DANCE WITH ME “Get the Rhythm” Amos 3:3 – Can two walk together if they don’t agree. You are welcome to STRETCH YOUTH SUMMIT . In this month of April, we shall be looking into a topic the Holy Spirit has instructed me to teach through His Grace. Last month (March), we looked into the issue of ‘I LOVE YOU’ and Lord was able to deal with certain issues we have been over looking. I thank the Lord because God use that seminar to liberate people from isolation, abusive relationship and reconciliation with their personal relationship with God. Praise God! WHAT IS DANCE WITH ME? Dance with me is all about people supporting you, and cooperating with you in other to achieve a specific goal according the expectation of God for your life. This is the process of people having regards for your priority, and values in life. This is the process of people been committed to you. This is the process of people investing in your dream. This is the process of people forgiving ...