Matthew 6:12
What is VALUE?
VALUES are proves of your beliefs. As a believer, you must come to understand that you must define your VALUES. When you don’t define your VALUES accurately according to the Word of God, you will have issues with your priority.
As a believer, your VALUES must be built through the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we talk about VALUES, you must first be able to understand your source.
According to the scriptures (Matthew 6:12), where your treasure is, that is where your heart will reside. Your treasure in life is your beliefs. What have you accepted as the norm? What inspired you to accept it as your norms? This is the place where you must depend on the Holy Spirit and God’s word. Nothing should ever be your source of inspiration outside the Word of God.
When you see some one whose VALUE is not inspired by Gods Word – they will always have issues with their priority. If you have given your life to Jesus and if you believe Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour; your VALUES must be built after your Lord.
When you were in the sinful nature, you had a VALUE according to the sinful nature. When you gave your life to Jesus, you lost the sinful VALUES you had and you picked the VALUES according to the Nature of CHRIST.
We have two types of VALUES.
1. VALUES from the sinful nature.
2. VALUES from Nature of CHRIST.
Who you believe in, will determine the kind of VALUES you will embrace. Who you believe in, will determine your beliefs. If you believe the Lord Jesus and your VALUES are not centered on the Lord Jesus, you are a liar.
Your VALUES will always expose who you believe. If you believe in carnal things, your VALUES will reflect carnality. If you believe in our Lord Jesus, your VALUES will reflect the person of Jesus.
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be. What you VALUE is what will determine the content and nature of your heart. Who you VALUE, will determine what you will VALUE or reflect. What’s your treasure? Who do you VALUE? Is the Lord or Sin?
The answer to the question above is what will help you to recognize what your VALUES ought to be. As a believer in Christ, your VALUE is actually meant to be tailored after the person of Jesus.
If your VALUES are not in line with the person of Jesus, you need to reconsider your ways. Your priority will never be Godly as long as your VALUE is not in line with the lifestyle of Jesus.
We have 5 different phases of VALUES.
These are the VALUES that are built through your personal Encounters with the Lord. Your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit is what will cultivate these VALUES in you. Your spiritual VALUES have to be centered on what you love about the Lord Jesus. It must also center on the person of Jesus.
Spiritual Values are the things you believe as the norm in kingdom matters. This value is what controls your intellectual capacity. The Value must be built on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Your heart and mind function through this value. Spiritual value is the greatest of all. If any thing goes wrong there, every other value will be out of order.
These are the VALUES that dictate the way you think and what to think. Your spiritual VALUE is what ought to dictate your intellectual value or capacity. Who you believe in, will dictate how you think. What you belief is what will dictate what your thought should dwell on.
Intellectual Values are the pattern of ideas you believe as the norm in the way you think, plan and prioritize intellectual issues. These are your individual values about what you think is right and wrong. This value is solely depends on the spiritual values to function. The transformation or the increase of knowledge and understanding of your spiritual values will determine how healthy your intellectual values will be.
Your thought and mindset must be in agreement with who you believe in. If Jesus is your Lord then you must think “as” He thinks and you must think on what His heart beat.
Your spiritual VALUE in CHRIST is what will dictate your thinking and if that is absent, you are breaking the kingdom principles.
Your intellectual VALUES must be in line with what pleases the Lord and also in line with God’s plans and purpose for your life.
These are the VALUES that you cultivate through your thinking pattern (intellectual VALUES) and your spiritual VALUES. If you love the Lord Jesus and your physical VALUES are thing the Lord finds no pleasure in, you are breaking kingdom principle.
The heartbeat of our Lord Jesus is what should dictate your physical VALUES. Your purpose, calling, vision and assignment in Christ determine what also dictates your physical VALUES.
Physical Values are things you believe as the norm in the physical matters. These are the things you love to see, and hear. The influence of your spiritual values and your intellectual values will determine how healthy your physical values will be.
Your Spiritual VALUE + Your Intellectual VALUE = Your Physical VALUE.
Your physical VALUES must reflect your spiritual VALUES and intellectual VALUES.
These are the VALUES that dictate how you relate with people and why you have to relate with people. This also must agree with your “spiritual VALUES, intellectual VALUES, and physical VALUES.”
Relational Values are the things you believe as the norms in friendship, relationship, teamwork, in how you treat people and in how you want to be treated by people. The influence of your spiritual values, intellectual values, and physical values will determine how healthy your relational values will be
Your relational VALUES must also reflect the Nature of our Lord Jesus Christ. This VALUE must reflect the pattern of your personal relationship with the Lord. What you VALUE in the way the Lord relates with you, will determine your relational VALUES.
If you are the disciple of Jesus Christ then, you must relate with people in the same manner Jesus would relate with people.
These are the VALUES that dictate the kind of events you will attend. It will determine the kind of association you will be involved. This must agree with your “spiritual VALUES, intellectual VALUES, physical VALUES and relational VALUES.”
Your social VALUES must reflect the kind of events and association you know Jesus would attend. It creates boundaries for your social life. It dictates where you can go and where you must not go.
You must be ready to keep to the principles of Gods kingdom. Never joke with your spiritual VALUES. Your spiritual VALUES are the factor that set the pace for every aspect of your VALUES.
The only way to maintain your spiritual VALUES is in the way you maintain your walk with the Holy Spirit. As you grow in the knowledge and understand of your walk with the Holy Spirit – your spiritual VALUES will increase and grow.
Social Values are the things you believe as the norm in public activities. These constructs the way you think is right to relate with people in public activities. The influence of your spiritual values, intellectual values, physical values and relational values will determine how healthy your social values will be.
All of the values operate together. As a Child of God, your spiritual value is the greatest of all because every other phase of value will solely depend on it. Any body that do not have the right spiritual values will not be able to have healthy values in other aspects of his or her life. This is a principle – every thing must be in order.
VALUE is all about who you believe and what you believe. If you believe in the Lord Jesus, what you believe must agree with the person of Jesus. If you believe the Lord Jesus, and your VALUES do not agree with Jesus, you will be unhealthy in the way you relate with your self and with other people in your life.
In case you have missed it in the place of your VALUES, you can come to Jesus today. You can go to Gods word and allow the lifestyle of Jesus to re-define what your VALUES ought to become.
Where is your treasure? Allow your heart to dwell and reside in the place where your treasure (CHRIST) resides. It’s an error for your heart to reside in the places (sin) you don’t VALUE. It’s time to re-define where your treasure should be. It’s time to identify your real treasure (CHRIST). Your treasure in Christ; let your VALUES reflect the person of CHRIST.
Watch out for my next post on “Understanding Your Priority.”
There is still HOPE for you in Christ Jesus.
Yours sincerely
Prince Victor Matthew