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Genesis  2:18 
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Here is the beginning of the creation of a female. There is a created woman and there is a formed woman. The created woman is a spirit (Genesis 1:26-28) and the formed woman is (Genesis 2:18)

Who is a FEMALE?
A FEMALE is another dimension of God's image and likeness for the complimentary of the other dimension of Gods image and likeness called MALE.

Without the female version, the full image and likeness of God won't be revealed. God's complete image and likeness is THE MALE AND FEMALE IN UNITY. Genesis 5:2

The woman is not inferior to the man. The woman is not superior to the man. The woman is the compliment version of Gods nature NOT JUST TO THE MAN BUT TO ALL CREATURE. This knowledge is what releases you from the poison called competing or comparing with men.

When God created man in his image and likeness...He created man as MALE AND FEMALE... Genesis 1:26-28. When God blessed, it was not to the male alone...the female was blessed. The blessing to be fruitful is not to the male alone, the female too was commanded. The command from God to dominate, replenish and subdue the earth was not to the male alone....the female also got this command, empowerment and permission. 
The female was created in PARTNERSHIP with the male for the smooth administration of the earth and its system.

The woman is not just an emotional being but a physical, social, intellectual, financial, spiritual, creative and talent being. She has being wired by God to function as God function but in her own dimension as a female. Female or womanhood is a pattern and dimension of operation that was designed to reveal Gods nature and glory.

There is one major reason why ladies exist....which is to reveal Gods glory through their suitable help to every situation surrounding them. The need of supporting a work and getting a work done, brought about the existence of the female. There was work on ground in the garden of Eden and the burden was too much for Adam to handle. God then decide to create a PARTNER AND TEAMMATE for Adam for the work to be done fast and easy. Laziness is a malfunctioning attitude in any lady. WORK birthed the need of the existence of a woman. The need of a support and help, brought the need of the existence of a woman.

The reason why a lady exist is for her to offer suitable help.....not for dating and marriage alone but in all works of life. Mark the word SUITABLE HELPER.... Its totally different from being a HELPER. Having the capacity to help is not the issue here, you must have the right knowledge and understanding of what you must help. There is a man in every boy but if the boy refuse to grow, the man in him will be trapped.

As a lady, you must understand that you must discover the kind of suitable helper that you are. This is possible when you discover your self via your passion, and interest in life. Discovering your uniqueness as a lady will help you to know where you can be a suitable helper and where you must not help. You can't be a suitable helper to every body, every where and any how. There are limitation to who, where and how to function as a suitable helper.

Who is a suitable helper?
A suitable helper is a lady that have discovered herself, understood her passion and allowing her passion to dictate those to help, when to help and how to help.

Why are we having ladies out of place and confused?
The challenge of this generation is that people seek the permission of experience, opinion of people and their upbringing to learn the reason for the existence of a female. Until you return back to the bible, you won't get the original truth.
Lack of self discovery has caged the capacity of ladies as suitable helpers. Lack of preparation according to their passion in terms of attitude, spoken words and thinking pattern. This has caged the suitable helper in ladies.

Lack of help from parents and people has caged many ladies from becoming a suitable helper they were originally designed to become. Some ladies are presently abandoned, rejected and despised yet...their original design is to be a suitable helper. The challenge is, suitable helper have experienced the scarcity of help so well that, all that matters now is how they will survive.

Some ladies have enjoyed help, while some ladies have lack help but in all, God is ready and expecting all ladies in Christ to function as suitable helper.

The first solution is that, every lady in Christ must learn to submit and accept the help of the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of Gods Word. Until you have experienced how God can help you, you won't understand how to help other. Helping people is not the case but helping this person suitably. Suitably means the way God design and expect it to be. You can't choose to do what you like, talk as you like, become any thing.... And think you can go away with it. There is a suitable way...the original template of how to help..ordained by God.

The day you begin to talk to people and treat people the way you feel they deserve, you have lost your authority. But in this generation, ladies think they exist to enjoy and be served. They feel what should be the center of attention should be them but its not true. THE BEST WAY TO LOVE A MAN IS TO HELP HIM SUCCEED AND FOCUS ON THE WORK, BUSINESS OR MINISTRY THAT GOD HAS GIVEN HIM TO DO. FIND A WAY TO HELP HIM ACCORDING TO THE DEMAND OF HIS WORK. The best example of a suitable helper is a secretary. His or her job description is to make sure the boss succeeds at all cost.

Most successful ladies ARE WORK CONSCIOUS. God made ladies to exist so they can assist the man to get the work done and at the same time find fulfillment of their existence in the success of the man. The glory of any woman is the successful achievement of either her father, her mentor, her husband or her friend. I mean the successful achievement she contributed her time, support and attention.

Any success of a woman achieved to despised the success of an man is a display of immaturity. You are not successful because you did better than the man. You are successful only because your success contributed to the reason why the man succeeded. God never created the woman to outshine the man, he created her to shine along side with him. Its partnership, its fellowship, its intimacy....exactly what Jesus has done to the Church. Drop all anger, revenge and bitterness against the men, be better and wiser.

The devil is fighting the female to believe they can exist without the male. So we now have lesbianism and masturbation reigning among ladies. Trying to build a world without men when God created male and female to function and succeed only when they work as a team.

You must learn how to accept and enjoy Gods help as a lady. Then, you must learn to become a suitable helper to your own dreams, calling and all aspect of your life. You must learn to be a suitable helper your siblings and parent. You must learn to be a suitable helper to your friends, pastor, mentor, father in the Lord, mother in the Lord and finally to your spouse. This is the best way to embrace and grow in this knowledge. Its an error in Gods plan for you to abandon your self and focus on your lover or spouse.

As a lady, there are three dimension of help you must understand. There is a help only you can render to your self of which no body can render to you. There is a kind of help others must offer to you that you can't offer yourself. There is a kind of help only God can offer you of which you or people will never be able to help you in that area. Don't just be a suitable helper, be a praying suitable helper. Be a suitable helper that function through the knowledge of Gods Word you have studied, mediated and apply into your life. This is the will of God for you. I cant teach you all you need to understand on this topic. Depend on the Holy Spirit and His Word to help you.


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