I celebrate you all
Every male gender is meant to be a priest and prophet over the lives of those God has given to him.
People around you should not be lacking the knowledge of the current plan and will of God.
People around you should not be comfortable with prayerlessness and lack of studying God's word!
You are a priest as a male gender to all the female and male gender God has kept under your care.
This is a divine call upon all male gender. either you are married or single.
You are a prophet as a male gender. No one around you neither you should lack the clarity of their God's given calling, purpose and vision in Christ Jesus.
Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and the Holy Spirit is the strength of the prophetic.
This is what is expected of you as a male gender.
Walk with the Holy Spirit and stay on your guard!
Be the man God has created you to be!
Be encouraged!
#PrinceVictorMatthew #BabaLove