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Mentoring - Part 1

Mentoring is a platform where an experience individual pours out his life for others to learn from and grow to become better and stronger than him. It is not gender limited. Either you are a male or a male, you are free to mentor as many that the Lord has channel to your way but the requirement is experience.
You must have an experience to offer and your constant relationship with the Father through God’s word will determine what you will offer. This experience is not only limited to spiritual issues alone, your talent, skills, profession, and creativities are involved. Mentoring is not complete if the individual that is mentored lacks the maturity in Christ.

Mentoring is not one man’s issue. Mentoring is a platform given to different people that individually have an experience to contribute to you. The amount of mentors you will have will be determined by different potential within you. To some people, there have two mentors, to some five mentors, while to some seven mentors.

The word of God must be your foundation. Everything that your mentor will do to you and share with you must be the extension of your personal relationship with God. This will help you to always know either you are in line of the God's will. There are many people out there that claim to be mentors but they are not led by God to you and they are not ready to support and help you achieve what God has planned for your life.

Every mentor has their own limitations when it comes to them dealing with you. Mentors are not Lords over you; there are caretakers that only operates base on the Instructions from the Holy Spirit. Right from the Time of Jesus till now, God has never designed for any of his son to be Dominated by any human. Even when Jesus came to do His earthly assignment, he never bulled or dominate any of His disciples rather; He trained and taught them with truth, mercy, grace, and advance forgiveness. 

Mentor’s are not supposed to feel insecure by the self-development of their mentee. They are not expected to feel jealous due to the talent or skill their mentee possess that they lack. They are not expected to be envy when their mentee shows strength in their area of their own weaknesses. A mentor must be dead in flesh in other for him or her, to be effective in the role of assignment God has place them to do in your life. A mentor that is carnal will destroy the same thing God has brought him or her to repair, and restore in your life.

In the Garden of Eden or in Genesis1, God never created any man to rule over his fellow man. His instruction to man – kind in Genesis 1:26 was “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” From the previous scripture you will notice, no room was made for man to dominate his fellow man – kind. No body as a mentor has the power to lay any curse on you or cancel your destiny.

Every mentor the Lord has set over you has limitation because you are God’s property and not his or hers. What the Lord wants to accomplish in your life, is what will determine the level of his or her (mentor) influence in your life. They are caretakers and not Lords. They are to be respected, and not feared neither should the place of the Holy Spirit authority over your life be given to them. They are to correct, teach, rebuke, guild, and instruct you through the specification of God’s plan, revealed to them about their own assignment in influence the potential in you.

Gal 4:1-2
Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, different nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.  

The scripture above is the platform that gives room to the reality that you need both fathers in the Lord and mentors in order for you to discover God’s plan and finding your place in God. I will soon explain in detail the duty of a Father in the Lord. You can’t do it alone; partnership and teamwork is required.

The example Jesus left for us to walk in is the platform of Influence. Influence is the only acceptable platform revealed by Jesus Christ for mentoring. If Jesus is the son of the living God, and if Jesus is the man, you surrendered your life to then, you are bond to this principle called Influence. This principle establish here was first revealed through the attitude of God himself in the book of John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 

From the scripture above, you can see the power of choice and decision given to men by the God himself. If God can relate with His own creature in this manner then who are you not to obey this principle? This influence can only be effective through the power of choice, and decision you empower those you mentor to carry. Less I forget, there was a time everybody began to doubt Jesus, everyone around began to leave, he turned to His disciple and asked, (Influence, choice & decision) will you leave also? Here is God relating to what he created.

How will you know how to mentor many people since everyone is different in nature? Here is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me, train and mentor people according to the way the Holy Spirit mentored you in your personal relationship with Him. He said treat them just the way I treated you and through the way you want to be treated by others. Train or mentor every one the Lord brings to your way according to the common ground of potential dwelling in you and them. That common ground is the pattern that will reveal to you what to do, how to do them, and their own maturity gained. This is not the platform to build men to conform to your own image. This is the process of you using the best the Holy spirit has brought out of you to pull out the best God has kept in their lives. This is the platform where you give people the same freedom you are presently enjoying in Christ Jesus.

Mentoring should be a pure relationship and fellowship between the mentor and the mentee with the absence of lies, pretence, manipulation, bulling, abuse, (physical, sexual, & verbal) and domineering attitude. The call to mentor people is not a right but an opportunity given to you by God through His Grace and Mercy. An opportunity you must handle with care, disciple, and respect. The call to mentor people does not mean you are more righteous than them but it does mean, that the Lord kept you there in His (God) own account as He expects you, to mentor them through His (God) own righteousness.

Mentoring has nothing to do with age, size, background or educational qualification; it’s a lifestyle built in the Nature of Grace and Revelation.

Be inspired!


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