, realize, learn of, discern, see, locate, detect, uncover, dig up or notice). She is the Life we all must seek for because, she is the only way we have in discovering the truth and fulfilling destiny. This truth can only function when you learn, to have a personal relationship with God by studying, and mediating of God’s word.

Eccl 3:1
To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:  

God’s purpose for man – kind is the original intention within His will before He created man – kind. This is God’s end expectation behind His motive for creating man – kind. The purpose of God for man – kind according to the Book of Genesis is base on one instruction – Dress & Keep.

God’s purpose is with three resources, which are, the plan, the vision, and the principle. These three resources are involved from the journey discovery stage (in God’s mind) to the place of fulfillment in the lives of His Sons on earth.

All these resources (vision, plan, & principles) were at work before the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden. God was happy with the progress, and operations of the vision, principle, and plan in the Garden of Eden. Although Man – kind were functioning in these resources, they were not having the full details of the resources. Therefore, they were functioned according to their own level of knowledge in these three resources (principle, vision, and plan).

The fellowship and relationship between God and His Man – kind was soft, and intimate. However, when Sin came in, Man – kind lost this treasure into the hands of the sinful kingdom. This created a gap for discovery to all man – kind and this is the source of the incompleteness within all man – kind. 

Discovery is your ability to find out, realize, learn of, discern, see, locate, detect, uncover, dig up, or notice something lack.

Proverbs 25: 2It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter” becomes an experience. This is where Matthew 6:6Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” becomes an experience in the lives of God’s remnants.

The call to dress, and keep was given to Man – kind. Within the context of man – kind lies, the Male, and the Female. God instructed them to dress, and keep their generation according to what God has deposited into their lives. 

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 5:2
Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

In other words, there is more to a ladies/female’s life than her facial beauty, child bearing or been married. There is more a man/male’s life than the money, the cars, and sex. Do not belittle your self. Either you are a male or a female; you have a role to play in the dressing, and keeping within your generation. Celebrate your gender, and appreciate what God has given you. Either you are short, tall, fat or slim; you are just perfect for your destiny. There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect for the plan of God just the way you are.

Dressing and Keeping is the purpose of God for creating man - kind. The purpose succeeded for a while in the Garden of Eden but when sin took over the nature of Adam, Man – Kind lost it. Ever since, Man – Kind began to live their lives based on their own AMBITION. In other words, the purpose for Man – kind is missing. This has created the need for man – kind to search out this eternal purpose again. In this place is where DISCOVERY becomes the task to every one that believes in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The call to discover the purpose for Man – kind is for all that believe in the suffering, the death, and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This instruction is base on God’s purpose (you can call it God’s will – His end expectation) for the Man – kind He created out of His own very image and likeness. Every Man – kind created in the image of God, is to dress, and keep a specific situation within His or Her generation. There is one thing God created you to address within your generation. You are not call into this race of salvation to do everything; you have been saved for a specific assignment, which carries your purpose for existence. You may be talented in different ways but within that Grace, lays a connecting link to that specific assignment you have in God.

Jesus came to address a specific assignment (restoring man back to his original position in God). Moses came in his time to address a specific assignment (delivering the children of Israel from the hand of Pharaoh). Noah came in his own time to address a specific assignment (setting another phase of dispensation for God’s operation). Abraham came in his own time for a specific assignment (Becoming the Father of Faith). I can list more people for you but let us stop here. Within this specific assignment, which revealed their divine purpose lays the problems, and questions their generation suffered. They all dressed, and kept their generation in the way God led them.

To dress, and keep your generation is all about you discovering the problem and questions that your generation is suffering from and you responding to them with the aim of you sharing the life God has given you as a solution and answer to them. Since the power to dress, and keep, your generation has been deposited within you by God in the area of your assignment in life, all you will see in that area of assignment will be faults. Finding errors, mistakes, and faults in your areas of profession is the path to discoveries. The emptiness you witness within you is an inner awakening for you to find your place and throne in life/God.

The dress and keep God is expecting from you in the area of your assignment; you are not the first to step on it. Dress and keep has been from generation to generation. We can clearly see this in the life of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – Israel. Whatsoever is awaking you to discover your purpose is just a continuation of where some one has stop. Before God chooses you on that specific area of your assignment in life, some one just finished his own part of assignment. That error, mistake or faults you are seeing or hearing that is provoking you into discovering your place of destiny is a finished work of some one else. That fault you are seeing is a huge success some one else has achieved. That situation was been constantly improved from generation to generation before you just discovered the role you have to play. 

This is not the platform to criticize any one or insult any one. The level of success or failure you are seeing is an achievement of some one else. They paid the price for what you are seeing today. So, appreciate the level of success or failure you met on ground, and do your assignment. Just as you are looking down on the achievements of other people that looks like failure on your own sight (because of the grace within you), that will be the same way your children or unborn children will look down of what you are presently paying the price to attain according the plan of God for your life. To every generation, better opportunities are available for them to dress, and keep what they met on ground as a teenager or as a youth.

What is dressing? Dressing involves improving, inventing, and adjusting every area of your life through God’s word for the expression of God’s plan and glory to your generation. This is the sole purpose why God created you and within this process lies your ability to know, and understand the pattern, and specification of how you will dress what God has committed into your hands.

In other words, there are things you are born to improve on, invent, and adjust of which without you, no body else will be able to do. There are books that you must write. There are songs you must write or compose. There are designs you must create e.t.c. These realities are things only you can do through the God’s grace in you. If you ignore or abandon them, your generation will suffer it because; God has kept those resources in you alone. You have two choices; you live out and they receive the answer, and solution they have been waiting for or you die with the solution and answer they have been praying, and waiting for as leave them in sufferings and pains. This is going to be either your choice or your fault.

What does it mean to keep? Keeping involves preserving, maintaining and defending the major course or purpose why God created you. They are things only you have the strength, and grace to preserve, maintain, and defend un-behalf of your generation. You are a protector to a specific treasure you and your generation share in common. Only you have the grace to protect the pride, and dignity in that specific area of life God has called you to preserve, maintain, and defend. You are the one that can strengthen all God has kept within your spirit man. Rise up and take your place in God and in the Place of Destiny.

Be Inspired!


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