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God’s Purpose For YOU - Part 1

Isaiah 46:10
I have made known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: my purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.

Your Purpose in God is the principle, intention, aim, objective, goal, target, or drive behind the mind of God Almighty before he formed you into your mother’s womb. It is the original intention of the creator over his creature. It is the original motive behind the mind of God for your life. It is the power of God identifying your usefulness to your generation before he formed you into your mother’s womb.

The starting spot of your Purpose is the unsolved problems and the unanswered question dwelling in your generation. God created all creatures in this world to solve a specific problem or answer a specific question. Your clock solves the problem of time. Your phone solves the problem of communication so God created you to solve a particular problem in your generation.

Your purpose is required for invention, creativity, improvement, adjustment, and experience of Destiny through the Lifestyle of God revealed through you. The idea of your purpose is what will empower you for the success and fulfillment of the purpose in itself. Without that idea, life becomes empty, destiny becomes worthless, and there will be no plan and Life for existence.

Your purpose is the beauty, and the strength of your life. Purpose defines everything and everything carries purpose. Purpose defines God’s Glory, greatness, plan, and promises. In other words, you and God cannot operate without purpose. Purpose is the influence behind God's Ruler-ship, and Authority over your life.

The materials of your purpose are the desires, and the end - expectation in the Heart of God Almighty towards your existence. The benefit of your purpose discovery helps you to be focus in life, and in destiny. She helps you to walk on the right path God have destined for your life.

Your purpose is not a stage; she is a journey from problems to solutions, and a journey from questions to answers. This journey is of different phases that can only be express through your ideas, creativity, skills, and attitude. Your Purpose in God is the end expectation of God creation over your life. She is the foresight of God into your destiny.

The focus of your God’s given Purpose is the Solutions, and Answer your generation needs. She is your ability to meet the need of your generation through the experience of your personal relationship with God. For these to become an experience in your life and in your generation, your talent, skills, ideas and creativity must become the platform for the self-expression of your Gods given purpose.  

Your divine Purpose exists in the heart of God, it can only be revealing through the word of God by faith. As you keep, hearing or studying the God, faith is form in your heart and that helps you to have access into the heart of God.

The entity of your purpose is YOU (Talent & God’s plan). You are the entity of your purpose, although God empowers you for the fulfillment yet, you are the platform where Gods plan will manifest physically. Here is where the power that works in you (talent, skills, ideas, & creativity) helps in the fulfillment or establishment of God’s purpose in your life.

The possibility of the time you can discover your purpose in God is now! The discovery of your purpose is free but not cheap. You must discover this treasure through the process of time. How? By you, asking, seeking, and knocking for divine revelation in your personal relationship/fellowship with God’s word.

Your Purpose is design by God to add value and beauty to your generation. She makes Life easier for the people around you, and also helps you to function more effective. She carries the power to help you in this journey of destiny, and fulfillment. She carries the authority, the power, and the Life for your manifestation.  

The value of your divine purpose dwells in the power of your Discoveries through the studying of God’s word.

Be Inspired!


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