Seeds of Abraham,
I celebrate you all and I want to use this chance to share Gods mind with you all. The greatest ministration in the Old Testament was prophets and prophetess turn the heart of the Child of God back to him. Any time the child of God turn their back from God, God always send a prophet or prophetess to turn their heart back to the Lord. If the prophecy and vision or any prophetic instruction is not reconciling people back to their personal relationship with the Lord, the purpose of the prophetic is not fulfilled.
Whenever kings wanted to do anything or make any official step within the kingdom, they consult the prophet to know the mind of God concerning the matters. This is what happened in the Old Testament but now the prophetic is not needed to help people to get to know the mind of God concerning matters alone. This has stepped up to another level of teaching people to get to have a one on one relationship with the Holy Spirit to know the mind of God concerning any matter base on personal revelation with the Holy Spirit.
Oh prophets and prophetess, who have you trained? Who have you helped to develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit? Let’s rise up to responsibility!