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Showing posts from July, 2019

Break The Silence

The strength of every abuser or manipulator is in the silence of the victim. Do you know the power any body has over you is the same power you offer or gave to them? Yes! That is the truth you must embrace. You need to break the silence. You need to speak out. The greatest fear of any oppressor or manipulator is FEAR. They will threaten you. They will be so defensive. They will make you feel powerless. Don't believe them. You are stronger. You are wiser. You are more competent than the way he or she makes you feel. Raise your voice to the roof and display it through wisdom. Speak to the right person. Talk to some one with the authority to help you. Talk to God about it and ask Him to help to know what to do and what to say per time. Don't keep silent. Stop hiding in any ones shadow. Stand for the truth, stand in the truth and walk in the truth. Allows Gods wisdom to Guild you because its time for Exodus 14:14, to display in your life. The Lord will fight for you and y...

Break That Manipulation

Don't listen to them. Don't allow them. They insult you and you say nothing....they say you are weak. They insult you and confront them...they say you are proud. They hurt you and you forgive them but set boundaries...they say you are arrogant and proud. They hurt you again and again..and you do nothing....they will always shift the blame on a reason why they always hurt you. Even when you sacrifice with your blood to be there for them....they still make you feel that you are not good don't have what it takes...and there is a need for you to stay committed to them...just to earn their approval. Don't listen to them. When your strength intimidate them....they find faults in you. Stick to the Holy Spirit and give no room to manipulators...who makes excuses for their own faults BUT the first to judge you. Be challenged! # PrinceVictorMatthew

Own It

Beloved of God. This copy and paste many people are doing is out of point. You steal some ones idea...a personal revelation some one package it and show case it to the world....irrespective of the honour people give you and the respect they shower on you.....if what you spoke to them was not a personal revelation you got from the Holy Spirit......the reward of that message you preached will go to the person that got it as a personal revelation before you heard...and shared it as if its your own. Personal revelation is sweet. People will not recognize you but heaven will celebrate you. Build your own stuff. Own it! Drink from your own well of Revelation. Use your own weapon! Be challenged! #PrinceVictorMatthew

Respect Is Respect

Beloved of God Don't expect any respect from any one of you are not ready to give it out in the first place. We live in a generation that glory in been proud and selfish. We live in a generation that demands from people what the will never offer to any one. We live in a generation that will hate you for been truthful and celebrate people that lie. We live in a generation where people mock those with a vision and celebrate people that lacks direction in life. Where do you belong? How respectful are you? Your disrespect to people is what is hindering your prayer points. Change your mindset and attitude...then and only then will your experience change. Be challenged. #PrinceVictorMatthew

HELP With Wisdom

The worst thing on earth is when you have people that do not understand what God is doing in your life and where God is taking you to in life....TRYING TO HELP YOU. It's so tough...irrespective of their good intentions and plans for you....they will become the major obstacles to you. Every single thing they think and do to you as a show of concern and help will be the major thing that will be frustrating you. YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO HELP ANY BODY... IF YOU ARE NOT LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE HOW TO HELP ANY BODY...YOU MUST DEPEND ON THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. The fact that you have good intentions and plans for some one or towards some one does not mean it will actually help them. Peter with Good intention  rebuked Jesus when he spoke about his death. Peter out of good intentions cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest that came to arrest Jesus. As passionate and sincere it might has looked...if Jesus kept could have...

Hungry For Attention?

THE HUNGER People sleep every day without food in their belly but the worst is happening daily...look around you..people you claim you love are been  starved with lack of attention. How much attention are you even giving to your self? How much attention are you giving to the very people you claim you love? Some times, its not your money that's needed. Some times its not the whole expensive things you can't offer. IT'S THE ATTENTION YOU ARE NOT GIVING TO EVERY LITTLE THING SURROUNDING YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE. This is the real problem. Stop starving your talent, capacity, potential, friends and those your love with YOUR ATTENTION. Do you really care? Do you really notice every changes, struggles and pain those you love are going through daily? Please, pay attention. Feed those that are hungry for your attention. Be inspired! # PrinceVictorMatthew

Are You A Wise Single Lady?

As a daughter of God, You must learn to be decisive in all you do. Give more attention to your self and be sure to understand what you need. You can understand what you need through your understanding of what Gods word is saying to you. Let your yes be yes and let your no be no. Don't accommodate what you won't accept and don't toil or play with what you actually need. When that man ask you out, let your maturity display by been firm with your decision. If you are not sure, tell him to give you some time to think and pray about it. And make sure you really do take your time to think and pray about it. Wise ladies invest their time in making decisions and finding their real direction in life through Gods word. Stop wasting your time by playing hard to get or displaying your insecurity by ignoring calls, text messages or any form of communication with a man simply because you know, he is interested in you. A man been interested in you for friendship, dating or marriage ...

3 Phase of the Prophetic

Prophecy is in two dimension; time and season. Every prophecy release is limited within a specific timing and seasons of events. Prophecy is the declaration of the future in the present through the inspiration of Gods word. The fact prophecy said, you are going to be the pillar of your family, does not mean it will be automatic. Prophecy reveals the end of your journey but won't reveal the PROCESS to you. It reveals the destination but won't show you details of the journey. For every prophecy, there are seasons attached. 1. Season of Discovery and Knowledge. This is the time you break loose from ignorance and step into what God has prepared for you. 2. Season of Preparation This is season when you start using what God revealed to a guild in preparing your self, to fit into the destination the prophecy is leading you. 3. Season of Manifestation This is the practical and practicing aspect of the prophecy. Many people jump step one and step two....thinking step...

You Are Complete

Life is not about dating or marriage alone. Life is a complete package that entails the physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, and financial. It's your duty to nurture every phase of your life via Gods word. You can't leave any side of your life unkept and expect result. Give more attention to your self and to every happenings in your life. Don't be a spectator in your own life. Get involved in dictating what happens in your life. You can only do that when you walk in every word of God. You can only walk in Gods Word, when you study to know and understand it. Understanding is not enough until you practice what you understand. You are the only obstacle and helper you must acknowledge. Be careful of what you choose to believe and what inspires your believe. Nothing can complete you perfectly than your self in Christ. You are a total package...not the better half of God or any body. Value your self and pay kin attention to the healthy state of your physica...