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Source Of Love

Hebrews 11:6 

According to 1 John 4:8; the bible says God is love! Every thing you want to understand about love is who God. The knowledge of God is the knowledge of love. The understanding of God's operation is the understanding of the operation of love. 

In this generation, a lot of people are praying for love but that's not the solution. Some people are begging for love but that's not the solution. Some people are compromising to gain love buts that's not the solution. Some people kill, steal and destroy to gain love but that's not the solution. 

Love is a life you must discover through the Holy Spirit. The best way to discover love is identifying it's source. A Lot have abandoned the source of love yet they seek for love.

Without Faith... 

What is the source of love? 
The source of love is FAITH. Without faith you can never please love (God). It's impossible to please love (God) if you abandon Faith. Many people have abandon and abuse love because they have no faith. 

What is Faith? 
Faith is a specific kind of knowledge that is defined by God's (love) plan and purpose. For you to function in love, you must gain the knowledge of love. The knowledge of love which is Faith - can only be gained through the Holy Spirit. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit is what will offer you the knowledge of love. 

How do you gain Faith? 
Romans 10:17; Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Love (God). Faith is the knowledge you gain when you listen to the word of love (God). 

In other words, faith comes through what you hear and defining what you hear with God's Word. The word of love (God) is the only thing that can offer you the knowledge of love (God). 

Faith is the concept of the plan of love (God). 
Faith is the mindset that the plan of God (Love) offers to you. 

There is a specific mindset that love (God) can offer you. The specific mindset love has to offer is what you must embrace in other to please love (God). When you lack the same mindset love (God) has, every thing you do will not please love (God). 

For you to please love (God) you must think as love (God) think. For you to please love (God), you must accept the plan love (God) has, as your personal plan. You and love (God) must agree if you must function in love (God). 

You need Faith to function or discover love (God). Faith is the knowledge of love (God). Faith is the mindset of love (God). Faith is the attitude of love (God). Faith is the lifestyle of love (God). 

Whoever that comes to love (God)...
We live in a generation that doubt the reality of love they seek. If you come come to a full experience of love (God), you must first BELIEVE that love (God) exist. 

The bible says; as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. What you believe will always be your experience. Enjoying your relationship and experiencing love, you must believe that true love (God) exist. Your believe in the exist of love (God), sets you in position to experience love (God). 

You must also believe that love is the rewarder of those who honestly seek for love. If you believe that love is the reality that will reward you - you won't be discouraged by what people do and say to you. If you believe that love (God) is the rewarder, you won't give up on love (God). If you believe that love (God) is the rewarder, you won't give up on trust because of what someone has said or done to you. If you believe that love (God) is the rewarder, you won't pay evil for evil. 

I want you to know that every Godly thing you have done to any one in love, will never be a waste. Even if the people do not appreciate what you have done for them, your reward is with love (God). 

Lift your eyes off from any human. Stop counting the faults and focus on love (God). Put an end to this bitterness and look up to love (God). Put a stop to this revenge and look up to love (God), who is the rewarder.

I want to draw your attention to this "love (God) is the rewarder of those who HONESTY SEEK HIM" 
In your relationship, what are you actually seeking? In your relationship, are you honest about the love you are seeking? Where must you be to honestly seek for this love? 

What are you honestly seeking? 
Irrespective of your attitude, gift and help you are offering, is your motive Godly? You can do the right thing or show concern to some just to feed your own pride. You can just care for some just to show off. What are you honestly seeking? 

Beside what you want people to believe, what are you honestly seeking? Are you honestly seeking for love (God)? Are you honestly seeking for what will feed your greed? All your caring attitude, is it a trap for people to become your victim or slave? Is okay that you help people, but are you using that to take advantage of people? What are you honestly seeking? 

The teenagers look up to you for advice, instruction and direction - are you honestly seeking for their growth or you are looking for an opportunity to victimise them? 

In your relationship, and in your personal life, what are you honestly seeking? Are you actually seeking for love (God) or you are honestly seeking for your own greed? Are you actually seeking for the plans and desires of love (God) or you honestly seeking for your own plans and desires? 

Don't expect love (God) to reward you if you are not honestly seeking love (God). Don't expect love experience if your motive is greed. Don't expect love (God) to reward you for your selfish sacrifice. 

You must believe in the existence of love (God) and you must believe that love (God is the rewarder of those who honestly seek love (God). 

For you to become who God has created you to be, you must know and believe the right thing (Love - God). Many people know love but don't believe in the existence of love. I don't care who spoke to you and who you are believing, the good news is; true love exist. 

Don't be confused, if you know God and believe in God (love) existence, but doubt the knowledge, you don't really know and believe in the existence of God (Love). God is love and love is God. If you believe that God exist, then love exist. If you know God, you know love. 

Let us step higher, you are a God (Psalm 82:2), that is to say, you are love. God is love and the bible says, "you are God; this implies that you are love. 

The source of love is not your feelings, sex or dating. The source of love is the indwelling of Christ inside of you. You are the source of love. Christ in you is the source of love expressed. The more you keep relating within the source of love within you - the more you are in charge.

Love is you and Christ in you is the source of love. The source of love is CHRIST IN YOU. The source of love (you) is CHRIST IN YOU. 

If you have not given your life to Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, you can't become the source of love. If you don't repent from your sin and turn to Jesus, you won't experience true love.

Jesus loves you so much. 


Prayer Points 

Father, deliver me from any bondage of sin in Jesus Name. 

Father, purify me from every wrong motive or greed in Jesus Name. 

Father, help me to forgive those that have offended me in Jesus Name. 

Father, teach me how to think and behave in the nature of love in Jesus Name. 

Father, help me not to sacrifice my walk with you on the alter of dating in Jesus Name. 

Father, teach me how to be honest with Godly motive in Jesus Name. 

Father, irrespective of my pains and hurts, teach me how to trust again, love again and believe again in Jesus Name. 

Father, teach me how to be led by your Spirit in every aspect of my life in Jesus Name

Father, transform my life with your word in Jesus Name 

Father, use this seminar to begin a new thing in my life in Jesus Name. 

Appreciate the name of the Lord for his Faithfulness. 


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