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Showing posts from 2017

Source Of Love

Hebrews 11:6  According to 1 John 4:8; the bible says God is love! Every thing you want to understand about love is who God. The knowledge of God is the knowledge of love. The understanding of God's operation is the understanding of the operation of love.  In this generation, a lot of people are praying for love but that's not the solution. Some people are begging for love but that's not the solution. Some people are compromising to gain love buts that's not the solution. Some people kill, steal and destroy to gain love but that's not the solution.  Love is a life you must discover through the Holy Spirit. The best way to discover love is identifying it's source. A Lot have abandoned the source of love yet they seek for love. Without Faith...  What is the source of love?  The source of love is FAITH. Without faith you can never please love (God). It's impossible to please love (God) if you abandon Faith. Many people have abandon and...

The Need of Love - Part 2

Every aspect of your life needs love (relationship to survive but how can you know the right person? Relationship (love) is not just about dating; its exchange of communication for the fulfillment of Gods vision.  The need of relationship (love) is in the understanding of Gods expectation for your life. The expectation of God for your life is what we call God’s vision for your life. Before you see relationship (love) as a necessity, you must first find out God’s vision (expectation) for your life. This is the foundation for love (relationship). Having a wrong relationship is a display of your ignorance about God’s expectation (vision).  If you know God’s expectation (vision) for your life, you will know people to avoid. If you know God’s expectation (vision) for your life, you will know people to relate. People are not meant to establish relationship (love) without the absence of direction and vision. Every relationship is meant to meet a need in your God’s giv...


The need of love is progressive in nature. This has much to do with the revelation of God’s word. The need of love is in phases. The first need of love is “vision. You will never enjoy a true love experience if vision is absent. Vision is the strength and foundation of the need of love. What is vision? Vision is the mental picture of the spoken or written plan of God. Vision is the necessity of life. Vision is the spoken or written word of God. Vision will never be revealed until it is discovered. Vision can never be discovered until there is a Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit. The need of love is revealed through the understanding of God’s vision for you. Love is need personified and fulfillment related. The Need of love can be seen in two phase; love as a person and love as relationship.  Your original identity is love. God is love (His person and identity). You were created in the image and likeness of love (God). Love is you and your identity is...

The Purpose of Love - Part 2

Your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit is what can transform you to become a person of value. You must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Son of the Living God. Your belief in Jesus is the beginning of you being transformed into a person of value. Your personal relationship with the Holy is what establishes you into a person of value. Becoming a person of value is a journey of Grace and Truth. Becoming a person of value is a journey of you becoming the original you (divine purpose). Becoming the person of value is you becoming a Son in God’s kingdom. God is the source of value and you becoming a person of value is you putting on God’s Nature. Sin and Greed is the enemy that will stop you from becoming a person of value. The purpose of love is the purpose of God. The purpose of love is the purpose of who you are in Christ Jesus. The purpose of love is the purpose of God’s plan for your life. The purpose of love is you knowing wh...

The Purpose of Love - Part 1

Case Study: JOHN 3:16 What is the purpose of love? The purpose of love is the necessity of life and upon her lays the foundation of the human race. We are humans because “love is.” The creation of human is the manifestation of the purpose of live. The purpose of love is giving personified and receiving related. The purpose of love is the ‘TRUTH” that made the existence of humanity a necessity. The purpose of love is the truth or the revelation one must discover. The purpose of love is giving personified and receiving related. The purpose of love is the lifestyle that makes giving and receiving mutual (balance). The purpose of love is the experience that positions you where you can give and also enjoy the benefit of receiving. The purpose of love is the reality that put people in groups according to their area of interest. This is all about adding value to your generation. The first experience you get when you embrace love is that it will add value to you and then place a...

Understanding Your Divine Purpose

2 Timothy 1:8-9 Hosea 4:6 You are welcome to this phase of discovery.  The first thing I want you to learn in this post is for you to give attention to what the scripture has to say about divine purpose. According to 2 Timothy 1:8-9; you will realize that the life God has created us to live is not a life unto our selves. This is not a life that is meant to feed the pride of life, lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes. This life you have being created to live is not meant to fit into the expectation of the society neither is it meant to fit into the suggestion of your environmental influences. You must come a point of realization where you discover the uniqueness that is attached to your life by God Himself. You are not a misfit in this life. You are not a product of mistake and even if your parents didn’t plan for your conception, God deliberately created you for a single and specific purpose. What is Divine Purpose? Divine Purpose is all about a specific reas...

Understanding Your Priority

John 4:34 According to the scripture above, Jesus said, His meat (priority) is to do the work of His Father and to finish it.  What is your priority? What comes first in your life? What’s your major concern in life? The answer to these questions resides in what you consider as your MEAT (priority). Your priorities are things you can’t do without. Your priorities are things that define your necessity in life. Jesus is our standard and the template for living. To succeed in life, we must be able to pattern our lives according to the lifestyle of Jesus. Priority is your main (most important) concern or the most important thing according to your scale of values. Your priorities in life come from your values. Your priority (meat) must be to discover and do the work the Father has sent you.  There is a work you were created to do in this life. Being saved into salvation is a call into the Work of the Father which is actually the assignment that made your existence a ...

Understanding Your Values

Matthew 6:12 What is VALUE? VALUES are proves of your beliefs. As a believer, you must come to understand that you must define your VALUES. When you don’t define your VALUES accurately according to the Word of God, you will have issues with your priority. As a believer, your VALUES must be built through the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we talk about VALUES, you must first be able to understand your source. According to the scriptures (Matthew 6:12), where your treasure is, that is where your heart will reside. Your treasure in life is your beliefs. What have you accepted as the norm? What inspired you to accept it as your norms? This is the place where you must depend on the Holy Spirit and God’s word. Nothing should ever be your source of inspiration outside the Word of God.  When you see some one whose VALUE is not inspired by Gods Word – they will always have issues with their priority. If you have given your life to Jesus and if you believe Jesus Ch...

Abusive Relationship

*Proverbs 4:23 *Proverbs 23:7 *Galatians 6:3 - 5  WHAT IS ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP? Relationship abuse is a pattern of abusive used to maintain power and control over a former or current intimate partner. Abuse can be emotional, financial, sexual or physical and can include threats, isolation and intimidation. Abuse tends to escalate over time. When some one used abuse and violence against a partner, it is always part of a larger pattern of control.  HOW IS ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP? Abusive Relationship is a platform where both parties don’t have common values and priority. This is a place where balance does not exist. This is the aspect of relationship where one person lives his or her life for the other person. This is the relationship where one partner does not have a say in the relationship. This is the relationship where one tolerates insult and injustice just because he or she is afraid of being alone. This is a platform where one will settle for less not becau...

Love and Attraction - Part 2

I will like to simplify it to the human relation aspect. Attraction exists between people through the similarity or opposite but these two platforms must operate through three channels. These three channels are what I call C.T.I; Character, Talent or Ideas. These channels are what enable us to function, and maintain progressively in the principle called attraction.  Attraction is the personality; similarity and opposite are the Natures while, C.T.I is the platform of how we function. Attraction reacts through similarity, and opposite while, C.T.I response through the similarity and opposite. In other words, for you to see the full beauty of attraction you must learn to see her through similarity, and opposite, and for C.T.I to function at her fullest capacity, she must operate through similarity, and opposite. It takes similarity, and opposite for likeness, love, marriage, ministry, or sex to execute their nature. This implies that you do not have it all, and you do n...