I have always heard people say to people, mind your business but the sad thing is you as an individual you are not minding your business. Your life is your business. How have you being taking care of your attitude, manner of approach, and mindset? When was the last time you improved them? How have you being taking care of your creative ideas, goals and vision? When was the last time you upgraded them to fit into the demand life is throwing at you? How have you being taking care of your own values and priority? Are they in alignment to the word of God? ARE YOU REALLY MINDING YOUR BUSINESS? How have you being managing the usage of your time? The things and people you spend your time with, have they contributed positive improvement in your character, mindset and manner of approach?
If the quality of your life now is used to dictate the healthy state of Nigeria or your country, with such country be healthy or unhealthy? ARE YOU REALLY MINDING YOUR BUSINESS? The films you watch, the conversation you get involved in, the argument you engage in, the places you visit, the people you call your friends, the things you spend your money to buy and everything you have said yes to, ARE THEY REALLY YOUR BUSINESS? Are they contributing healthy impact into your life or they are daily breaking you?
All the people you call on phone, chat with, and call your friends; mention one Godly thing they have contributed to your life. Can you see you have being the one minding their business? They chat with you only when they need your help. You call them on phone but they are too busy to call you back. You text them but they will never appreciate the text but give executes for not replying your text message. You visit them in their own home but how many times have they come to visit you in your own house? When they need money, they come to you and you help them but can’t you see how they have always given excuse when it is their turn to help you with money? You keep giving and giving to them but they keep taking and taking from you. Even when you should say no and stop settling for less, you make executes for them. They insult you yet you say they are joking. They abuse your values, yet you say it is a mistake. They disrespect you yet you say it is your fault. ARE YOU REALLY MINDING YOUR BUSINESS?