Who you are is not the function of your name, your tribe or the family you originate. You are not the product of events and past failure of projects. You are not the person think you are. You are not defined by your weaknesses, mistakes, and faults. You are not defined by your achievements. You are not defined by your lacks. You are not defined by the media. You are not defined by the colour of your skin. You are not defined by your nationality. You are not defined by your tribe. You are not defined by the failures of your parents. You are not defined by the success of your parents. You are not by your blood linage. Who you are is the function of the plan of God for your life. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb God has already defined who you will become.
This has nothing to do with who will I be like, this is the function of who I’m I created to be. There is some thing unique about your life and that thing has to do with your identity. This has much to do with God’s expectation towards your life. This identity is scripturally define and it’s the original YOU. This is your identity in Christ and the person of Christ in you. It’s all you were created to be. It’s all you were created to achieve. It’s all you were created to do. It’s all you were created to learn. It’s all you were created to understand. Who you are is in different phases according to the different phases of life (physical, social, mental, emotional, & financial).
God did not create you any how; there are specification and pattern to your creation. There is a pattern to who you must be and what you must do. There is a specification to how you must live your life, and how you must think. This specification and pattern behind your life is what will determine your approach to this war against yourself.
Your story is in the bible and the details of your life are preserved in the scriptures.
‘Yourself’ is the function of your fears, worries and doubt. It’s all you could have become that you never were. It’s all the faults, mistakes and disappointment. It’s all the memories of the hurts in the past that keeps hunting you. It’s the fear of the future. It’s the fear of rejection. It’s the fear of loosing your love mate. It’s the fear of people disrespecting you. It’s the fear of the past repeating itself again. It’s the fear of failing again. It’s the fear of being raped. It’s the fear of a lady turning your proposal down. It’s the fear of never being good enough for any man. It’s your insecurity. It’s your struggles, frustrations and challenges. It’s all about the war within you daily. It’s the lies you keep saying just to maintain that relationship. It’s you impressing people just to win their approval. It’s you giving up on love. It’s you giving up on trust. It’s you settling for less. It’s you settling for an abusive relationship. It’s in you settling for masturbation. It’s you submitting to your addictions to smoking, sex, drugs, gay etc… It’s you hiding under abortion. It’s you living in a man’s house that is not legally married to you. It’s in you keeping friendship with sexual benefits. It’s you living below your creativity and talent because you are scared to risk new opportunities and new ideas. Etc The list continues…
This is the war; it’s between who God has created you to be and who are now. It’s also the war between who God wants you to become and who you are now.
Right the Garden of Eden, this was not so. God created every thing and he saw every thing was good. Every thing fell apart after the fall of man-kind. That made man-kind hopeless till Jesus came to do the finished work on the Cross. That has given us the license to conquer. Praise God!
... to be continued.