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Showing posts from July, 2017

The Need of Love - Part 2

Every aspect of your life needs love (relationship to survive but how can you know the right person? Relationship (love) is not just about dating; its exchange of communication for the fulfillment of Gods vision.  The need of relationship (love) is in the understanding of Gods expectation for your life. The expectation of God for your life is what we call God’s vision for your life. Before you see relationship (love) as a necessity, you must first find out God’s vision (expectation) for your life. This is the foundation for love (relationship). Having a wrong relationship is a display of your ignorance about God’s expectation (vision).  If you know God’s expectation (vision) for your life, you will know people to avoid. If you know God’s expectation (vision) for your life, you will know people to relate. People are not meant to establish relationship (love) without the absence of direction and vision. Every relationship is meant to meet a need in your God’s given vision


The need of love is progressive in nature. This has much to do with the revelation of God’s word. The need of love is in phases. The first need of love is “vision. You will never enjoy a true love experience if vision is absent. Vision is the strength and foundation of the need of love. What is vision? Vision is the mental picture of the spoken or written plan of God. Vision is the necessity of life. Vision is the spoken or written word of God. Vision will never be revealed until it is discovered. Vision can never be discovered until there is a Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit. The need of love is revealed through the understanding of God’s vision for you. Love is need personified and fulfillment related. The Need of love can be seen in two phase; love as a person and love as relationship.  Your original identity is love. God is love (His person and identity). You were created in the image and likeness of love (God). Love is you and your identity is lov