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I want you to understand that love and relationship is built on the foundation of NECESSITY.

It is beyond desire or feelings. The only reason for one to engage in any kind of relationship should be on HEALTHY PLANS AND GOALS.

Any relationship without a defined plan and goal is just a stagnant journey of regrets.

My sisters, the first thing to ask a man is not...DO YOU LOVE ME? The first question should be...WHAT IS YOUR PLAN AND GOALS?

My brother, before that lady says yes to your marriage sure to understand and know her plans and goal for her future....and if her goals and plans for her future will help you.

Mature ladies don't compare Mr. Alex with Mr. John...neither do matured men compare Miss Juliet and Miss Mary. *Matured people compares plans and goals with people to see if they can COOPERATE AND FUNCTION TOGETHER.*

It's not about who is more pretty. It's not about who is more handsome or who has more money. It's not about who has more curves, shapes and figures. It's not about who prays the most, who can speak more in tongues or who is more grounded in Gods Word.

*As a lady or man, its about whose plan and goal is in agreement with your plan and goal.*

*As a man, can you help nurture her, cultivate her, teach her, and instruct her from execution....base on her kind of goals and plans?*

*As a lady, is your plans and goals for living having the capacity to help this man's goals and plans for living?*

Before you fully decide to love some one...first of all - know their plans and goals for life... If you can't love it, don't try to loving their person.

How can you love some one when you don't even accept and love their plans and goals? Their plans and goals has alot to do with their if you don't have interest in their plans and goals....and if their plans and goals won't help your plans and goals.....there is no point having a committed relationship heading to marriage with them.

Healthy relationship and the future is more about PLANS AND GOALS. If you are lazy without a plan and goal for living...ask the Holy Spirit to help you. If you are hard working without a plan and goal for your life and future...ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

Be inspired!
HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.



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