Healthy relationships can only be cultivated by healthy people.
Abused people, abuse others. Broken hearts, can easily victimize other people.
Revenge is not the way forward. Ask the Lord to heal you of your hurting heart, before you step into another Relationship.
Don't let the misbehaviour of Mr John to make you to be rude to Mr. Peter. Dont let the bad character of Miss. Juliet to make you treat Miss Joy with disrespect. Transfer aggression on people or things is a sign of IMMATURITY. Don't be like them.
Don't expect people to complete you. Be healed and restored from your past hurts and disappointment first but you decide to love again.
Remember, healthy hearts and people only are the ones that has the capacity to cultivate healthy relationship and marriage.
Drop your past and don't import your past into the presence or into the way you treat and talk to the people around you now.
Its time you allow the Holy Spirit to heal your heart and restore your confidence again.
HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.
*Baba Love*