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Out of the Shadows - Part 2


A lot of people are wearing mask today believing it’s their real identity. Some people have settled for less because the media and people says it’s okay. Who do you think you are? What do you believe about your self? Whatsoever your answer might be, is this according to what God has written concerning your life? Are you putting on your own expectations as your identity? Are you putting on the expectation of the people as your own identity? Are you ready to put on the identity God has ordained for your life? It’s time for you to come out of the shadows.

This is the day for you to be free from any expectations or your own expectations that is not in alignment with Gods intentions for your life. You will never know how to relate with your self if you don’t accept a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Its time for you to come out of the shadows people have thrown at you. Its time for you to come out of the shadows you have adopted as the norms. 

This is your day and time for you to begin to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you, who God has created you to become. What’s your “self value”? Who determines your self value? Self Value is the value you feel and have about yourself. Don’t let people set your values for you. This is some thing you allow Gods word to set for you through the Holy Spirit.

What is your self image? Who determine your self image? Self image is the way you see yourself. This is not a matter you allow people to define for you. This has to do with the measure of importance you place on your self and your future. This is the revelation you allow Gods word to reveal to you through the Holy Spirit.

What is your self esteem? Who determines your self esteem? What’s the drive behind your confidence? Do you know and understand your own uniqueness? Self esteem is your self worth. This is some thing you must not allow people to dictate for you. This is some thing you must allow Gods word to define for you.

In other for you to have an healthy relationship with your self, you must see and relate with your self through Gods word.


Irrespective of your past mistakes and pains; its time for you to come out of your shadow. You need to come out of the shadow of your faults and step into the place of Gods love and forgiveness (Hebrews 8:12). It’s time for you to come out of the York of guilt, condemnation, and regret. God I not about to forgive you, God has forgiven you already. Come out of the shadows of your past and faults. Come out of the shadows of self pity. Come out of the shadows of ignorance.

The only way for you to come out is for you to accept a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit through Gods word. The knowledge of who you are, acceptance, forgiveness and love is available for you if only you will open your heart to the Holy Spirit. Your self development needs to flow from the dimension of what Gods word has revealed to you about you.

You don’t need all knowledge, and you don’t need all improvement. You don’t need every adjustment. Self development is specific and has a pattern. What has Gods word revealed to you about you is what will determine your self development.

It’s time for you to relate with your self through the way God relates with you. It’s time for you to come out of that York, distraction and expectations of your self or people. Come out of that shadows and set into Gods love and expectatio8ns for your life. You are not alone. The Holy Spirit is here to help you. Come to Jesus and find rest in Him.

You don’t have to be a god over your own life. You don’t have to allow the media and people to become a god over your life. Allow Jesus to become the Lord and King of your life.

The first level of relationship the Holy Spirit wants to share with you is what I call ’divine encounter.’ This is an Eternal operation of the Holy Spirit in your life in other to set you apart for Himself. The power to separate you from the shadows (pain, regrets, mistakes, ignorance, condemnation and human expectation) is ‘divine encounter with the Holy Spirit.  This experience is not some thing you can do by your strength, fasting and praying. Divine encounter is the only way to step into Gods love prepared for your life.

Divine Encounter flows through believing on the word of God written concerning your life. If you believe in the finished word of Jesus on the cross – the Holy Spirit will embrace you with divine encounter (ZOE).

Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit is possible through the studying and mediating on Gods word with the aim of you knowing and understanding what God has ordained for you.

It is on this platform you will be able to establish a personal relationship with your self accurately. It is on this on this platform you will be able to know how to love your self, value your self and understand your own uniqueness.

God sees you having a quality and healthy relationship with your self as your necessity. Thank God for what God has done and currently doing in the lives of people through your life. This is not enough!

It’s time for you to relate with your own talent, creativity, and uniqueness. Enjoy from the well of Gods love in you. It’s time for you to love and relate with your life like God loves and relate with you. IT IS TIME TO COME OUT OF THE SHADOWS


Holy Spirit, Set me free from the mental torture of my past and mistakes.

Holy Spirit, Help me to see my self just like you see me

Holy Spirit, Help me to define my priority and value according to Gods word.

Holy Spirit, Liberate me from pity, guilt, and condemnation.

Holy Spirit, Align my expectation to fit into God’s expectations for my life.

Holy Spirit, Deliver me from own self.

Holy Spirit, Heal my heart from past hurts and regrets.

Holy Spirit, Help me to forgive my self just as you have already forgiven me.

Holy Spirit, Help me to understand Gods intention behind my past.

Holy Spirit, I need a divine encounter (transform me with your word)

Holy Spirit, Help me to forgive all those that oppressed and hurt me.

Holy Spirit, Help me to value my self and love my self.

Holy Spirit, Give me the clarity of the scripture.

Holy Spirit, Help me to understand the needed knowledge, and self development needed for my life and your plans for my life.

Jesus Loves you


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