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Love is Chains - Part 1

John 11:1 - 44
We live in a generation that is full of pain, regrets and hurts. We live in a time where people have given up on loving, trusting and dreaming because of their experiences have put them in CHAINS. We live in a generation that think LOVE is a feeling forgetting that LOVE is their personality.
What is LOVE?
LOVE is a living, a personality, and a lifestyle that has His own desires. LOVE is the reality of the person of God. You have being created in the Image of LOVE, which makes you the person of LOVE (LOVE is you).
LOVE is not an experience but an experience. LOVE is not a feeling yet you can feel it. LOVE is not what people give to you, it is who you have being created to be – LOVE is you. 
LOVE is not a relationship but every relationship needs LOVE for sustenance. LOVE is relational but you must define her. LOVE is not what you describe, LOVE is a lifestyle you express (LOVE is you). 
LOVE is not something you search for neither is it far away from you. LOVE is you and it dwells in you. It is your responsibility to look with you through Gods word to discover the LOVE in you (LOVE is you).
LOVE is Christ living on the inside of you, expressing and unfolding herself daily in your life till you become all God has destined you to achieve (LOVE is you).
What are the CHAINS?
The CHAINS are the fears, worries, doubts and regrets that have bond you from living out the life God has destined for your life.
The CHAINS are the good old missing memory of the past that is stopping you from embracing the opportunity of today. It is the depression, stagnation, laziness and the Hopelessness you feel inside you.
The CHAIN is your decision (giving up on your self). The CHAIN is you giving up on your relationship and dreams. This CHAINS is you feeling worthless and without hope. This CHAIN is the feeling that tells you, you are not too young, too fat, too dark, too old or not good enough to enjoy healthy relationship and living out your purpose in Christ.
A lot of things are responsible for this CHAINS – your past, the business that failed, the relationship that failed, the contract that didn’t work out, the lady that turn down the proposal, the man that called off the engagement, your parents that doubted you, your friends that betrayed you… etc. al of things have set you in this trapped situation. 
As good as your reason might be – you cannot go on living your life like this. Don’t be deceived to think that your LOVE is in CHAINS – YOU ARE THE LOVE THAT IS IN CHAINS. Your emotion is in CHAINS. Your zeal for business is in CHAINS. Your ability to trust is in CHAINS. Your dream is in CHAINS. You are in CHAINS. 
Hmmm… so you think you gave up on relationship, dating, your vision, and personal relationship with God? No! You just gave up on YOURSELF. You just gave up on your DESTINY. You just gave up on your FUTURE. You just gave up on this person God has created you to be. When you gave up and gave in unKnowingly – YOU GAVE UP ON YOUR FUTURE. 
FROM OUR CASE STUDY, Jesus did not go to heal him when he was sick, He died before Jesus went to resurrect him. You blame God for allowing that relationship to fail. You blame for the present condition of your parents and siblings. But ONE thing you didn’t know was that God is not interested in saving that relationship, or the saving the situation in your family – GOD IS ACTUALLY INTERESTED IS SAVING YOU FROM THE RELATIONSHIP AND THE SITUATION IN YOUR FAMILY

To be continued..


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