The gift of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit are all product of the indwelling of the Word of God in you.
Your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit must be through the written or spoken Word of God. Without the Word of God, there is no way you will learn to understand and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with you when you ignore the Word of God. Where the God of Word abound, there the Holy Spirit dwell.
If you want to learn how to relate with the Holy Spirit, the first step is you learning how to study and meditate the Word of God.
It's time to learn how to relate with the Holy Spirit THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD.
The Holy Spirit will always speak with, and through the Word of God.
Be inspired and do all you can to grow in your walk with the Holy Spirit THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD.
HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.