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Stop Waiting and Start Living

Waiting for something to happen, or for something to change. Waiting for that girlfriend, that husband, that relationship.  Waiting for the phone to ring, the question to be asked, that person to notice.  Looking ahead at the future and waiting for what’s to come.  Longing, hoping, dreaming and wishing. And while you sit around and wait, life passes you by. 

Maybe you feel like one of those people stuck in the waiting place.  There may be something you have been longing for or something you have asked God for that has not yet been fulfilled.

You may be so fixated on what it is that you are waiting on, that you have lost your desire for what IS - here and now.  You’ve stopped living in the moment.

Jim Elliot says it like this, “Don’t let your longing kill the hunger of your living”.

For many of us, our longings can kill our desire for life.  Our longings can trump our reason for being.  The waiting game turns out to be a very dangerous thing - slowly corroding our desire toward life. But for those who put their hope in the Lord, the waiting game doesn’t have to be a waste of time.  Instead, it can be an opportunity to keep living life, “while you wait”.  Here’s how:

God promises that He can be trusted, no matter what it is that you are waiting on.  He promises to be the hope for anyone who finds themselves waiting.  At the end of your longings and desires, He is there - ready to satisfy and meet every one of those desires with Himself.  He wants to open your eyes to the life He has given you and His role in it.
No matter what it is you are waiting for, God can give you the grace to see the Hope that you have in Him.  Use this time as an opportunity to connect with Him in even deeper and more intimate ways than ever before. It’s only when you take your eyes off of what you want, that God can begin to reveal to you what you really need. And like I always say, when you’re running toward God, you will always be moving in the right direction.

Don’t stop living in your season of waiting.  Life is happening all around you, right here and right now. God wants you to enjoy the moment, to embrace the present, and to live in the moment.  He wants to open your eyes to the life you’ve been given, because the present is the only thing in life that is actually guaranteed.

Rather than fixating on what you don’t have, take the time to really think through what you do have.   Life is full of blessings, joys, and special moments for those who take the time to look for them.   The people who possess the most joy in life are not those who have what they want, but those who want what they have.  Ask God to open your eyes to the things you’ve been given.

This time of waiting can be a useless and discouraging place if you allow it to be.  But it can also be a time of hope, joy, excitement, purpose, intimacy and contentment with God and the people he’s placed in your life.

It is up to you and you alone to choose how you will wait. Stop waiting, and start living.

Jesus loves you.

Be Inspired!


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