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Showing posts from March, 2015

Understanding the Power of Discovery In God

Discovery is the ability to find and detect some thing you need to know. It’s full of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Lack of discovery is not the absence of knowledge, wisdom and understanding – it is the absence of the required knowledge, wisdom and understanding. The need for discovery is the presence of ignorance. The absence of discovery in God is the presence of discovery in sin. The absence of discovery in sin is the presence of discovery in God. Every discovery is connected to Encounter. Nothing Just happen. Two powers are always fighting to gain authority over your life. For every discovery, there must Encounter God or unclean spirit. Either God or the unclean spirit, every Encounter is programmed to give you access - Access into a measure of knowledge, understanding and wisdom of a specific plan. This plan you gain through discovery will impact you with life, granting you the ability to function and impact lives according to the plan you were expose...

Divine Encounter with God

Divine Encounter is a key that opens the nature of humans into the spirit realm. Without Encounter there is no way God or the unclean spirit will have access to possess human with their life and plan.   Encounter is a place the human and the spirit realm comes into agreement. It’s a place where the Spirit realm adopts the humans as their platform for discovering, preparation, and manifestation of their plan.  In the spirit realm, we have two powers that controls. We have God and we have the unclean spirit. Any out of these two needs a platform to express their life and plan. Encounter carries an experience that contains knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The experience possesses you with a measure of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The knowledge, understanding and wisdom is what will determine the kind of life and plan ruling you. The Encounter experience is meant to influence you into executing the plan you have been exposed to during your encounter experience....

Freedom from Ignorance

Ignorance is the major enemy that affects the flow of human relation. The state of ignorance is the starting point of any individual in life and this state is the starting point where Divine Encounter with God cloths man-kind.  Ignorance is the mother of worries, fears, doubts, and confusion in every area of life. Every human on earth is afraid of the unknown, worried about survival, doubting the assurance of hope and they are confused about the right direction in life. If you can understand your past, you will be about to understand your present and future. The past was the present you either valued or took for granted. Today was the future you were waiting for yesterday. The future is the child of the present you either valued or never valued. This ignorance has so much weaken the humans on earth. It has nothing to do with educational knowledge. This kind of ignorance is the absent of the knowledge of God’s plan, His purpose, His calling and His assignment upon...

Ladies & Emotional Immaturity

My brothers, Have you ever dated a woman who just seemed a little off? Like she was too much effort? Like she was involved in WAY too much drama? Like she was always changing the way she felt about you? Like she was giving you mixed messages? I can see how dating and relating experiences like this can really confuse you. Not only that, I can see how it could really put you off women in general because of how easy it is to assume that all women are the same. Some of you have just resigned yourself to the fact that woman are a species which does not WANT to be understood. Or maybe you have at least thought about this at one point or another. Well, I’m here to shed some light on this (at times) mysterious issue. And it’s pretty easy to overcome once you have identified what the problem is. In most cases, women who are experiencing consistently high and low mood swings, denial and only slight degrees of self responsibility are more than likely to be emotionally immature. ...