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Defining Your Relationship: A Crucial Step for Christian Youth

Entering into a dating relationship is a significant step that should never be taken lightly. As Christian youth, it’s essential to approach relationships with clarity, purpose, and wisdom. One of the most important steps you can take before committing to a relationship is to define what it means to you and to the person you're considering. This means understanding the other person’s intentions, values, and goals. When a man asks you out, two things are typically involved: he’s either looking for a physical relationship or he’s genuinely interested in building a future with you. Knowing the difference is crucial for safeguarding your heart and honoring God in your relationships.

Why Defining a Relationship is Essential

Defining a relationship isn’t just about putting a label on it; it’s about setting the foundation for what you both hope to achieve together. Without clarity, relationships can become confusing, hurtful, and even destructive. Proverbs 4:7 reminds us, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding." Seeking understanding from the start can save you from unnecessary heartache and guide you in making decisions that honor God.

When you define your relationship, you’re not only protecting yourself, but you’re also respecting the other person’s intentions and being transparent about your own. It allows both of you to enter the relationship with eyes wide open, understanding the purpose and direction of where it’s headed.

Understanding His Intentions: Sex or a Future?

When a man expresses interest in dating you, it’s important to discern his true intentions. This can often be boiled down to two primary motivations: he either wants a physical relationship or he is serious about building a future with you.

1. If He’s Seeking Sex: Unfortunately, in today’s culture, many people enter relationships with the primary goal of satisfying their physical desires. This is not only damaging but completely contrary to God’s design for relationships. Hebrews 13:4 makes it clear that "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge." Sex is a gift from God meant to be enjoyed within the boundaries of marriage. 

If a man is pushing for a physical relationship before marriage, it’s a clear sign that his priorities are not aligned with God’s will. This kind of relationship often leads to guilt, regret, and brokenness. It’s essential to set clear boundaries and communicate your commitment to honoring God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Don’t be afraid to walk away from someone who doesn’t respect these boundaries.

2. If He’s Interested in Building a Future: On the other hand, a man who is genuinely interested in building a future with you will approach the relationship with respect, patience, and a desire to get to know you on a deeper level. He will be intentional about understanding your values, dreams, and faith, and he will honor your commitment to purity and God’s plan for marriage.

This kind of relationship is grounded in mutual respect and shared faith. It’s about more than just physical attraction; it’s about building a life together that glorifies God. Ephesians 5:25-27 gives us a picture of Christ-like love: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word." A man who is serious about your future will love you with this kind of sacrificial, Christ-centered love.

How to Define Your Relationship

So, how do you go about defining a relationship? It starts with honest, open communication. Here are some steps to help you navigate this process:

- Pray for Discernment: Before entering into any serious conversation, take time to pray. Ask God for wisdom and discernment, seeking His guidance in your decision-making. James 1:5 assures us, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."

- Ask Direct Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask direct questions about the other person’s intentions. Where do they see the relationship going? What are their views on dating, marriage, and purity? Are they looking for a serious relationship, or are they just interested in casual dating?

- Share Your Values: Be clear about your own values and expectations. Let the other person know what you’re looking for in a relationship and what your boundaries are. This isn’t about being rigid, but about being upfront and honest about what matters most to you.

- Observe Their Actions: Actions often speak louder than words. Pay attention to how the other person behaves, especially when it comes to respecting your boundaries and honoring your values. Jesus said in Matthew 7:16, "You will know them by their fruits." Look for the fruit of the Spirit in their life—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Dear young believer, defining your relationship is not just a step in the dating process; it’s a way of protecting your heart and ensuring that your relationships align with God’s will. Don’t rush into a relationship without clarity, and don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions. Remember, a relationship that honors God is one that’s built on mutual respect, shared values, and a commitment to purity and purpose.

As you navigate relationships, keep Proverbs 3:5-6 close to your heart: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Trust God to guide you, and be willing to walk away from anything that doesn’t align with His plan for your life.

In every relationship, seek to honor God first, and let His wisdom lead you to a love that is pure, intentional, and deeply rooted in Christ.

Hope Expression celebrates you. 

Prince Victor Matthew 


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