I celebrate you all and I want you to understand the fight of love. Every lover is not a fighter and every lover must not actually be in a relationship to be a lover. Being a lover is more of a mindset and attitude. You are a lover with or without a relationship with the opposite gender.
Lovers are meant to love and not fight. You are not a fighter, stop fighting your friends or the person you are in a relationship. In every misunderstanding, identify the real issue and fight it. Don’t fight your lover but fight the situation that is causing misunderstanding between you and your lover or people around you. Protect your lover but deal with the statement you don’t like. Rescue your lover but deal with the attitude in him or her that is offending you. Redeem your lover but deal with any ungodly mindset, attitude and manner of approach in his or her life that does not glorify God.
You are a lover and not a fight. Love people but fight any attitude in them that is not in line with Gods plan.
Be encouraged!