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Stop Begging, it's Time to Stand Out - Part 2

Standing out is all about re-newing your mind, re-positioning yourself, and allowing your mind – set to be prepared through the influence of the Revelation of God’s word revealed to you. This is the expression of the Hope of Christ dwelling in you. The outpouring of the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom gained in your personal relationship with God. This is the expression of your talent and skills. It’s a process, and not a stage. This is not automatic. She is the journey that begins with Faith and ends with experience. Within the standing out process lies a price tag. There is a specific knowledge, understanding, skill, attitude, and wisdom required for beaming the Light in you. From the above explanation, there are three foundations you must stand or depend on to Stand out.

- Knowledge.
- Understanding.
- Wisdom. 

The knowledge will offer you the idea, the understanding will offer you the vision and the wisdom will offer you principle required for you to function in God’s kingdom. You can only attain this specific knowledge through the studying of God’s word: this word will birth faith into you and you will gain the idea required for beaming the Light in you. You can only attain this specific understanding when you learn to meditate on the idea the word of God, has birthed into you. This helps you to believe and through that, the Vision required for the beaming of the Light in you will be revealed. You can only attain the required wisdom needed for the beaming of the Light in you by you observation how the vision relates with your environment or your day-to-day living. This process is what builds trust in you and leads you to the principle required for you in beaming your Light.

These personalities operate these ways. These are laid down patterns. On these foundations stand four pillars of destiny. Within these four pillars of destiny lies the framing or making process for you to stand out. You are born or created to shine and lighten up this dark world.

These three foundations are Life and streams that flows from the secret place of the Lord Most High – closet. These foundations are for the waiters i.e. those that are possess by the Spirit of the Father in the closet. They are set of people who are students in the closet or students of the Holy Spirit.

Irrespective of the oneness we share in Christ, beaming of your Light is going to be through a different dimension according to the specification of God’s assignment in your life yet it will be from the same source CHRIST.

The level of you standing out will be determined by the level of your relationship with the Father, and your fellowship with the Holy Spirit. For your information, you have beamed some percentage of your light, you are presently beaming some percentage of your light and you will beam more of your light in future if you continue walk in Christ. Standing out is in phases, and it must be firm on the instruction from your personal relationship with God.

God Almighty is the source of your the Light that dwells in you. The ability of Him working through your life will require the presence of His Purpose and the talent he has preserved in your life. Within these two personalities (purpose & talent) lie the specific knowledge, understanding, and wisdom required. In this knowledge, understanding, and wisdom driven from His purpose, and talent discovery comes focus, truth, discipline, and determination as a nature in you. These natures offer you the experience, which will show forth as your Light. 

It all begins from discoveries. The discoveries you have gain from the foundations of knowledge, understanding and wisdom is what will birth focus, discipline, determination and truth into your heart or spirit – man. The first phase of your discovery that carries knowledge contains 30%, the second phase of your discovery that contains understanding carries 60% and the third phase of your discovery that contains wisdom that carries 100%. Every discovery is a built up and these three phases will depend on each other to function or manifest.

It takes discoveries to gain knowledge, it takes discoveries to gain understanding and it takes discoveries to gain wisdom. These discoveries lie in the instruction Matthew 7:7 that demand you to ask, seek, and knock. In other words, Standing out is the journey of discovering God's plan at different levels of relationship, and fellowship with the Words, and His Spirit.

With the above information, we can now come to the spot of getting the full Revelation about the four pillars of Life. They are four in Nature; focus, discipline, determination and truth.

Truth is the fruit or pillar of the foundation is sweet and bitter in nature. This is the first one that will be available to you. This truth is the original idea in God's mind before He set His desire into a plan format. This is the original concept or precept or the raw material of God’s intention before His plan set out.

This truth is the strength of the plan, purpose, principle and provision of God made available for your life before you were form into your mother’s womb. This truth is a lifestyle or a spirit that must possess you through discoveries. She is the culture that will configure the way you think, act and relate with the people around you. She is Eternal in Nature and within her lays the same authority and Life that dwells in God. She is the strongest of all and in her lies the spot of an Encounter with the plan of God.

At this level, we have the foundations that will determine the process of you standing out according to the expectations of God concerning your life.

Discipline is one of the Natures required. She is a lifestyle or an attitude of you ignoring what you like and enjoy in order for you to gain experiences of God’s revelation in your Spirit – man that came through discoveries in your personal relationship with God. She is the life of sacrifice that brings pains and teaches you the attitude of patience. She is the Life force that will create development and growth in your life. This is the hidden resource dwelling in Grace. She does not abort the power of God’s Grace given to you but it does bring you awareness to the required and specified plan needed for your enthronement in CHRIST. 

Here is the place of transformation. A place of putting off sinful nature and putting on God's nature in order to fit into the required, and specific Nature of God for the beaming of the Light in you. For you to stand out according to the expectations of God; there is a required attitude, mind – set and communication skill required. In the same light, some desires, and expectations of your heart that does not support God’s plan will be remove. This Spirit must possess you through pain and patience that is offer through revelation discovered. 

Here is the place where the Holy Spirit will help you to locate your natural abilities that will be required for the beaming of your Light. Just as the word of the Lord is a lamb to your feet and lamp to your path so revelation, will be a lamb to your feet, (heart) and your talent will be the light to your path (ministry). The revelation is your anchor while your talent is the platform. In the place of discipline holds the understanding of these insights

Focus is one of the Natures for beaming your Light. Focus is not the absence of distraction; she is the presence of distraction but you maintaining your aim through the influence of the revelation in your spirit. The discipline in you through the God’s Grace is the life that will help or back up the strength and willingness to be focus. Discipline in God’s grace is the pillar for focus and it takes the revelation within that discipline to maintain your walk in Christ.

Determination is a life style that will usher you into the place of experience and Son-ship in our Father’s kingdom. This is the life that keeps you more at the spot when you have the option to quit. This option might be base on you been confused or been in pain. She is the life that enables you to endure the pains and challenges as she reveals to you the Light of Hope that contains the fulfillment of the revelation in your Spirit – man.

She is the Life that will never see death as an excuse to quit growing and improving or walking towards the revelation in your spirit – man. She is the life that will influence you to a spot in God where you have to be dead to your own desires and expectations in order for you to be alive to the revelation in your spirit – man. She is the life within the covenant of God and she is the Nature or the attitude of God. She usher you into the place of enthronement according to your assignment in your Father’s kingdom. She is the life that ushers you into the place of you experiencing a personal Encounter with the Life given Spirit of God’s Nature.

You need to embrace this revelation and submit to it. It’s time for you to break forth. Don’t stop at discovering this Revelation, Understand it. Don’t stop at understanding this Revelation, practice it. 

God Bless You...

Be Inspired!


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