There is a calling upon your life. Don't give up...hold on to the word of God.
No matter how much people mock you or reject you...dare to run with every instruction the Lord gave to you.
If you can't be comfortable obeying God...even when people don't approve it....then you don't have respect for your future.
The devil won't sit and watch you embrace and enjoy Gods plan for your life. You need to be ready to war with every prophecy the Lord has given you.
You must be ready to stand on the truth of Gods. Don't give up. I AM NOT WRITING THAT THIS WILL BE EASY BUT I AM ASSURING YOU THAT IT WORTH IT.
FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. I feel your pain and you are not the only one in this frustration....we all in this body of Christ, have our own share of pain, mockery and rejection from people we love. It's part of the walk in Faith.
Be encouraged!
HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.