The PURPOSE OF LOVE is to IMPROVE you and also inspire you to IMPROVE your generation.
Love is a nature you must put on. Love is a personality that must conform with His nature.
When you embrace love, love will IMPROVE your attitude, talent, creativity, mindset and other aspect of your life. The PURPOSE OF LOVE is to see you grow from a level of IMPROVEMENT to another level. Constant IMPROVEMENT is the manifestation of love.
Love accepts you the way you are but will never allow you to lack a constant IMPROVEMENT. According to God's plan, you must be IMPROVEd through the HOLY SPIRIT and God's word. This IMPROVEMENT in you is what will inspire your generation to embrace IMPROVEMENT.
Whose image are you becoming?
(Christ or Sin)
IMPROVEMENT becomes a necessity if only there is a standard set. The standard set influences you into becoming the personality and image of love. This is the time you must IMPROVE from ignorance to knowledge. This is the time for you to IMPROVE from knowledge to understanding. This is the time for you to IMPROVE from understanding to wisdom. This is the time for your to IMPROVE from immaturity to maturity. This is the time for you to IMPROVE from the image of sin into the image of CHRIST.
This is the time for you to IMPROVE from weakness to strength. This is the time for you to IMPROVE from "I can't" to "I can!"
This IMPROVEMENT is possible through God's word and the HOLY SPIRIT. You can't continue living your life this way. The PURPOSE OF LOVE is to IMPROVE you into Gods Nature.
Jesus loves you so much.
Watch out for "PURPOSE OF LOVE - Part 9.