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Understanding Your Divine Purpose

2 Timothy 1:8-9

Hosea 4:6

You are welcome to this phase of discovery. 

The first thing I want you to learn in this post is for you to give attention to what the scripture has to say about divine purpose. According to 2 Timothy 1:8-9; you will realize that the life God has created us to live is not a life unto our selves. This is not a life that is meant to feed the pride of life, lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes. This life you have being created to live is not meant to fit into the expectation of the society neither is it meant to fit into the suggestion of your environmental influences.

You must come a point of realization where you discover the uniqueness that is attached to your life by God Himself. You are not a misfit in this life. You are not a product of mistake and even if your parents didn’t plan for your conception, God deliberately created you for a single and specific purpose.

What is Divine Purpose? Divine Purpose is all about a specific reason or the original intention in the mind of God Almighty before He created you. Before God created you into your mother’s womb, He has a clear picture or intention before your existence. God knew specifically, what your life will turn out to be. As a matter of fact, God designed every bit of your life from your birth to your dying day. God planned, prepared and concluded all that concerns your life before He formed you into your mother’s womb. Our God is deliberate and He created you deliberately for a deliberate purpose in His mind. 

According to the strength of Divine Purpose, God planned your days, events, experiences, decision, pain, excitement etc... before you came out of your mother’s womb. There is a path for you. God specifically created you to live, think, talk, and function in a certain path according to the Nature of Divine Purpose. 

Divine Purpose is all about – WHY DO GOD WANT YOU HERE? WHY HAS GOD PERMITTED YOU TO BE HERE IN THESE SEASON AND TIME? It is your responsibility as a daughter and son of God to find out WHY HERE PLACED YOU HERE ON EARTH. Psalm 25:2 explains every other thing. The knowledge and understand of your divine purpose is preserved awaiting for you to seek and discover. Kings are the one set of people who search to know and understand the important behind their existence. 

Every thing in you, your tribe, your temperament, your skill, your talent, your nationality, your intellectual capacity etc… all that you possess were consciously designed by God in you in advance for His Divine Purpose for your life. You cannot surprise God even if you fail or succeed in life. God has planned out your days incase you choose to fail and He has also planned for your days incase you choose to obey His instruction. 

All these details about your life that God planned out are not just fun; His purpose for your life made it necessary.  It’s not okay for you to know that God loves you and Jesus died for your sin; you must find out why God created you. This is the major factor that should create the hunger for you to start a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.

You are not in Christ to be blessed alone; you are in Christ because God created you for a reason and assignment. There is a reason why God created you and you must study your bible and pray to find it out. Your walk with the Lord is not yet balance until you allow the Lord to show you the reason why He created you.

God’s purpose in you + Your purpose in God = Divine Purpose. 

GOD has a PURPOSE in YOU. 

There is some thing (an Assignment) God wants to achieve in or through your life. God is a Spirit and He has plan He wants to achieve on earth here (flesh and blood). God is a Spirit and He has plan He wants to achieve on earth. You are God’s platform with flesh and blood here on earth. You are the chosen one to express the plan, and intention of God here on earth. Irrespective of how great our God is, He needs you to achieve His plan. You were created for this purpose.

God was able to experience the fulfillment of His plan through man-kind in the life of Adam and Eve before they fell from His Glory and Nature. For the same purpose of using man-kind as His platform of executing His Plan and intention, God release His one and only Son Jesus to redeem Man-kind from the bondage of sin. The restoration of Mankind from sin to Righteousness through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ came to be, for you to fit into expressing His plan and purpose for your life.

When mankind (Adam and Eve) disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, they fell from the Nature of God and they fell into the nature of sin. God is interested in transforming you from the sinful nature into the Nature of Christ through a personal relationship with you (via His Word & Holy Spirit). God has the purpose of conforming man-kind back to their original Nature (Image of Christ). God has the purpose of cultivating the fruit of the Spirit in you via Holy Spirit. All the love God has showered on you is for Him to make you perfect, in other for you to fit into your purpose in Him. All you need to know about what God wants to achieve in your life is preserved in your bible. All you need to know about God’s purpose in you (what you cannot do without God is in your bible). You must study the Word of God and meditate to gain the understanding and wisdom behind this kingdom mystery. 
(John 15:5)

YOU have a PURPOSE in GOD. 

After God is through in making you perfect unto Himself, for His reason for creating you. The next step is for you to start understanding and carrying out that assignment that He has prepared you. GOD HAS PLANNED AND PREPARED HIS PURPOSE FOR CREATING YOU AND GOD IS DAILY PREPARING YOU FOR HIS PURPOSE FOR CREATING YOU (if you choose to cooperate with the Holy Spirit). God do not just have a plan neither has God planned for your life; you have a role to play in that plan. There is a specific assignment you were created to carry out within the plan. It’s specific, detailed and that plan has a specific pattern according to the uniqueness that came along with your creation. 

In this plan of God where you have a role to play, there are times and season you must respect. 

The first is DISCOVERY (Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open to you. For He who ask, shall receive, He was seek shall find and He who knocks, the door shall be open unto Him – Matthew 6:6-7). The first aspect of the role you must play in Gods plan is to discover what God has created you to do, how He wants you to do it, when He wants you to start doing it, why He wants you to do it, and where He wants you to do it. 

The second is PREPARATION (Jesus once said, follow me and I WILL MAKE YOU). The second aspect is this; you must COOPERATE with the Holy Spirit FOR PREPARATION. You must UNDERSTAND THE OPERATIONS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (specification & pattern) at work in your life (preparation). 

The third is MANIFESTATION (The creations (nations & generations) are in impatient expectation to see YOU MANIFEST YOUR ROLE in GOD’S PLAN). 

There is some thing (an Assignment) God created you to do. You must relate with the Holy Spirit and study your bible to find out the purpose or reason why God created you. All you need to know about your purpose in God (what God cannot do without you is in your bible). There is a desire in God that only you have being created to carry it out. Your body, your talent, your creativity, etc are platform God needs to manifest His plan. 

(Jeremiah 5:1 * 2 Timothy 1:8-9)

Ambition is different from Divine Purpose. Ambition is you carrying out your own desires all by your self without Gods intention. Ambition in one statement is you becoming a god over your own life by your self.

The knowledge and understanding of Gods purpose in you and your purpose in God MUST dictate the kind of people you will allow around you.

According to Hosea 4:6, people are suffering in relationship and daily activity because they have rejected the knowledge of their own divine purpose. A lot of things people are seeking for in relationship and in their daily activity is rejecting them because they have also rejected the knowledge of their own divine purpose. Stop seeking for things that won’t last. Stop seeking for things that will not contribute to you knowing, understanding and walking in your Divine Purpose.

There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.

Watch out for my next post "Understanding your Identity."


Yours Faithfully,

Prince Victor Matthew.


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