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Showing posts from March, 2017


Matthew 25:14 – 30 You are welcome to our seminar for 2017. It’s our month of Establishment. You are welcome to the January Edition of STRETCH YOUTH SUMMIT. In this month of January, we will be looking into this topic – Blessed for this! (Talent and God’s Intention)  May the Holy Spirit give you clarity in this matter at hand in Jesus Name. We live in a time and season where purpose rule. A lot of things have lost their real value and purpose but thank God for Jesus! What does it mean to be blessed? Being blessed is the reality of the truth that reveals you were created in the image and likeness of God. Blessed is all about the “CAPACITY” God inputted into you for a specific assignment here on earth. Blessed is being accepted by Gods love for the carrying out of a specific plan of God. Blessed is the gift of love from God to you even before you were formed into your mother’s womb. Blessed is Gods setting you apart for His intention (Divine Purpose). Blesse...

Out of the Shadows - Part 2

IDENTITY A lot of people are wearing mask today believing it’s their real identity. Some people have settled for less because the media and people says it’s okay. Who do you think you are? What do you believe about your self? Whatsoever your answer might be, is this according to what God has written concerning your life? Are you putting on your own expectations as your identity? Are you putting on the expectation of the people as your own identity? Are you ready to put on the identity God has ordained for your life? It’s time for you to come out of the shadows. This is the day for you to be free from any expectations or your own expectations that is not in alignment with Gods intentions for your life. You will never know how to relate with your self if you don’t accept a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Its time for you to come out of the shadows people have thrown at you. Its time for you to come out of the shadows you have adopted as the norms.  This is...

Out of the Shadows - Part 1

Matthew 11:28 Out of the shadows is a lifestyle that is set out of the pains, regrets, mistakes, condemnation, and wrong expectations. This is a lifestyle of freedom from the shadows. This is a call to break out of the negative mentality you have about your self. This is a call to break out of the wrong believe you have about your self. This is a call to break out of the wrong identity you have accepted. This is a call to break out of the ignorance and laziness surrounding you. Out of the shadows is a call of you coming out of the shadows of life and it involves you stepping into the Light and truth of the knowledge of God. There is a need for you to have a personal relationship with your self. This will become impossible if you still remain in the shadows. It’s time for you to discover your real identity through the Holy Spirit. It’s time for you to discover the original you, God have created you to be. It’s time you understand who God has designed you to be. It’s time...