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I Love Sex - Part 5


Youths and teenagers, I want to beg you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; you are better than this. Any man or lady that demands oral sex for you has no value for you and he or she has no dignity. The fact that you are in a relationship with him or her or the fact that you are engaged to him or her does not mean its fit for you and him or her to have oral sex.

As singles, it is wrong because it’s the wrong timing for you. You are not yet married. Even when you get married it’s still going to be an agreed issue between you and your spouse. As married couple, it’s wrong to force oral sex on your partner. It ought to be a willful expression of trust and care.

Single sisters, your breast or sexual organ is not a toy any man should toil with all in the name of their love for you. If he loves and respect you, he will not make at attempt to play or even suck your breast or sexual organ. Either you are still a virgin or not, allowing a man to play with these areas or suck these areas is against God’s will for your life. You can say, it doesn’t matter or every body does it but I am here to tell you that it does matter because your body belongs to God and your body is the temple of the Lord. It’s not too late; there is still hope for you in Christ Jesus. All you have to do is you asking the Holy Spirit to help you.

Single brothers, your sexual organ is not a toy any lady should toil with all in the name of their love for you. If she loves and respect you, she will not make at attempt to play or even suck your sexual organ. Either you are still a virgin or not, allowing a lady to play with these areas or suck these areas is against God’s will for your life. You can say, it doesn’t matter or every body does it but I am here to tell you that it does matter because your body belongs to God and your body is the temple of the Lord. It’s not too late; there is still hope for you in Christ Jesus. All you have to do is you asking the Holy Spirit to help you.


Brothers - are you irresponsible and fake or you are a father in the making?

Sisters - are you a murder or you are a mother in the making?

You have no right to abort the child in your womb. It might be a mistake to you or it might have come when you didn’t expect it to come. The truth is God is conscious and aware of the arrival of that baby. God has planned for the pregnancy already before you noticed you got pregnant. You might consider abortion because you don’t want to face shame, the truth still remain “abortion is not an option.”

You might have good logical explanation to prove abortion is the only option but I am here to tell you that this is not the will of God for you. You can avoid abortion by avoiding having sex in the first place. Be responsible for you actions and irresponsibility. People might not know you aborted the child but you are already a murder and your hands are full of an innocent blood.

This generation have been robbed of its potential, future leaders, future inventors, future presidents, future prophets, future lawyers…etc. all at altar of abortion. Who knows maybe, the true solution to the economy problem we are facing now has been aborted long time ago. That baby in your womb is not just a child; he or she is a solution to this generation and an answer to the question of this generation.

Youths or teenagers, it’s more honourable to be a single mother than being a murder. I know your education is at stick. I know the name of your parents is at stick. I know a lot of things are at stick but it is better to obey the Lord. If you love the Lord, you will keep his instructions and one of his instruction is you shall not kill any human.

My sisters, any man who suggest abortion to you as an option is a man that is selfish, irresponsible and greedy.

If you have aborted in the past due to ignorance, the Lord is willing to forgive you. When you know the truth and you still want to go ahead to abort the baby be prepared for the consequences that comes along with it. Yes, God’s grace is available but Grace is not the absence of discipline and truth. The Lord can forgive you but you must face the consequence. Consequences like, womb damage, the risk of loosing your own life in the process… etc.

In this talk about abortion, to avoid all these long stories… avoid sex before marriage or abstain from sex before marriage. This is the best bet and this is the will of God for your life.


My brothers and sister, you have a choice in the area of sex. You were not created as a prostitute; you were the one that decide to be a prostitute. This same situation you feel you have to compromise through having sex for money or for promotion is the same situation other ladies and men have conquer through persistence, truth and focus. Youths have succeeded in achieving what you are compromising to achieve without them compromising. You have the choice to say no. You have the choice to embrace truth. You have the choice to suffer for the sake of truth.

Youths and teenagers, all these sugar mummy and sugar daddy have to stop for the sake of Christ. Why will this generation glory in evil and despise the truth. It’s not the devil, we humans have choose the path and made these decisions. We can choose again to establish our priority and decision via the word of God.

As a married man or woman, you have the choice to stay faithful to your partner sexually. No excuse is good enough to justify your immaturity or irresponsibility of sleeping around with men or ladies.

Youths and teenagers, you don’t have to go to night parties, hanging around married men and guys (having sex with them) just to maintain your upkeep standard. You don’t have to have sex with any body just because you want to buy a car, or a phone or rent an apartment or get a mark from your lecturer…etc.

Irrespective of the help any one has rendered to you, having sex with him is not the only way to appreciate him. Nothing is so expensive enough to the demand of you having sex. If any lady or man wants to break up with you because he have refused having sex with him or her – please, let him or her go. No relationship or engagement ring is worth you having sex before marriage.

The Holy Spirit will posses your heart and transform you into the nature of God in Jesus Name.

Jesus loves you so much.

To be continued...


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