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Understanding Your Priority

John 4:34
According to the scripture above, Jesus said, His meat (priority) is to do the work of His Father and to finish it. 

What is your priority? What comes first in your life? What’s your major concern in life? The answer to these questions resides in what you consider as your MEAT (priority). Your priorities are things you can’t do without. Your priorities are things that define your necessity in life.

Jesus is our standard and the template for living. To succeed in life, we must be able to pattern our lives according to the lifestyle of Jesus.

Priority is your main (most important) concern or the most important thing according to your scale of values. Your priorities in life come from your values. Your priority (meat) must be to discover and do the work the Father has sent you.  There is a work you were created to do in this life. Being saved into salvation is a call into the Work of the Father which is actually the assignment that made your existence a necessity.

Your priority in life is to seek and know the work the Father has given to you to do. It doesn’t have to be ministry work, it’s a wide perspective. It could be through your talent, profession, creativity or any aspect of your skill. The bottom line is this; there is some thing the Father has given to you to do. Your birth was an opportunity for God’s plan to manifest. Your mere existence is a prove God wants to unroll a phase of His plan through you.

You are not just a product of accident in life. Our God that is deliberate created, a deliberate work for a deliberate you. So, your priority is to find out the plan or work God created you to do and do it. Not just doing it alone, you must also seek to finish the work you have being given by God. This is a call for discipline, consistence and commitment.

Just like your VALUES is all about who you believe in and what you believe. Your PRIORITY is all about who you respect and what you respect. If you have respect for the Lord, then you must have respect for the things He respects. The Only thing Jesus respect is the work the Father has sent Him. This must also be your priority. Jesus did not only have respect for the work the Father has sent Him alone, He also had commitment to finishing the Work the Father has sent Him to do. 

What are you really committed to do? Don’t just stop at the place of knowing the work the Father wants you to do, pursue day and night to finish the Work the Father has asked you to do. Don’t make excuses for it and don’t allow any obstacle or challenges to distract you. YOUR PRIORITY HAS TO BE TO DO THE WORK THE FATHER HAS SENT YOU AND TO FINSIH THAT WORK.

Priority in nature is a necessity. Identifying the work the Father has given to you to do which is your priority; you must also be deliberate on finishing the work the Father has given to you to do. Priority is all about starting and finishing a specific task (THE WORK OF THE FATHER) your respect. In the world of priority, giving up is not permitted. It’s either “yes” or “yes.” Priority will not permit you comfort. It’s a life people would choose dying while accomplishing it than staying in their comfort zone.

In other words, priorities are in different phases of life.


Spiritually speaking, what do you respect the most? How much respect do you place on discovering the plan and work the Father has assigned for your life? How committed are you to gaining the knowledge and understanding of God’s intention for your life? Why do you study your bible? Why do you pray? What’s your major concern in spiritual issues? The Work of the Father is the manifestation of His plan. How much importance do you place of the plan and the Work of the Father in your care? “Your personal relationship with the Lord” is what will dictate the answers to these questions. What do you respect so much about the Lord? Jesus is the foundation to every other aspect of your priorities in life. If your spiritual priority is not in proper agreement with the lifestyle of Jesus, every aspect of your priorities will be unhealthy.


Intellectually speaking, what’s your major concern in intellectual issues? What are the things you can’t do without intellectually?  Your “Spiritual Priority” is what will dictate the answers to these questions. Your intellectual priority is the strength to every other aspect of your priorities in life. Your thinking pattern must agree with the work and the plan of the Father in your care. Your ideas too must agree with the work the Father has given to you to do. WHAT HAS GOD CALLED YOU TO DO? Your thinking pattern and your ideas must flow through the same path of the work the Father has created you to do. THERE IS SOME THING GOD HAS PLANNED FOR EVERY SINGLE BELIEVER (EVEN YOU) TO DO IN HIM AND FOR HIM.

You must be able to think and have the mind of the one you respect the most in your life. If you respect the Lord, then you must think and have the mind of the Lord. If you respect carnal things then you must think and have the mind of the carnal things. If your intellectual priority is not in proper agreement with your spiritual priority IN Christ, every aspect of your priorities will be unhealthy.


Physically speaking, what’s your major concern in physical issues? What are the things you can’t do without physically? Your “Intellectual Values” is what will dictate the answers to these questions. What you respect physically must be in agreement with the things the Lord would respect physically. What you respect physically must be in agreement with the things the Work of the Father in you must respect. The Work of the Father and your pursuit in finishing it will determine what you will respect physically. Your physical priority is the life to every other aspect of your priorities in life. If it’s not properly in agreement with your intellectual priority, every aspect of your priorities will be unhealthy. If your physical priority is not in agreement with the Work the Father has given to you to do, you will have unhealthy or sinful priorities.


Relationally speaking, what’s your major concern in relational issues? What are the things you can’t do without relationally? Your “Physical Values” is what will dictate the answers to these questions. Your Relational Priority is the asset to every other aspect of your priorities in life. If the Lord is the one you respect the most in your life then in the way you talk, listen and relate with people, the lifestyle of Jesus will reflect. If you respect the work the Father has given to you to do, it will reflect in the way you relate with people. You can’t talk like every body, talk like every body, and you can’t listen to every thing that’s available. The work the Father has created you to do is what will set the pace for you in what to say, what to listen, and how to relate with people. It will reflect in your choice of words and the things you permit your heart and ears to listen. If you love the Lord, your relational priority must be in agreement with the work the Father has given to you to do. It must also agree with the lifestyle of Jesus. If your relational priority in Christ is not in proper agreement with your physical priority in Christ, every aspect of your priorities will be unhealthy.


Socially speaking, what’s your major concern in social issues? What are the things you can’t do without socially? Your “Relational Values” is what will dictate the answers to these questions. Your Social Priority is the Asset to every other aspect of your priorities in life. Every place is not your place. Every event is not your event. Every association is not suitable for you. The Work the Father has given to you to do is what will determine the kind of place, events and association you should belong. The lifestyle of Jesus is what will dictate where you can go and where you must not go. If you have respect for the Lord and for the Work He has given to you to do, you won’t go to some certain places and you won’t join some certain association. What you permit in your social life is a full reflection of who you respect and what you respect. Do you respect the Lord or you respect the carnal things of this world? Do you respect the things the Lord respect or you respect things that pleases the desires of your flesh (pride of life, lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes)? If you respect the Lord, you won’t be found in night club. If you respect the Lord, you won’t join cultism. If you love the Lord, His love will set limits and boundaries for you. It’s not because you can not do it but because you are different from the world. You are the son and daughter of the King of kings. If your relational priority in Christ is not in proper in agreement with your Relational Priority in Christ, every aspect of your priorities will be unhealthy.

This is the intention of the Lord for those who loves Him and have being called according to His purpose through Christ Jesus. Your Priority is all about the work the Father has created you to do and also the task of finishing that task. 

This Work that the Father has given to you to do is what “Divine Purpose” represents. Knowing the work God has created you to do and finishing it will depend on you discovering, understanding and walk in the divine purpose for your life. THE WORK THE FATHER HAS GIVEN YOU TO DO IS YOU DISCOVERING AND FULFILLING THE PURPOSE WHY HE CREATED YOU.

Watch out for my next post on “Understanding Your Divine Purpose.”

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus!


Yours Sincerely,

Prince Victor Matthew 


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