The purpose LOVE is gaining VALUE and gaining LIFE. The pupose of LOVE is adding VALUE and LIFE to your generation too.
If you must function in purpose and LOVE, you must embrace and function in the plan of God through the HOLY SPIRIT.
The ignorance of God's plan for your LIFE is the beginning of frustration.
The knowledge of God's plan for your LIFE is the revealing of your purpose.
The understanding of God's plan for your LIFE is the revealing of His Vision in you.
The wisdom of God's plan for your LIFE is the assignment behind your existence.
The PURPOSE OF LOVE is LIFE. LIFE is the plan of God revealed to you through the HOLY SPIRIT. LIFE is the ability to function in the plan of God through the HOLY SPIRIT.
The ability of you operating in the purpose, vision and assignment behind your existence is what will enable you to add VALUE to your generation.
God has a plan (specific) for your physical, emotional, intellectual, talent, creativity, mind-set and every aspect of your LIFE. The PURPOSE OF LOVE is LIFE - exposing you to the plan of God through the HOLY SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT is also available to help you to function in the plan of God.
Watch out for "Purpose of Love - Part 7"
Jesus loves you so much!