I want you to be careful and sensitive to what you do to people, and what you do for people.
I want you to be aware that there are consequences in life over every thing you do to people and do for people.
What you don't make happen for people is what you will continually lack in your own life.
The same strength you use to hinder the opportunity of people is the same strength that will keep you stagnant.
It's okay to secretly keep fighting some one because when you are tired...that's when some will do the same to you.
What you sow is what you reap.
When you help people, you are doing it for yourself... Because, you will reap help in your times of stress.
Be wise and understand that as Gods family...all we do to people and for people are seeds we are sowing.
You are not doing any body a favour....your experience today is the harvest of what you did to people and did for people in the past.
Be careful of how you choose your experience for the future....through what you do to people and what you do for people.
There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.
HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.