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God's Purpose For You - Your Only Platform.

Your divine purpose for existence designed by God is your only platform for fulfillment and for the expression of God’s glory within you. His purpose is the beauty that adds value and strength to your existence. His purpose for your life is the original foundation for building your faith. His purpose for you is your strength for survival in the midst of discouragement. His purpose for your life is the only platform where your ideas can function properly.

His purpose for your life is the peace, and rest you deserve in the midst of your search for your place or spot in destiny. Nothing can ever make you worth living without His purpose for your life. His purpose for your life is the courage you need whenever the challenge of life confront you. His purpose for your life is the strength of your skills, and talent. His purpose for your life is the expression of His love to your life. Nothing can ever enthrone a man better than God’s purpose for His or Her life.

Your platform is your God’s ordain throne for administrating your co – authority with God here on earth. This is the place allocated to you by God for creativity, and manifestation. This is the throne of life where you become an extension of the kingdom of God on earth. Your potential and skills cannot function in God’s nature without this platform. This is the only thing the devil respects and this is your only place for God’s covering, and protection. 

His purpose is the source of your Faith, Confidence, and Courage in the journey of salvation. Everything you will ever have and will become must be rooted in His purpose for your life. This is the beauty, and strength of His plans and provision for your life. This reality stood as a pillar that sustained Jesus before, during and after His assignment.

This is where the issue of ministry and maturity comes to play. Maturity is all about the principles, preparation, or training the Lord will use people and situation to accomplish in your life. Ministry is all about the Divine Encounters you need to experience with God, in order for you to function in your calling, and assignment here on earth. This is the process of your spirit – man and your physical body been trained to fit into the pattern and specification of your divine assignment here on earth. This training takes place from the within, to the outside and it begins with faith through the birthing of God words or instruction in your life.

For you to come to the full understanding of this lifestyle, you must see the value and respect attached to it. God’s purpose for your life is your sure platform. You need a platform that is, the total summary of your character; talent, and ideas can only function when you have been able to obtain your platform (His purpose).

You are a king in a specific area of this life, and your throne is God’s purpose for your life. The light in the darkest part of your life lies in God’s purpose for your life. This is the Life that can enable you to function is His purpose for your life. You are hopeless and helpless without His purpose for your life.

Your strength will amount to nothing without the discovery and acceptance of His purpose for your life. Bringing it to the place of ministry, you must understand that your talent, skills, and creativity will never yield fruits unto righteousness if you refuse to acknowledgement His purpose for your life. The Life and Strength for your talent, skills, and creativity will depend on the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom within His purpose for your life. You can never be establishing in life if you have no idea about His purpose for your life. 

His purpose is the material that created His plan of which will be your assignment. You are a co – God with God, you are a co – king with Jesus, you are a co – Lord with our Lord Jesus Christ, and you are a co – leader with Christ in your area of talent, skill, creativity, and assignment in life here on earth. From the very day God formed you into your mother’s womb, you have be endowed with lots of creativity, idea, talent, and skills.

For all of these qualities to function according to God’s expectation and desire for your life, you need the discovery of His purpose in details. The process of your potential influencing, and having impact on your generation according to God’s expectation will all depend on the percentage, of His purpose you have discovered about yourself in Him.

Having potential without the awareness of His purpose for your life is just like a gun without bullets. The situation will not be easy at all and this is the reason why some humans suffer today. This is the reason why some talented, creative, and skilled personnel’s ends up in destruction by the same potentials that was meant to produce life. Every idea, creativity, skills, and talent has a spiritual principle that must be obeyed. If this process is aborted, destiny will become void.

 These potential are resources that God and Satan needs for self-expression for their individual plan and purposes. In a sentence, your potential needs God for proper manifestations. Your potential is a high demanded asset for the indwelling and expressions of divine plan (purpose) here on earth. 

His Purpose + your talent = Ministry

There will never be any Life given ministry on earth if you do not have an intercourse (Relationship) with His purpose through your talent. Ministry is made up of these two personalities. The talent is God’s platform for revealing His plan, and His (God’s) purpose is the Beauty, and Life of your talent. 

His purpose is your only platform for discovering the Life, the understanding, the knowledge, the wisdom, and the specification of the assignment planned for your existence before you were form into your mother’s womb. In other words, your talent is the only platform where God have access to express Himself.

Talents are inborn ability within us. They are the skill, gift, capacity, fitness, tendency, or endowment dwelling in us. It is the act of been competent, been skillful, been original, been inventive, been resourceful, been clever and been creative in whatsoever you are naturally good in doing or expressing.
In your talents lies the reality of your original identity. We can also see talent as natural ability to do something well, especially in artistic, creativity, artwork, singing, talking, composition of poem & songs. There are the potentials dwelling on the inside of us. These substances are treasures that must be discover, and express according to the expectation of God for your life. These are the natural abilities dwelling within us. Some of these talents are inborn that needs to be developed through training. 

The most dangerous thing about talent is this; it has the influence that can take you out of your divine purpose for existence. If you do not learn how to manage it through God’s word, it will cause you more harm. Within your talent lies, the power of fame and glory. Within your talent lies the power of popularity that can influence people to start adoring the talent in you instead of God. No matter the depth of your talent discovery, always acknowledge that your divine purpose in God is more necessary than the manifestation of the talent that dwells in you. 

The beauty of your talent is within your God’s given purpose. Your talent without God’s purpose for your life is a waste of resources while, God’s purpose without your talent is a waste of strength.

The talent within you is the material God needs in you, for the fulfillment of His divine purpose for your life.

Talent is the not the totality of a fulfilled destiny on earth; talent is just part of the materials that makes destiny complete. It is not the major focus. Divine purpose is the focus, and this, defines everything around it. Talent is just an influence within the plan of God that enables you to carry out God’s plan without stress. 

By divine revelation, talent is an earthly body that carries, and expresses the strength and beauty of God’s Nature. Talents are image and experience that reveal the creative power of God Almighty. She is the natural material deposited into man to display to the earth God’s ability, and creativity. Discover yourself and be the person God has created you to be. The only response you need to make in life is your ability to say yes to the call of your destiny.

You are the best in your own role of assignment here on earth! Take charge of what the Lord has kept with you and be free to be what God has called you to be.

In other words, you must learn to stay connected to the people around you through your talent. Look out for common ground and common interest surrounding your talent and relate with people through them or learn to relate with other people through their own God’s given talent. You can also learn to relate with people that has talents that compliments your own talent. It is not about similarity alone, it is about complimentary too. People will only feel secure and confident to relate and communicate with you when you approach them with ideas or conversations they can relate or find connection.

Be confident of what you have discovered and help others to discover and be confident on their personalities discovered 

Ministry is God, joining His hand with you as a team – mate in bringing to pass His plans, and purpose for your life. This is the reality of His desires, and expectation in His mind before He formed you into your mother’s womb. This is the beauty of salvation. This is the Glory of our kingdom in God.

His Plan + your skills = Maturity

 Your skills is the intellectual ability that gives voice to the plan of God and it is structure that enable the spiritual plan to have physical expression. You need to break forth from the normal and the usual. This is your season, and you must embrace every divine resource at your reach. The Holy Spirit awaits you, and all you have to do is ask Him to led and tutor you into the experience of God’s plan and purpose for your life.

Maturity is not a stage but a process. The seasons in your life, the plan of God, and your ability to have all it takes to fulfill that plan of God’s plan, holds the definition of maturity in God’s kingdom.
There’s no limit and no boundaries. This is your day. Embrace this Revelation in Christ, and enter into your REST.

Be Inspired!


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