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Divine Encounter with God

Divine Encounter is a key that opens the nature of humans into the spirit realm. Without Encounter there is no way God or the unclean spirit will have access to possess human with their life and plan.  Encounter is a place the human and the spirit realm comes into agreement. It’s a place where the Spirit realm adopts the humans as their platform for discovering, preparation, and manifestation of their plan. 

In the spirit realm, we have two powers that controls. We have God and we have the unclean spirit. Any out of these two needs a platform to express their life and plan. Encounter carries an experience that contains knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The experience possesses you with a measure of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The knowledge, understanding and wisdom is what will determine the kind of life and plan ruling you. The Encounter experience is meant to influence you into executing the plan you have been exposed to during your encounter experience. The knowledge, understanding and wisdom contain the details of the plan. This process is what we call discovery. 

Divine Encounter is in phases, it’s not an instant thing. It’s not a one time experience. It is a constant progressive experience you need. In every phase of Encounter with God lies a measure of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom required for conquering the confusion, ignorance, worries, fears and doubts in your present phase of life.

Confusion is in phases.

Ignorance is in phases.

Fear is in phases.

Doubt is in phases.

Divine Encounter is in phases.

Human Relation is a battle and journey of you operating in the current Encounter with God in order to overcome every thing within your present phase of confusion, ignorance, worries, doubts and fears. Your present Encounter with God holds the solution to your present phase of ignorance, confusion, fears, worries, and doubts. As the phase changes, you must learn to grow along the required Encounter with God. You can’t use yesterday’s Encounter experience with God to deal with your present phase of ignorance, confusion, fears, worries and doubts. This is one of the major challenges in this Human Relation. Even humans are progressive in nature too. You can’t use your past knowledge about somebody to relate with their present personality.

Divine Encounter is an experience you gain through the presence or experience of the Holy Spirit and the Word. The Holy Spirit and the Word holds the experience of Divine Encounter. Infact, you reading this article is a Divine Encounter because, the Holy Spirit and the Word are present to expose your mind and spirit to a phase of Revelation or truth you lack.

The fruit of Divine Encounter is Truth. This truth is in measures or phases. We have the truth and we have the present truth. In this truth birthed from your Encounter with God lie the Faith, Grace and the insight that is fit to overcome the present ignorance, confusion, fear, worries and doubts in your life.

This truth has the influence to expose you to God discovery and self discovery. God discovery is the process of you knowing who God is to you (the role God has to play in the assignment given to you during your Encounter experience). Self discovery is you walking in the awareness of who you are to God (the role you have to play in the assignment given to you during your Encounter experience).
Every carnal human is sick, mad and they need help. The Holy Spirit and the Word holds the responsibility to heal the sickness and madness in humans. They hold the power to release humans from their present phase of ignorance, confusion, fears, worries and doubts. The level of help you have received during your Encounter experience with God, will determine the level of help you can render to the people around you.

The source of the sickness, madness and the help man-kind needs is as a result of the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden. When Jesus came and died for us, the sickness, madness and lack of help was taken away through His death. Now, we are left with their influence to deal with through our fight of faith. When man-kind sinned, three things happened to Him in His spiritual death experience.

This sickness dwells in the body (carnal nature), the madness is in the mind (evil motive/thought), and the lack of help is towards the Spirit (separated from God). When Jesus died and resurrected, He offered Divine Nature in replacement of the carnal nature, a renewed mind for the mad mind and a quicken spirit for a living soul. All these come to you in measure and in process as you walk with God.

Coming back to God’s discovery and self discovery, I want you to know that, the knowledge of these two holds the content of God’s plan and purpose for humans. God do not just want you to have an effective relationship with him, he also wants you to have effective relationship with the people around you (with a family concept)

God discovery and self discovery comes to you in measures. The parable of Jesus about the sower and the seed explains it all. There is a place for thirty percent, there is a place for sixty percent, and there is a place for hundred percent levels of knowledge, wisdom and understanding within each phase in this journey. In each phase lie the thirty percent, sixty percent, and hundred percent level of Revelation exposure. When you are up to hundred percent in a phase, the Holy Spirit will take you to the next level where you will start from thirty percent, sixty percent, and hundred percent. It’s a journey from Faith to Faith and from Grace to Grace as you become the Light, shinning brighter and brighter till you are perfected and complete in Christ.
Understanding and operating in this exposure creates you the ability to operate through the plan of God. This is where experiential knowledge is birthed. This is the place where the plan place demand on every thing surrounding you. This place is the spot, where God’s plan preserves you.

Let us look deeper into the issue of the help, healing and deliverance man-kind needs from sickness, madness and confused lifestyle. Either the individual is confused or not, I want you to understand that anybody can help you, even the devil. You need to understand that in this journey of life, finding help is not the problem, getting healing is not the problem and been delivered from madness is not the problem. The problem is the source and the motive. Is it of God? For the fact that some thing is good doesn’t mean its Godly.

The sickness in the body is the carnal nature but through Divine Encounter; you will be able to put on a measure of Divine Nature. The madness in the mind is the stony heart but through Divine Encounter, you will be able to renew your mind. The issue of the Spirit is that, it has been separated from God but through Divine Encounter, you will be re-connected back with your Heavenly Father.

All the processes above are in measures and in processes. It’s not an instant thing. Remember, Divine Encounter is in phases because God is working on you little by little till you attain His plan and purpose for your life.

In other for your spirit – man to get connected back to God (Remember a soul without God is dead) it needs Revelation. This Revelation is a lifestyle that contains the Way, the Truth and the Life. These three are one but their operations are in three platforms. In this Revelation, you will find the Way (process), the Truth (details), and the Life (Grace) needed to be all God has planned for your life.

I want you to understand that Divine Encounter is God visiting your spirit and depositing the REVELATION that contains the process, details and Grace for the assignment He has for your life. The process is hidden in discovery. This discovery is meant to expose you to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of God’s Nature and personality. The details are hidden in His plan. His plan is meant to set your priority, values and objectives in life. His Grace is hidden in His Life. This is meant to empower you to function according to the desires and expectation of the Father. 

In every phase of Encounter with God, you will realize the release of a measure of Faith. There will be a picture or a word the Holy Spirit will deposit in your Spirit. Remember, Faith comes by hearing and seeing the word of God that explains His plans for your life.

The conversation or the picture the Lord will imprint into your spirit during His Encounter with you is what we call Faith; that’s the only information that reminds you of your Encounter experience with God. Within your Encounter experience with God lie the details of your Divine assignment here on earth.

When we talk about process, it’s about what you need, and requirements you must become. Details, is about your assignment and the right approach. Grace is the empowerment for your body, mind, and spirit to cooperate with the Plan of God.
The measure of Faith given to you during your Encounter experience with God contains measures of the knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The knowledge within that faith extended to you is the process needed that is, things you must become (Image of Christ).
The understanding within the Faith is the Grace that will empower your spirit, soul and body to co-operate in becoming what God has planned for your life. (You carrying out your assignment according to the pattern of the details preserved within your Encounter experience with God).
The wisdom within that Faith is you recognizing and accepting the creativity, talent and skill needed for the expression of your Divine Assignment. The recognizing and acceptance is in your personal self development of your talent, creativity, and skill.
 May the Lord deliver you from the power of ignorance through His Word in Jesus Name.
May You experience Christ in every aspect of your life in Jesus Name.
 May The Lord draw you to Himself in Jesus Name
 Jesus loves you so much
 Be Inspired!


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