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Showing posts from January, 2020

The Ring 0.1 Series

0.1 THE RING. As a lady, you must be able to understand what is before you in this generation. Motive is the king of love. A man engaging you is not your right..irrespective of how long you have being dating him. A man only engages a lady for marriage when he has observed, and have being satisfied that you fit into the major reason why he asked you out for a relationship. It is an approval that you are qualified to be part of his future plan. It means you have earned the right to be part of his future. It means you have earned the right to be his suitable help in every aspect of his vision and martially. It means your attitude, words and manners of approach has conquered every doubts he has about a life partner. The engagement ring is not a right...but a previldge. Irrespective of all your sacrifice and the best you have given or shared with him in dating...if you don't fit into his plans for the future...He can break up and release you...for him to get some one else who can ear...

The Ring 0.2 Series

0.2 The Ring Relationship is the display of what you are capable of offering in the marriage. Its a dress rehearsal for the real deal. Its on a try and error or...a matter of...let's see how it goes. Ladies, there is no point in accepting to date a won't be ready or willing to accept His marriage proposal, when he shows up. Don't taste with your tongue...what you are not ready to bite with your teeth. When a man propose to you...let him define the date for the real deal. It's usually minimum of (3) three months or maximum of (6) six month or (1) one year. Don't let any man tie you down with an engagement ring, when he is not certain about when he wants to get married to you. I am not saying he should have all the money before he proposes... No! He should be willing and determine of what he has planned first...even if the money is not there yet....Faith only respond to detailed and specific plan. Ladies, the fact that he proposed you with a ring does no...

Two Things in 2020

I want you all to stay conscious of two things this year. YOUR ASSIGNMENT AND PURPOSE IN GOD. There is nothing worth pursuing this year than...these two things. There is a specific assignment behind your birth and your gender was specially designed for it. These assignment can come as a passion hidden in your heart or as a revelation via vision or Gods Word. You are not just an ordinary person. Seek to understand the supernatural aspect of your person. Your gender is an added advantage because God knows, its your gender that fits the assignment he created you to executive in this world. You are not just existing...God was deliberate about your creation and was intentional and deliberate. Embrace your assignment and purpose. Seek for it. Pray for it. Study your bible with all your heart, with the intention to discover it. Don't just live your life with empty hopes. Your gender is a blessing and your life is a gift to this generation. This is your YEAR!!! HOPE...