Common ground is the
way forward. For us to be able to walk together, I must come to a place of
understand and respect your world, you must come to understand and respect my
word and we must understand our individual needs. If what I need compliments and is compatible with what you need, there
will be a big chance for us to walk together.
To find the common
ground between your self and the people around you, you must answer this
question; what I’m really looking for in
this life? Your world must be in search for some thing and my world must be
in search for some thing. Identifying my needs helps me to know those that can
feed my needs. Identifying your needs helps you to know those that can feed
your needs.
is a NEED? A need is a necessity that I lack. A need can also be some thing
that I have but needs some one who understands what I have; in other for that
person to enjoy what I have with me. This is the function
of some thing I lack and MUST gain or some thing I have and MUST share.
It is some thing the
scriptures have helped me to see that I need in other for me to achieve God’s plan
for my life. You don’t have it all, you don’t know it all and you have not seen
it all. You need is what creates rooms for people to be able to walk with you
or relate with you or dance with you.
The NEED to gain what you lack and the need
to share what you have is what creates COMMON
GROUND. Without a common ground, it
is impossible for you to experience healthy relationship, friendship or
teamwork. In other words, I must feed you with what you NEED and you must feed me with what I NEED.
WORLD is when you and I can come together to walk in
other to enjoy a common need that adds value to our individual world. It’s our
world because we individually choose to understand our common ground, and
relates base on our common ground.
and accountability is required,
either to God or to the people who relates with us. You must not choose any
body as your friend if you can’t see the common ground between you and them.
You must not love or date some one if you can’t see the common ground between
you and them. You must not have some one as a teammate if you can’t see the
common ground between you and them. Common ground is what guarantees healthy
conversation, friendship, teamwork, relationship, or marriage.
If there is no common
ground, let them go. If they can’t respect your world, let them go. If they
can’t feed your need, let them go. If you can’t feed their need, let them go.
You don’t have to beg or compromise your world. Please, don’t allow any body to
compromise his or her world just because they want to be your friend. You don’t
have to force any one to believe in your world. Don’t let any body manipulate
you to believe in their world. You don’t have to use money or buy gifts in
other to fit into other people’s world. The foot steps of the righteous are
ordered by the Lord. Let the Holy Spirit direct you.
This is what dance with
me means; before you dance with me, where is our common ground? Before you walk
with me, where is our common ground? Do I really have what it takes to feed
your need? Do you have what it takes to feed my need?
Less I forget, every NEED is not a Godly NEED. We have a NEED tailored after the desire
of the flesh, lust of the
eyes, lust of the flesh
and pride of life. We also
have a NEED that is tailored after
the fruit of the Spirit, Righteousness, God’s word, His plan, and Purpose.
Don’t feed any need that is after the works
of the flesh. For example, sex before marriage, lying, pride, greed,
Unforgiveness, stealing, disobeying God’s word… etc.
Jesus walked in his
world, when He came to our world, He added value and salvaged it and finally
suffered, died and resurrected to redeem our world. Now in him, we live, in him
we move and in Him we have our being. He fed our needs. We were dead in our sins so he came that
he might give us LIFE and LIFE abundantly (John 10:10).
In that relationship,
friendship, teamwork or marriage, are you a life giver or you have come to
steal, kill and destroy God’s intention for my life? Are you adding value to my
world like Jesus did when He came to my world? Are you helping that lady or man
to obey God’s word or you are helping them to disobey God? Do you have the life
of God in you? Do you even have a personal relationship with God?
This is the
constitution of love; love came to give life and add value to the lives of
humans. Love came to pick up those that have fallen from faith. If the
friendship, relationship or marriage is not doing any of these, you need to
look up to God for help.
the place of dating or relationship, the common ground is the compatibility of
vision. Don’t compromise your vision in Christ for any reason or any one. If he
is the one for you martially, His vision will agree with your vision. If she is
for you martially, her vision will agree with your vision. Don’t settle for
less and don’t be enticed by money, his looks, her curves and shapes, sex or
anything. If your vision and his or her vision do not agree with each other,
let him or her go. The risk is not worth it.
the place of dating or relationship, the common ground is the complimentary of
character, ideas, talents and creativity. Our differences through purpose are
not meant to divide us but to unify us.
is not you changing people into what you want, it is you loving people the way
they are, as you look up to God to change them into his own desires. Love is
not all about you loving people the way you want; it is you loving the way God
want you to love them.
two becoming one is not all about similarity; it is all about agreement and
teamwork. It’s all about two different people with different upbringing
agreeing to use their difference to help each other instead of using it to
fight each other.
I can’t teach you every
thing on this subject. I release you into the hands of the Holy Spirit to teach
and direct your foot steps on this matter.
I pray for you this
day; that greed in your heart will be broken by the power of the Holy Ghost.
May the Holy Spirit possess your heart and transform it into the nature of
Christ in Jesus Name. May the Holy Spirit teach you to know what to do, what to
say and how to decide on any issue concerning this topic in Jesus Name. May the
Holy Spirit rescue you from any abusive relationship in Jesus Name. May Christ
be glorified in Jesus Name – Amen.
You are Great!
Jesus is your HOPE