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When Love Hurts - Part 1

Romans 8:28 – For we know that all things works together for good for those that LOVE the Lord and are called according to His purpose.

You are welcome to STRETCH YOUTH SUMMIT. In this month of June, we shall be looking into a topic the Holy Spirit has instructed me to teach through His Grace. Last month (April), we looked into the issue of ‘FOOT PRINT (Constitution of LOVE)’ and the Lord was able to deal with certain issues we’ve over looked.
Praise God!

Let’s go into the business of the day and may the Holy Spirit possess your heart with the truth of his word as we start in Jesus Name – Amen.

What is LOVE?

LOVE is an expression of acceptance, trust and value. It’s a lifestyle of Hope and Truth. 

LOVE is a living and it produces Life so she is a conscious decision to believe and accept a specific thing or person.

LOVE is the platform for respecting people

LOVE is the platform for trusting people.

LOVE is the platform for giving with pure motive.

LOVE is the platform for receiving with gratitude.

LOVE is the platform for accepting people without manipulation.

LOVE is the platform for sincerity and honesty.

LOVE is the platform for investing your best into the lives of the people around you.
The question the Holy Spirit wants to help us answer today is –  

What happens and who will you turn to when what you accept, trust, respect and invested your best HURTS YOU?

It is a joyous thing to discover LOVE and share that LOVE with people but what happens when what you LOVE so much HURTS you?

What happens when the very person you gave your very best to HURTS you? 

What happens when the person you trust so much HURTS you? 

What happens when what use to give you joy and laughter turns out to bring you PAIN? 

What will you do when your LOVE ones abandoned you when you needed them the most? 

What will you do when the person you once helped refuses to help you in return? 

What will you do when the very person you accept rejects you? 

What will you do when the person you trust doubts you? 

What will you do when people pay you evil for the good you have done for them? 

What will you do when what attracted you to that man or lady begins to create misunderstanding?

What will you do when the hugs cease? 

What will you do when the calls cease? 

What will you do when the text messages cease? 

What will you do when you stretch your hand and no body is there to pull you up? 

What will you do when there is no shoulder to lean on? 

What will you do when some one that should protect you enslaves you? 

What will you do when the man you trust forcefully take your virginity from you? 


The experience can be heart breaking and these have broken the courage and confidence of lots of people. Some people have given up on trusting. Some people have giving up on loving. Some people have given up on helping people. Some people have given up on dreaming.

Some people have become the shadow of their own selves because they quit trying to LOVE again because they are scared of been hurt again.  Some people have given up on their dreams because they want to escape the disapproval of the very people they LOVE. Some people have settled for less, accepting failure as a norm because of the fear to LOVE again, trust again and dream again.

Many people have become so bitter that they no longer respect God’s instruction on forgiveness. The situation has turned the most loving, caring and truthful people into isolated personalities.

WHEN LOVE HURTS, there is always a way forward. The way out is in the book of Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”

WHEN LOVE HURTS, turn to Jesus. When what once caused you joy brings you PAIN, turn to Jesus. Don’t blame and judge the people that have hurt you or hurting you. Turn to Jesus, he is the only one to heal you and comfort you. Jesus will pick you up; He will hold your hands and cease your PAIN. Jesus will make you smile again.

All things will work together for your good (Romans 8:28). You can never be disadvantaged. Things will become easier for you when you look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. I need you to understand that PAIN in this journey of Salvation is good for your growth.
PAIN means lot of things but you must be ready to embrace it with understanding. PAIN is not your enemy neither has it come to stop you or limit you. PAIN is present to stretch and strengthen you.

To be continued...


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