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I Love Sex - Part 1

(Grace & Truth)

I alone know the thoughts I have towards you says the Lord, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

You are welcome to the ‘MENTORING ZONE’ another arm of Hope Expression Forum. In this “gathering of the WARLORDS” (MINISTERS OF GRACE) I hereby present this teaching “I LOVE SEX.” For the past few years he Lord has been dealing with me on this subject. At first I almost turn down the instruction of writing on this topic because it looks so out of the expectation of believers in the body of Christ.

In the Church today, people hardly address the issue of sex and if they do, they only use the scriptures to create fear in people without them addressing the physical or practical challenges the youths and teenagers must be ready to overcome. Some ministers of God have tried to deal with this issue practically but their numbers are few.

Sex is the most amazing gift God has ever given to humanity and its God’s pleasure to see us embrace and enjoy this precious gift. Sex is not a sin; having sex outside the context of marriage is what makes it a sin. 

God do not want you to hate sex. God do not want you to ignore the issue of sex or pretend as if it’s a curse. God do not want you to see sex as your enemy or a problem but He does want you a gift from him to you.

Having the urge for sex is not a sin also; you were created with it and God intentionally create you with sexual urge. The sexual urge is not the sin; the sin is when you fail to govern or manage it according to God’s expectation (waiting till after marriage). You were not created to run away from it but you were created to embrace it, accept it and feel secure about it. Don’t fight it. Don’t deny it. Don’t ignore it and don’t feel guilty for feeling or having sexual urge.

It’s my pleasure for you to know and understand that the devil do not have the power to give you sexual urge. He does not have the power to create any thing. All he does is to use what you already have to manipulate you. So the devil is not the reason why you are addicted to a lot of things you use as substitute for sex or your addiction to sex. You are the way you are because you are ignorant, and failed to manage or govern your sexual urge through the word of God.

The first thing in the freedom from the bondage that does not exist is “accept your sexual urge and acknowledge that sex was created for you.” Your sexual urge was created by God and they were created to serve you and help you fulfill your purpose for existence.

It is expected of you to love sex. If you don’t love sex, you are emotionally deformed. You are emotionally unbalanced and God hates it. Some people think that hating the idea of sex is prove of holiness or righteousness. Some people feel that the more they are emotional dead, the more their relationship with God is growing. Some people even think that being unavailable emotionally is a prove of spiritual growth but it’s not true. The devil has succeeded in selling wrong ideas that appears as holiness. 

Many youths and teenagers, under this wrong idea; they have become professors in pretense. Some of them will never talk about sex in the public but secretly – there struggle with their sexual urge. Some have even addicted to masturbation, pornographic, oral sex and any other substitution for the act of sex. Some youths and teenagers hide under the issue of Grace and live in the act of sin believe that Grace is available. Some of them have allowed civilization to help them hide. Now some people have accepted that sex or oral sex is not part of what the relationship entails. Some youths or teenagers believe that sex is part of daily exercise… Etc

Some people sincerely hate to have sex before marriage but since no body ever taught them how to conquer their sexual urge – they silently struggle and compromise with their sexual urge. Some people desire help but they are afraid of speaking out because of mockery. I want you to understand that there is nothing that is wrong with you. You are not a sinner because you have sexual urge.

 Less I forget, our God is an organized God and he has designed every human according to what he wants to achieve in their lives. God designed you including your sexual urge. Your sexual urge is not unpredicted feelings that can come and go at will. There are specific thing that turns it on and there are specific things the turns it off. God designed it to function in a specific way and this specification has to do with sight and sound.

Sight and Sound is the channel whereby the triggering off and on of your sexual urge follows. These sight and sound depend on your mindset. Your mindset or desires determine how the sight and sound will trigger your sexual urge. Your sexual urge can not in any way be activated on itself. It is like a potential that need life to activate. It’s like the fuel that needs fire to ignite. It’s like a gun that needs bullet to function. Every human has a specific principle attached to his sexual urge. Even if the devil wants to come and manipulate your sexual urge, he must obey and follow through that specific principle God has attached to your sexual urge.

In other to govern your sexual urge, you need to ask you few questions.
 What kind of information are you using in feeding your mind?

This information comes in sight and sound and their nature determine the influences they created in and through your mind. What you feed your mind on will determine your addictions.

James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

The verse above has proved a point that you were created to govern and manage your sexual urge. Either you see it as a temptation or as a normal thing; God is expecting you to endure it knowing fully that sex in marriage is worth the waiting. From this verse, we were able to see that there is a reward (crown of life) for those who endure and those who endure are the people that love the Lord. You have the strength through the Help of the Holy Spirit to endure the sexual urge but your greatest enemy is your mindset, or your own desires. If you feed your mindset with the word of God, that will determine your attitude. When you feed your mindset with lust, lust will be your attitude.

This is the benefit for study and meditating on God’s word (Romans 12:2). As long as you keep studying and meditating on God’s word… the more your mindset will be transformed in such a way that even when temptation comes, the word of God you’ve feed your mind with becomes what sustains you (through out the season of that temptation).

May the Holy Spirit help you to govern your sexual urge in Jesus Name.

Jesus loves you so much.

You are great!

To be continued...


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