My sisters,
I celebrate you all. I want to use this chance to make you understand that being a female is a calling. Discovering and functioning in the capacity of a lady or a female capacity is not something you can do in the flesh. It is something or a lifestyle that can be done through your submission to the leadership and authority of Jesus Christ. You must go keep embracing your personal relationship with the person of Jesus if you must succeed in becoming the lady God has created you to become. When you don’t have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit through the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you will get frustrated in becoming the lady God has created you to become. Beauty is the nature of God and the only gender that is permitted to express beauty is the female gender.
What is beauty? Beauty is in four phases namely; physical, social, intellectual and spiritual. You must be able to discover and improve your life in these four directions. The beauty God created you to become will never be complete until you are beautiful physically, socially, intellectually and spiritually.
Being beautiful is being developed, creative, and solution oriented physically, spiritually, socially and intellectually. YOU NEED JESUS TODAY!