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Oh prophets and prophetess

THE PROPHETIC CLAN  Seeds of Abraham, I celebrate you all and I want to use this chance to share Gods mind with you all. The greatest ministration in the Old Testament was prophets and prophetess turn the heart of the Child of God back to him. Any time the child of God turn their back from God, God always send a prophet or prophetess to turn their heart back to the Lord. If the prophecy and vision or any prophetic instruction is not reconciling people back to their personal relationship with the Lord, the purpose of the prophetic is not fulfilled. Whenever kings wanted to do anything or make any official step within the kingdom, they consult the prophet to know the mind of God concerning the matters. This is what happened in the Old Testament but now the prophetic is not needed to help people to get to know the mind of God concerning matters alone. This has stepped up to another level of teaching people to get to have a one on one relationship with the Holy Spirit to know...

Love is who you are!

LOVE CULTURE NETWORK Lovers, I want you to understand that God never created you to be looking for who will love you and accepted you. What God created you to become is a loving and acceptable person to yourself and your generation. God loved you so much and His love will be fulfilled in you becoming love personified.  God’s love towards you is on a mission and assignment which is making you love personified. Till you become Gods love to your generation, Gods love to you is not yet fulfilled.  Your first responsibility as a believer is to allow God to love you and accept Gods love. The Second is you walking and fellowshipping in the love God has shown you. The third is you becoming love personified.  Dear lover, you are not a lover because you are dating a man or lady in your life now. You were created and born to become a lover. Your daily activity should reveal you as a lover to everyone that comes across your path. 

What is beauty?

 My sisters,  I celebrate you all. I want to use this chance to make you understand that being a female is a calling. Discovering and functioning in the capacity of a lady or a female capacity is not something you can do in the flesh. It is something or a lifestyle that can be done through your submission to the leadership and authority of Jesus Christ. You must go keep embracing your personal relationship with the person of Jesus if you must succeed in becoming the lady God has created you to become.  When you don’t have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit through the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you will get frustrated in becoming the lady God has created you to become. Beauty is the nature of God and the only gender that is permitted to express beauty is the female gender. What is beauty? Beauty is in four phases namely; physical, social, intellectual and spiritual. You must be able to discover and improve your life in these four directions. The beauty God c...

Being A Man is A Calling

My brothers,  I celebrate you all. I want to use this chance to make you understand that being a man is a calling. Discovering and functioning in the capacity of a man or male gender is not something that can be done outside the nature of Christ. You must go back to your source if you must function according to your ordinary design. When you don’t have Jesus as the Lord and master of your heart, it becomes impossible for you to function in the capacity of a male gender. Discovering your original assignment and purpose in Christ can only be discovered and expressed when you make Jesus the king of your heart.  This is your day and I encourage you to become more committed to your personal relationship with Jesus and the person of Jesus. Being a man is being matured. You have to be matured physically, socially, intellectually, and spiritual. Maturity is all about constant improvement, being creative and solution oriented physically, socially, intellectually, and ...

It is Time to Serve

Seed’s of Abraham, Let us all remembered that Jesus came into this world. He did come to be served, he came to serve. Only a compassionate heart that is ready to serve the growth of Gods people has the full strength of the prophetic. We are all sons and daughter of God but our reign is not in ruling but in serving. This also imply to the prophetic calling and assignment. Seek to serve, not for yourself or greed but for the revealing and execution of Gods plan in the lives of God people. Be encouraged! POETS, WRITERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKER Beloved of God,  Rekindle the fire of your passion with God’s word and through the fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Many things can inspire you but the real inspiration lies in your full engagement with the studying of God’s word and in the constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Inspiration is everything but the source of every inspiration matters the most. If the source of your inspiration is not God then it is wrong no matter the ...

Be Wise!

TALENT WITH EXCELLENCE Beloved of God,  It is time to allow your kind of talent to dictate the kind of people you permit as your friend. It is time for you to allow the kind of talent to determine the direction of yourself development, research, and questions to ask.  Be encouraged! LEADERS  Beloved of God,  The success of your leadership is in how well you have lead yourself. This is the true success story of a true leader. It is time to release the leader trapped within your life. Depend on the Holy Spirit and let the word of God to direct your decisions, desires and expectation as a leader. THERE IS A LEADER WITHIN YOU.  Be encouraged!

Pray Rightly

As youths you must learn that prayer is not a tool you use or a quick fix drug you take to get relief from any problem. Prayer is a communication and communication is not about talking alone, it is also about listening. If you have being talking to God and not expectant to listen or hear from him, you are wrong.  They are three things you must expect when you pray; CLARITY, DIRECTION AND INSTRUCTION. You don’t pray to God in other for God to do it for you. You pray to receive instruction, direction, and clarity of how to do it. God is calling us to responsibility!   Be encouraged!


I have always heard people say to people, mind your business but the sad thing is you as an individual you are not minding your business. Your life is your business. How have you being taking care of your attitude, manner of approach, and mindset? When was the last time you improved them? How have you being taking care of your creative ideas, goals and vision? When was the last time you upgraded them to fit into the demand life is throwing at you? How have you being taking care of your own values and priority? Are they in alignment to the word of God? ARE YOU REALLY MINDING YOUR BUSINESS? How have you being managing the usage of your time? The things and people you spend your time with, have they contributed positive improvement in your character, mindset and manner of approach?  If the quality of your life now is used to dictate the healthy state of Nigeria or your country, with such country be healthy or unhealthy? ARE YOU REALLY MINDING YOUR BUSINESS? The films you watch, th...

What are you lacking?

Mentors,  WHAT DO YOU LACK?  Always remember this is one of your greatest assets in life and destiny. You are not supposed to feel intimidated or inferior because of what you lack. What you lack is pointer to what you need to learn and develop within your own life. What you lack is meant to drive you to a place of being more committed to your life in learning and becoming what you lack. You are still a mentor irrespective of what you lack.  Be encouraged! 

Lover or Figher

Lovers, I celebrate you all and I want you to understand the fight of love. Every lover is not a fighter and every lover must not actually be in a relationship to be a lover. Being a lover is more of a mindset and attitude. You are a lover with or without a relationship with the opposite gender. Lovers are meant to love and not fight. You are not a fighter, stop fighting your friends or the person you are in a relationship. In every misunderstanding, identify the real issue and fight it. Don’t fight your lover but fight the situation that is causing misunderstanding between you and your lover or people around you. Protect your lover but deal with the statement you don’t like. Rescue your lover but deal with the attitude in him or her that is offending you. Redeem your lover but deal with any ungodly mindset, attitude and manner of approach in his or her life that does not glorify God.  You are a lover and not a fight. Love people but fight any attitude in them that is not i...

focus on the necessity

Believers of Christ,  Were you saved by God to fight the devil or you were saved by God to discover and fulfil her plans for your life? It’s high time we redefine what Christianity really mean. We spend so much time fight the devil and we spend less time seeking to know and execute the major reason why Jesus redeemed us. You were saved by Jesus to discover Gods plan and execute it. Focus on the plan of God and if the devil disturbs you, resist him and continue with the execution of the plan of God. stop acting like the only assignment in Christianity is to fight and defeat the devil. Focus on the necessity – the Plan of God.  Be encouraged 

MEN, Serve Your Generation

Dear brothers,  You are a man and authority lies on your shoulder. I want you to know the full prove of maturity within the authority God has given you as a man is in your ability to serve. Love is about serving. Responsibility is all about serving. Even Jesus said that the greatest is the he or she that chose to serve first even serving the least.  Being a man is not about controlling people, it’s in your Godly influence. It’s in the Godly values you impact on other people. It is in making people’s lives better than the way they were before you met them. It is in your ability to protect, and lead the people around you into what God has called them to become. It is in you protecting people from their own ignorance and from any form of abuse. It is in cultivating the potential, and talent in people; helping people to realize they are the best in their talent and creativity. It’s in nurturing characters, mind set and manner of approach. Above all, being a man is in the qua...


Dear sisters,  Aside the fact that you are in a relationship, what is the other achievement you have achieved? You are a lady but you were not just created for relationship and marriage. There is more to your life even thou you are a relational being. God’s original design for you is you becoming a life giver, solution and answer to a specific question, problem and error in this generation. Listen to your passion and embrace your personal walk with the Holy Spirit. Allow the light of God’s word to direct your thoughts, decision and expectation. You are created and called by God as a suitable helper in this generation. Anything or relationship that do not in any way contribute to this must be avoided by you. Be deliberate about your life and allow acknowledge that with or without a man dating you, you still have value and assignment to fulfil in this generation.  Be encouraged!


The fulfillment of a man or woman in the prophetic office or gift is in the establishment of his or her successor. fathers dont raise children, they  raise fathers. prophet raise prophets. WHERE ARE THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE PROPHETIC CLAN YOU HAVE BIRTHED. be challenged #hopeexpression

Be Committed to your self

Beloved, i celebrate you. if you can be committed to inspiring your self, investing in your personal self development and seeking the lord to show you your calling and assignment on earth here just the way you are committed in charging the battery of your phone, then your life will gain more fulfillment. the greatest asset you need at this point in life is yourself. its time to cultivate a personal relationship with yourself. its time you pay more attention to your self. it is to to understand your own passion, doubts and worries. and also time to seek the lord for direction. you cant keep living your life like this. you were created for me and you deserve more. be encouraged #hopeexpression

Dont be lazy

Beloved, dont wait for some one else to do for you what GOD has design for you alone to do for your self. indeed, GOD will raise destiny helpers for you but he wants to see how committed you are to your own life and what he has called you to do. DESTINY HELPER IS NOT FOR LAZY PEOPLE, PEOPLE THAT PROCRASTINATE AND MAKE EXCUSES. dont be like them. be more,committed to your life. study the word of GOD, pray, plan, set achieveable goals, set deadlines, be committed, and focus. its your duty to take care of your self. IF YOU DONT, WHO WILL? be encouraged. #hopeexpression


Beloved, When people make their self too expensive for you in the area of relationshipor association, please kindly make your attention too expensive for them too. #smiles# only proud people feels they are doing you a favour for associating with you. life is a previledage and so should relationship and association be. i tell you a secret, people that despise you, or reject you are succeeding simply because, you have made you attention so cheap for them to access. place a price tag on yourself. value those that value you. be committed to people that are committed to you. THIS IS NOT SELFISHNESS, i call this SELF RESPECT. DONT SETTLE FOR LESS. #hopeexpression

Prophetic clan 02

One of the major assignment of the prophet is not just prophecy and seeing vision of peoples challenges or solution. The assignment in the prophetic is POINTING PEOPLE TO THE PLAN AND PURPOSE OF GOD FOR THEIR LIVES. Another side of it is RECONCILING THE PEOPLE BACK TO THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GOD IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR FAULTS OR MISTAKES. The beauty of prophecy and vision is when it empowers the people of God to know and understand Gods Plan for their lives and also gain the clarity of their direction in life and destiny according to the intention of God. The prophetic dont only solves problem for people of God alone but it helps the people to understand what God wants to use that problem to achieve in their lives. Be encouraged and enlighten WE ARE THE SEED OF ABRAHAM, THE SEED OF THE PROPHETIC AND THE SEED OF FAITH.

Priest and Prophet 01

Priest and Prophets, I celebrate you all As a man, you have the calling of being a priest and a prophet to your life and all the people God has committed into your hand. Just as it was in the beginning, the male gender was DRESS AND KEEP. This is still the mandate on the shoulder of every male Gender. Dont just see the faluts alone, DRESS AND KEEP via the Word of God and through your understanding drvien from your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and Gods Word. DRESS IT. The first place to begin is with or in your own life. KEEP IT. The first place to begin is with or in your own life. With the Holy Spirit and the influence,of Gods Word, rise and be the Priest and Prophet God has created you to become. You are a Man and yes, you are the male gender designed to DRESS AND KEEP. Be encouraged! #hopeexpression

Crowned King 01

Crowned king, i celebrate you all. Being a man is a responsibility and a calling. You were not created to survive alone but impact also. There is an original purpose and assignment of God upon your life. LIFE is more than sex, power and money. Life is about impact and value. You are a plus to the existence of of the,human word. Guard your kingdom with prayers and Godly motives and attitude. Be responsible and dont let any thing or any one in your care suffer defent in the hands,of ignorance and careless. Heal the world and make it a better place. Dont contribute to the bleeding, tears and pains thats already on Ground. Be committed to the Holy SPIRIT and the studying of Gods word. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO BECOME THE CROWNED KING GOD HAS CREATED YOU TO BE. BE ENCOURAGED! #hopeexpression

Love Culture 01

Love Culture, i celebrate you all. The need of human is a necessity in this race of destiny. Human relation is an experience thats greater than gender. You will never enjoy the fruit of the male or female gender if you,have not respect for the human race. Human relatiion is a necessity for doing any thing GOD has called you to do and designed you to do.  You can not survive alone by yourself. YOU NEED PEOPLE AND PEOPLE NEEDS YOU. Dont despise any one and dont be timid. In friendly and allow the wisdom of God, to guild you. To become any,thing in this world called earth, you must learn how to talk and treat people below and above you with truth and respect. NO GENDER IS OLDER, SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO THE HUMAN RACE. Love is the HUMAN CULTURE. Be inspired!

Crowned Queen 01

Crowned queen, i celebrate you all I want you to know,that it wont cost God any thing to give you a caring lover. And as for you thats already in a healthy relationship, i want to draw your attention to this reality. Relationship is not a achievement but a tool or a weapon for impact and destiny. If you are still single, what will you use yiur relationship to achieve if God givea you a loving, caring and healthy relationahip? To you thats already in a relationship, what are using your relationship to achieve? How are you using your single life to feed the need,of God or kingdom mandate? How are you using your present relationship to feed the need,of God or kingdom mandate? Be delibrate about,your life. You are a lady and you are a crowned queen with or without a man or dating. Be encouraged! #hopeexpression

LADIES: Suitable Helpers 01

I want to encourage you to be delibrate about your life and decision. As a lady, dont just wait for things to happen, be delibrate anout the cause of events in your life. Arise and settle your days, goals and plan on your knees in the place of prayer. You are full of Gods wisdom and you must open your heart to study the word of God. Study the word of God in other to know,what to do, say, desire and plan. As a lady, you are a suitable helper and if you can embrace the Holy Spirit who is your suitable helper, you will understand how to function well as a suitable helper to your self, your generation or your spouse, or future husband. Guard your your heart with Gods word. Your gender as a female is a ministry and assignment. be encouraged #hopeexpression

Prophetic Clan 02

Irrespective of the heavy flow of the move of the spirit and the strong supernatural experience, TEST EVERY PROPHECY WITH THE SCRIPTURE.  If it does not reflect the lifestyle of Jesus then its not of God. The value and respect of a prophet or prophetess must be judged with the relfection of the lifestyle of Jesus in his or her life. you are in the prophetic clan We are the seed of Abraham. The seed from the first Prophet and father of Faith. Our identity is the lifestyle of Jesus. be inspired! #hopeexpression

Prophetic Clan 01

THE PROPHET The prophet is an individual blessed by God to see, sense, hear and understand issues about people and situation in a supernatural way. Over the past 17 years, i have learnt that every believer of Christ has a measure of the prophetic. Most people dont observe or operate in this measure because of lack of understand or absence from fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. Some prophets will hate for this but this is real. THE PROPHETIC IS A GIFT OF GOD TO INDIVIDUAL AND CAN FUNCTION WITH OR WITHOUT GOD. hat is why its so hard to identify a fake prophet or a prophet that God has abandoned. The prophet is like a gifted person with the natural ability to see into the supernatural. The measure of the prophetic in each believers are determined by the assignment God has destined for individual. we have two set of prophets. we have prophet God has sent to the body of Christ, the church at large and they are prophets God has sent to the Nations. whereever each belong is not due t...

Witchcraft and Salvation

Beloved of God!  I greet you all.  What is the status of your salvation?  Many people wants the blessing but don't want to have a relationship with the one that blesses.  Salvation and testimony is no longer about building, marriage, money and achievements -even thou is part of God's provision - but it must be centered on your growth in the knowledge of God and his plans for your life.  Warfare is really but the church has abandoned the real war. Fighting the witchcraft is good but do you have the understanding why the witch is fighting you? So you think it's your marriage, money, stagnation, your death and your loved ones the devil is interested in? No way!  Victory is not you defeating the plans of the devil. Victory is in you continuing in doing the plan of God you were doing before the devil attacked you.  Before the devil attacked you, what were you doing? What was that prophecy? What was that vision? Defeating the pl...

Priest and Prophets (Male Gender)

I celebrate you all  Every male gender is meant to be a priest and prophet over the lives of those God has given to him.  People around you should not be lacking the knowledge of the current plan and will of God.  People around you should not be comfortable with prayerlessness and lack of studying God's word!  You are a priest as a male gender to all the female and male gender God has kept under your care.  This is a divine call upon all male gender. either you are married or single. You are a prophet as a male gender. No one around you neither you should lack the clarity of their God's given calling, purpose and vision in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and the Holy Spirit is the strength of the prophetic.  This is what is expected of you as a male gender.   Walk with the Holy Spirit and stay on your guard!  Be the man God has created you to be!  Be encouraged!   #HopeExpre...

Principles of Giving

Luke 6:36   **Giving* .     The principle of giving given to me from the Holy Spirit is so amazing.  Giving is in three dimensions ;  Giving to God.  Giving to yourself.  Giving to other people.  The foundation of giving is *necessity* and the strength of necessity is *a* *need* . What is giving?  Giving is a lifestyle, an attitude, and a culture. it is sharing what you have to meet the need of some one.  Giving becomes a must when it is necessary. Necessity is determined by timing of the need of an individual.   What do you have? Giving is you giving what you have. Your smile, presence, advice, thinking pattern, prayers, knowledge etc are treasures within you. What's the quality of what you are offering people? Do you give in other to manipulate people or to be a blessing to them?  The beauty of giving is TIME AND VALUE.   Be encouraged and be led by  the ...

Dimensions of Mentoring

Mentor's!   Understanding your assignment as a mentor. Mentoring is the most difficult assignment I have gone through under the leadership of the Holy Spirit  In other to mentor people effectively, you must be dead to the following : Your desire.  Your expectation.  Your understanding.  Mentoring people is not about what you desire for them. It is about what God has desired for them and what their calling will demand from them. Mentoring people is not about your expectation. It is about the expectation of God concerning their lives. It is about what their God's given calling would expect from them. Mentoring people is not about your understanding. It is about God's instruction to you. Because you don't understand them does not mean they are off track. You duty to teach and instruct : it is God's duty and the nature of their calling to determine the outcome.  Mentoring is not manipulation and domineering attitude over peop...

When A Lady Says, I AM NOT YET READY

I AM NOT YET READY!   I have always heard ladies saying this and ii have to ask the Holy Spirit on his view about this.  Here is my findings.  There is nothing wrong with you not yet ready to commit to some one emotionally. The attitude behind it is what counts Not yet ready does not mean you become unfriendly.   Not yet ready does not mean you become disrespectful.   Not yet ready does not mean you should be rude to people.   Not yet ready does not  mean you stopped giving, sharing and learning from platonic relationship.  Not yet ready does not mean you should stop caring and calling or texting.  Not yet ready mean you are dealing with negative issues in your life in other to be more productive in your next relationship.  Not yet ready mean you are still busy defining your values and priorities through God's word. Not yet ready is not an excuse for your fear to love again and trust again....

Men! Be A Suitable Helper.

Kings!   I celebrate you all as my brothers.  I know that I have always insisted that men were created by God to be visionary in nature. At this point, I want to encourage you to learn how to serve as a suitable helper.  You can be visionary in nature and your vision is useless if you don't use it to serve other people. Be the suitable destiny Destined help people are waiting.  You are the leader and you are  visionary but use your vision to serve other people and help other people accurately.   Understand what God has given you and identify those whose need you can feed.  You are a leader and also a suitable helper. Be visionary!  Be suitable helper with your vision. This generation looks up to you. Be the man God has created you to be through Christ Jesus.  Be inspired!   #HopeExpression  #PrinceVictorMatthew  #BabaLove     .

Ladies! Cultivate Your Vision!

Daughters of God!   I have always insisted that ladies were created as suitable helpers to their generation and then to their future husband.  In this lecture, I want to encourage every female gender to be visionary. Yes! Vision is not for men alone but for human either male or female. Infact, the details and specification of your vision should be your guiding light to who you accept as a friend or as a lover.  Be visionary in nature. You are not too young or too old to be visionary. Cultivate a vision for your life via God's word or your passion. just make sure that it glorify God.  Yes you are a suitable helper but you will be more impactful if you are visionary in the way you serve as a suitable helper.  what do you really want  to do with your life?  What do   God want  to achieve from you, your talent and the whole of your capacity?   You should know this before you start choosing your friend or lov...

Ladies! You Are Amazing

Daughter  of God!  You are the most amazing creature in this world.  In the beginning before God created the women, female gender - help was lacking for mankind. You were created to solve the challenge of lack of help. It's so true that some of you have suffered hurts due to your ability of helping and loving or trusting some one. But never you let your pain make you to believe you have too quit loving, trusting and helping. This is who you were designed to be by God. It's okay that some people took your love for granted but it's not okay for you to give up on who God has created you to be.  Some one out  there  is seriously praying for some one like you. Some one out there is seriously praying for your help and for a heart like you.  You are an answered prayer to some one some where and that fact that few people have taken you for granted does not reduce your uniqueness a single bit. They took you for granted because of their...

Your Talent, Your Asset.

Your talent is God's investment in you and your impact here on earth is God's glory and your own fulfillment.  Your talent is a solution to a specific problem. It's your duty to observe and discover the problem your talent Has  being empowered by God to solve.    God's duty was to invest his ability into you. In other words, God's ability in you is your own talent. Now, it's your duty to discover It, Nurture it and manifest according to necessity.  Love your talent and do all that's within your ability to be up and doing in your constant improvement. The quality of your constant improvement will determine the quality of your impact through your talent.  God is looking up to you. This generation is depending on you. You are the solution we have being waiting for. You may lack resource now but the act of embracing and owning your talent is the brave strength you need now.  I believe in you and God is confident of the impact your...

Ladies Are Suitable Helpers

This is the purest advice I can ever give.  Discover your calling before you start developing interest in making friends or dating.  You are a lady and a wife in the making but the most importantly, you are a generational impact maker in the making.  Every beauty is a tool. Every lady is a weapon. It's your duty to know the kind of battle you have being fashion or designed to impact. Your personal relationship with God Is what will give you clarity.   Relationship or dating or marriage is never an escape from responsibility or self development. It is rather a call and an invitation for you proving what you've got and made of. You were created to shoulder burdens and set in order every situation that is disorganised. You were designed as a lady to be a suitable helper.  Don't even think of marriage yet. The challenge is many ladies are not suitable helper to their own life and destiny. No time for them to feed their own spirit and heart with...

How To Help People

I need you to understand that it is good to help.   But you were not designed by God to help every Body. You must be led by the Holy Spirit.  It's one thing to help some one or be willing to help someone but be sure the person admit he or she needs help. Don't push any help on any body. Don't go where you are not needed.  Help means this person is already making moves and taking steps in achieving a goal but needs a support. Don't make people lazy in the process of helping them. Don't help any body that is not willing to joyfully receive your help. Don't help some one who is not willing to help him or her self.  The amount of help you offer to yourself will determine how people will be eager to help you.    Dear students, don't help any body above the help you are willing to render to Your own self.  Remember, you are a mentor with the heart of a student.  Keep learning and don't quit learning. All you know is not...

Be Strong In The Lord!

You are a man and that is a calling and a ministry.  Soon a wife will look up to You and soon your unborn children will look up to you. What is the present quality of your life?  How are you living your life?  When a lady of people want to know God the more, will your name come to  their mind?   What kind of help are You to people? Is it the help to honour God or disobey God?  You are man and use your influence to help people or ladies around you,  Let no human regret because of your existence!  I know you have struggles and issues - this is meant to draw you closer to God and not pushing you away.  Be strong in the Lord!  Be inspired  #HopeExpression  #PrinceVictorMatthew  #BabaLove

Influence your world

Don't just be a lady, be an inspiration to people. Inspiration that will draw them closer. Your advantage as a lady is your power of influence. Use it to make people serve God. Be deliberate about your life. Invest in your intellect and learn how to have intellectual conversation. This makes you attractive to your destiny helper and a man that might decide to marry You.  Apart from kissing, sex and romance or money. - there should be some thing of more quality people or a man can get or gain or enjoy from you. Some thing Godly and some thing that will contribute to people's vision.  Be so conscious of vision driven men or people so much that people or men without vision will Be  Scared to come around you.      You are a lady and God has set you apart from a calling and assignment. It's time to find it, discover it, embrace it and prepare for it.  Manifestation lays with prepared ladies  Be one of them!  I belie...

Faith Needs You.

I want to share with you this truth. Faith is the substance of what reveal God's plan to us as individuals.  Faith is in phases.  The first level of faith of the revelational faith. This is when the word of God you study begin to show you the **knowledge* Of the plan of God for your life.   The life of faith is the word of God and the first duty of the word of God is to reveal God's plan to you. Giving you a knowledge you need base on God's plan. This is the revelational Faith.   It is this revelational faith that will dictate and direct you what God has made available for you. In this knowledge is what enable you to know what to pray for and how to pray. In this knowledge is the strength of what to expect and how to expect and desire.  You can only please the Lord with Faith (knowledge of God's plan). That is, doing what God want and in how he wants it. Faith is not just mere expectation, it is an expectation with the accurate know...

Courtship And Communication

*What you Should Talk about during Courtship*  Effective communication and studying your partner is the key you must have for you to know his/her love language I'll always be grateful for the life of Late Pst Bimbo Odukoya, her messages on courtship and marriage is still relevant and very much effective even till now Youths need to get that message on things to talk about before getting married, i believe we'll learn something form this. Have you talked about:  1. background  2. Do's and dont's  3. Weaknesses: e.g. snoring, eating habit e.t.c  4. Formal education: to what level?  5. Verbal skills: how does he/she talks  6. Expected roles of both individuals in the marriage: His roles as husband and father and her roles as wife mother of your children  7. Love and respect: to what extent does she respect or submit to you as her husband, and to what extent does he loves you as his wife. 8. Number of children  ...