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What is Marriage?

The first thing you need as a youth is not who to date or is a personal encounter with Jesus....walking in Gods presence.

The second thing you need is not sex, money, fame.... The second thing is you understanding your purpose....your life assignment and your work.

The third thing to understand and get is a lady that can support the work in your hand

The first person Eve saw after God created her was God....the first place Eve stayed after God created her was in Gods presence.

Ladies....the first thing to look for is Gods presence and not who will date or marry you. Do you have a personal encounter with God?

The first place you fight to stay is Gods presence and not in any man's arms. Are you dwelling in Gods presence?

So marriage is needed as a platform that helps you to have a teammate who will cooperate with you in fulfilling Gods intention for your life.

Marriage is an opportunity.
It is an opportunity to have a friend, and can suffer together, enjoy together and share all experience of life a bond and teamwork FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Marriage is not a bed of roses....its a journey with different experience.....the good and the bad....and you must embrace all the season and conquer them.

Just like you can't reject dry season and choose only raining you can't just choose the good in marriage and reject the bad in it.

Prayer only strengthen you to walk through the bad season and conquer will never make you escape the bad season.

Marriage is a spiritual, physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and financial affair between a man and a woman.

There are three levels of approval step into marriage.

First - Parental Approval
Second - Pastoral Approval
Third - God Approval

If you don't have these three approval and you force your way into marriage, you will suffer it.

To be ready for marriage....not wedding oh. You must understand, define and settle four plans.

You must have a plan for your life.
You must have a plan for future spouse.
You must have a plan wedding.
You must have a plan for the marriage and what you and your future spouse will be doing in the marriage.

Desire is not you have plans???
Marriage starts as a desire....but its well experienced through strict plan and execution of plan.

Every thing God created were after their kind...that's why goat gives birth to goat.
As a man what determine the lady you choose to marry is your personality. Who are you? Its Gods will for you to marry a lady that fits your personality....your kind of person. The lady that align with the way you think, act, desire and decide.
Marry for your PERSON!!!

The fact that you know a lady will accept to marry you does not mean she is the will of God for you. The second reason behind the kind of lady you choose is your future.
What kind of future are you heading towards? Do you have a clear picture of the future you are going? The understanding of your future will determine the kind of lady you will choose. Sit and observe this lady....can she fit and align with the kind of future you believe God is taking you?

The third reason for choosing any lady for marriage is because....she has the capacity of becoming a  suitable helper TO THE WORK IN YOUR HANDS...TO THE VISION IN YOUR HAND....TO THE PLANS AND NEEDS IN YOUR LIFE.

The only reason why you need a lady in your life as a man is for you to have some one as a suitable helper TO support AND HELP YOU EXECUTE YOUR LIFE GOAL ASSIGNMENT OR VISION IN YOUR HAND.

Before you embark on a date or relationship leading to marriage.....the first question is.....HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR WORK OR VISION OR LIFE ASSIGNMENT?

The kind of work or assignment God has ordained for you and you have discovered is what will dictate the kind of lady you should marry.

Don't be led by his beauty or how sexy she looks....don't be enticed by the achievement of her parents...the real question this lady having the kind of capacity your life assignment or purpose or vision will need as a support....for execution here and in future?

Two things to consider as a man when engaging in a relationship leading to marriage is.....

Choose a lady that you are capable of teaching, instructing, cultivating and inspire.

Choose a lady whose capacity, attitude, ideas and manner of approach can serve as a suitable help to the vision or work or assignment God has kept in your hands.

Marriage is the ground or platform for executing life goal assignment....divine vision and purpose.....collectively and as teamwork.

Marriage is beyond free sex. Its a place of sex with with with sensitivity. The fact that many people have abused marriage and sex....does not mean this generation should ignore the warning of getting it marriage according to Gods principle.

Marriage is for feeding the interest of God. Until Heaven is benefiting from your relationship or are walking in your own destruction.

Marriage is not using each other to fulfill purpose or life goal assignments.... Alone....its about taking care of each other...encouraging each other...supporting each other....worshipping each other...SERVING EACH OTHERS NEEDS AND PLANS.

Having a healthy marriage is part of the process of you preparing for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is part of our inheritance in Christ Jesus.

Three factor that helps you cultivate a healthy marital choice is

The understanding of your personality.

The understanding of the kind of future you are heading.

The understanding of the divine assignment God has committed into your hand.

Brothers....the above must determine your how you choose your life partner.

Your marital decision as a lady will either frustration or crown you with honour.

Accept your kind.
Every man is not your kind of man. Recognize the kind of man that can accommodate your personality without feeling intimated, afraid or threatened. 

Consider your future.
This man you are accepting will determine the kind of future you will fine your self. Be sure the future you are going to is the same future he is leading you into.

Give attention to your capacity.
Recognize the man you can help and the man you can't help. Recognize the kind of man you can respect and the kind of man that won't command your loyalty. 

Observe the a lady before you decide to accept this man from a marital journey.

Marriage is work.

Work of improving and adding value to your partners life.

Work of maintaining, cultivating healthy and progressive relationship with your spouse.

Work of feeding the needs and plans of your spouse accurately.

Work of investing in your own personal walk with Jesus, your talent, your creativity and every aspect of your life.

Work of understanding and doing the will and interest of God in every aspect of your life.

Marriage is more than child bearing, sex and romance. They are not the focus yet part of what makes the whole journey sweet.

Marriage is all about a lady becoming a wife and a mother....daily

Marriage is all about a man becoming a husband and father....daily.

It is a journey that has no end.


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