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Love and Attraction - Part 1

ATTRACTION is the personality, the influence and the nature that dwells on the inside of every man - kind. Every creature operates through her. The fuel attracts the fire/the fire attracts the fuel, the bone attracts the dog, the leaf attracts the goat, the trees attracts the monkey, the market attracts money, God’s blessing attracts men etc. even in ministry, God’s grace or the set of people God has called in the fivefold office attracts each other (similar or opposite). She is not an emotional issue alone; she is a lifestyle, she lives in you, and she is the principle all creatures obey.

Attraction is a magnetic force that exists between humans that carries the same substance of interest, temperament and purpose in any field of life. Without the influence of attraction, communication will be absent. This lifestyle is the source behind friends and enemies. She is the personality that operates both in the good and bad platform.

Attraction do not in any way leads people to sin. It is lack of understanding within the influence of attraction that leads most people into sin. In this platform, principles must not be broken. You are either flexible with the principle or you will break.

Attraction is a natural influence in the lives of people of which is controlled by the factor of purpose – motive. She’s the inbuilt abilities in the lives of human and every human is created with the ability to attract people and the ability to be attracted to people. She is a lifestyle that flows in every individual. She is a system that functions without your control or permission. Every creature on earth is bound to the influence of attraction.

Every man or every creature ruled by attraction has one thing in common. Attraction reacts, but for you to respond, you need a specific knowledge and understanding. Your inability to respond to attraction or misuse of it is link to the level of your ignorance. In other words, discovery is the only way. You must discover what you have, and you must identify what you lack. There is a required knowledge, understanding and application you must gain in the area of what you have and what you lack. This experience will break your pride and ego in other for you to listen, learn, and give your attention to those attracted to you.

In what you have lies the similarity between you and the attracted person. Your relationship with this kind of person will build you in the area of what you and them have in common. In what you lack lies the opposite nature between you and the attracted person. This is the platform of misunderstanding that God will use to break any thing in your life that is against His plan for your life. This platform will help you to recognize your assignment in God among humans. 

Attraction is a call for you to give attention to yourself in other for you to know how to give attention to the people that is attracted to you. If you cannot understand yourself, you will not be able to under the people that are attracted to you. The knowledge, understanding and application of what you have and what you lack is the map that will reveal to you the pattern needed for you to function, when it comes to giving attention to the people that are attracted to you. In this truth is what will reveal to you that some things might be available (even if you lack them), yet might not be useful to you when you posses the knowledge of who you are in Christ.

It is important to know that you must have the knowledge, understanding and application of what you have and what you lack but read this. There is a big difference between what you lack and what you need. There are things you lack that you do not need and they are things you need that you lack. This is the truth that reveal how Jesus overcame His temptation in the wilderness after His forty days and night fasting. He knew that some things lacking at that period were things outside his necessities at that moment. 

As far as you are in salvation, there will things that you will forever lack that God will never provide for you because, God’s provision for your life will be depended on what it will take you to discover and live out His plans and purpose. Necessity is the foundation for God’s provision in your life. There are things you presently have that you need, and there are things that you have that you do not need. This experience empowered Joseph to resist, deny, or refuse His master wife’s proposal for sexual intercourse. Joseph knew what he had that were necessity to him, and he knew what was lacking that were not his necessities.

She carries the eyes that will enable you to see the beauty of who you truly are and also the importance of your assignment on earth. She is not dependent in nature. She works in line with your emotions. What is emotion? Emotion is the central part of the will and desire of the mind of humans.

She can only be positive if you can discover your true identity in God. The reason for this statement is this; you can only function within the level of your knowledge and discoveries.  If you don’t discover yourself and allow God to work on your emotion, you will not be able to tap into the real experience and benefit of the influence of attraction. 

In other words, do not respond to all attraction stir towards you. Wisdom of God will demand you to observe, and accept some while some are to be observe, and ignored. May the Holy Spirit help you to make your decision according to the necessity of His plans for your life in Jesus Name, Amen.

Her operations come in two folds, similar (positive), and opposite (negative). Even in electricity, this principle is the bases for operation. There will be electric spark if there is a wrong connection while, light will beam if the right connection is applied. This operation still applies to our day-to-day living in this world of communication and attraction. This spark is the major reason why people experience misunderstandings, heartbreak, and separation in marriage. Although the spark can be handled through the knowledge and understanding behind the sparking that occurred. 

At this spot is where I will introduce to you that God use the normal flow of attraction (similarity) and the spark of it (opposite) to achieve His intention for our lives. God uses the flow of attraction to bring His sons together as teammate in other for them to influence their world unto righteousness. God also uses the spark (similarity) between us to correct, and improve our lives towards His own expectations. The spark (opposite) in attraction is God’s tools, and the flow of attraction is His bond between His sons.

You can only be attracted to the kind of character, desire, expectation, believe and abilities you posses on the inside of you. You can also be attracted to the kind of problem, mistakes, questions, and troubles you were created to solve, correct and settle. If you have ever developed hatred for a character or any field of life, that happened because you were attracted to it. If you have ever developed any interest for a character, or any field of life, that happened because you were attracted to it. 

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.  

In other words, we need to shift into learning, and in discovering the progressive nature of attraction, and communication. 

Attraction is the influence that brings opposite or similar people together. She is the influence that keeps any form of relationship or friendship in a progressive journey. She is the force that sustain the life or existence of intimacy in any given friendship or relationship. Therefore, learning to know, and understand attraction is not just for emotional benefit alone, she is life – time investment of knowledge, and understanding. You can never learn the whole truth of attraction in life. As you keep discovering, and learning, you will keep gathering the knowledge, understanding, and principle behind the function of attraction in your life and in your environment. She is progressive in knowledge, understanding, and in operation in this world of communication, and attraction.

Watch out for Part 2 of "Love and Attraction."


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