Matthew 12:37
“For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”
It is not sufficient to know what to say but it’s a must you learn how to say them. The truth of the matter is just that “Words can bless”. The reason why I say this is because it is good to love and care for the people around you but the most important thing is, you learning the skill of tell or expressing to them that they are loved and cared for. Another reality of life I have come to understand is “Words can destroy”. Do you know that a saying goes this way, the sticks and stones can break my bones but words can’t hurt me, is not true? Words can hurt you far more than sticks and stone even to the deepest part your bone. What we are trying to figure out is this; the words you say is the life that becomes a reality in the lives around you. If you speak bad words, bad experiences will befall you. The number one step is you learning to see your self, in the picture of your true identity as a man of faith.
Do you know that words define how you see our self? A word can cause harm than blessing. The words you use define how you think. A word has a way of defining how you see what life is and it also determine what will become in future. Words set the parameter of how people react to you because if you speak with authority, power, love or sadness, people will react to you in that same tone. The difference between the wise and the foolish is that, the wise knows how to pick and call thoughts for conversation while the fool let all his words fly out at will. It’s a must you learn the ability to offer idea, know how to express them and choosing to become unstoppable. In the world of human relation, one of the greatest mountains to clam is called “Intimidation”
Your only sure belt is the knowledge of Christ that dwells in you. I believe in you, i trust in you and i know Heaven thinks of you the same way i do. Always remember that the best till lies in you. God is not through with you yet.