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Showing posts from February, 2020


I want you to learn this....about mentors and Father in the Lord. Many youths are missing it....don't be like them Your mentor or father in the Lord...will not have some things you have....because its not his assignment to help you in that area. Don't ever compare your self with them....measuring your strength with their strength..... They will only have the strength to your weaknesses... Meaning...they are only sent to what you lack. Stop using what you have to determine how you relate with them. When you start growing and learning new things....don't get drunk with the extended of challenging the very person that taught you what you know you. Don't forget where your mentor met you, how he accepted you, how he believed in you....when you didn't look like it.........never!!! Always be aware that people that have no clue about how your mentor and Father in the Lord helped you, invested in you and encouraged you....will soon come to ...


If you must succeed in life and must place respect on the pursuit of discovering and functioning in your Divine CALLING. You don't have to pray for hours and study Bible for hours before you discover your divine calling. Many people says its difficult to discover divine purpose...but its not true. DISCOVERING DIVINE CALLING IS SO SIMPLE THAT PEOPLE IGNORE AND DESPISE IT EVEN WHEN THEY WALK PASS IT. Your divine calling is hidden in your PASSION. Your PASSION is divided into two session.....what you hate the most...because its unhealthy and what you love the most because its healthy. Your divine calling is your passion and your passion is YOU. Give attention to your self....your moods, and interest...with the pursuit to understand why you like what you like....why you dislike what you dislike and how it can glorify God. Any thing you have passion doing and it glorifies your divine CALLING. It can be in terms of technology, government, education...

Life Is A Package

Genesis 1:26-28...Gave us specific instructions of male and female to be fruitful equally. How fruitful are you? If love and relationship is all you are thinking this are far from the truth. Its time to be fruitful in the following areas. - Spiritually. - Intellectually. - Socially. - Attitude. - Relationally. - Financially. Life is a package and stop allowing all your effort in one direction....RELATIONSHIP. BELOVED OF GOD... Arise and be the best version of your self God has created you to become. Don't settle for less. BE 100% There is still HOPE for your in Christ Jesus. Depend on Jesus and constantly look up to him. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #2020_Serve_To_Love #Prince_Victor_Matthew #Baba_Love #Hope_ Expression