From the look of things, the rate of divorce cases in town will continue to rise and RISE as more EMPOWERED WOMEN find themselves married to ENTITLED MEN.
Now some men may find this truth a bit hard to swallow. I understand.
But it is a FACT.
The more young women get educated and empowered, the less capacity for bullshit and double standards they are willing to accept.
So is there a solution to the crises?
Either we as men must now get to grips with this new reality OR just go and marry a simple village girl.
But even then, I'm pretty sure The Kardashians and Big Brother Nigeria will soon bring her up to speed sooner or later with the rest of her kin.
Understand your temperament and rules and make adjustments where necessary early enough.
The numbers are climbing. Don't be another statistic.
The lady youre dating is your wife not slave. A partner not punchbag.