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Love and Attraction - Part 2

I will like to simplify it to the human relation aspect. Attraction exists between people through the similarity or opposite but these two platforms must operate through three channels. These three channels are what I call C.T.I; Character, Talent or Ideas. These channels are what enable us to function, and maintain progressively in the principle called attraction. 

Attraction is the personality; similarity and opposite are the Natures while, C.T.I is the platform of how we function. Attraction reacts through similarity, and opposite while, C.T.I response through the similarity and opposite. In other words, for you to see the full beauty of attraction you must learn to see her through similarity, and opposite, and for C.T.I to function at her fullest capacity, she must operate through similarity, and opposite.

It takes similarity, and opposite for likeness, love, marriage, ministry, or sex to execute their nature. This implies that you do not have it all, and you do not know it all. This explains the major cry of every human that exist which is “I need help.” Every attraction that commences between you and the people is an expression of your inner heart cry (I need help) or the inner heart cry of those people you attracted or attracts you.

The first discoveries that will empower you to function through similarity, and opposite lies in this truth, you need people, and people need you. You need to accept or embrace this truth and release yourself to communicate through the understanding of the needs you have, and the needs others need from you. 

Here is where discovery will count, motives tested, and maturity displayed. Most of the time people are blind to the joy attached to the attraction between their lives, and the people around them. They don’t know the differences that exist between their lives and the people they attract. 

The Joy in this experience is the witness in our spirit nature that agrees we like the people involved. Behind this feeling lies the responsibility to discover the reason for the attraction in itself. The failure to this is what led people to the path of lust, and infatuation. Attraction is not a sin, your inability to discover the original purpose why the attraction came, births sin. Ignorance is our major problem. Once you lack the knowledge and understanding for the why behind the attraction, you will miss out of Gods intended purpose for the approach of that attraction in your life. 

The two platforms for influence, called attraction are similarities (what you have), and opposite (what you lack). In the terms of similarity is what people consider most and this has to do with priorities, goals, plans, expectations, and desires. The opposite has to do with the issue of temperament. These two platforms have ways of operating behind the reason why we like, dislike, love or dislike the people around us. Everybody contains eighty percentages in all areas of life and you are the remaining percentage that completes them. In other words, you must learn to be considerate, and truthful to yourself and the people around you.

You must come to understand that attraction is God's ideal for Man - kind. God created it and placed it in every man - kind to function. The place we have problems with is the wrong approach we take towards every level of attraction that confronts us. There are attitudes that you must not use when you are confronting or approaching any level of attraction. The followings are attitudes you must not carry along with you, lying, pretence, manipulating, and domineering attitude. Whenever you approach or confront attraction with these attitudes, the result will always birth abuse to the original purpose of God for the attraction. 

Attraction was original designed by God to give man - kind FREEDOM - freedom of speech, desire, priorities, goals, and plans. Now, she is now a tool peoples use for playing on people’s emotions, and victimizing innocent teenagers, and youths who lacks self - realization. She does not enslave you or abuses you emotionally, verbally, or physically. When any attitude of such appears, that has already revealed that there is something you should have learn that you have not yet learn. Jesus is the only solution you need. For you to enjoy the different stages in attraction, you must discover yourself through the knowledge of God’s word in you. Knowing your self begins with you knowing God and knowing God begins with you knowing His word
Discover yourself in Christ.

 Here is the platform where you must discover your reason for existence. This is the place where you gain the identification of your worth and values according to Gods plan. The point in this principle is where you ask God questions about your significance and assignment for living. It is not a place where you must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal who you truly are to you. This discovery has nothing to do with your background, your family name or your gender. This is the hidden motive in God’s mind revealed to you through His word – Bible, and the people around you.

Your discovery rate or growth moves from thirty percent to sixty percent and hundred percent. No body has zero percentage of discoveries about who he or she is in Christ. For every believer to fulfill destiny, there is a measure of Grace, and Faith (knowledge) extended to the person through the Holy Spirit.

Self discovery is not a stage but a journey of different levels of fears, worries and doubts that has the influence to give you freedom from ignorance. The percentage of ignorance you have been able to accept and dissolve will determine the level of victory you will have over the influence of attraction.

Patience and observation

The level of your discovery will determine the sensitivity of your patience and observation skill.

Patience and observation helps you to locate what you have, and what you lack. They help you to know the purpose why God has brought you into the lives of the people you attract and why God brought them into your own life.

This is the major reason why many people make mistakes. At the early stage of attraction new hope, joy and expectations are birthed but you must come to understand that there is time for every thing. Attraction has her own principle that must be obeyed by all humans.

When ignorance is in action at the early stage of attraction, your eyes will be opened to see what is kept in you within the people that attract you. But when patience and observation comes to play, your eyes will be opened to see your own role of responsibility or assignment within the people you have attracted.

Attraction is cheap but not free. There is a price to pay for you to give out and receive what God has planned for people to gain from each other. The price to be paid comes in three platforms which are; knowledge, understanding and decision making. These three things must come to play if you must enjoy what God has planned for you to enjoy through the influence of attraction.

Watch out for the part 3 - Love and Attraction.


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