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Showing posts from July, 2023


The strength of the Lord is upon you but won't be manifested without stress and pressures of life. How will you grow in the wisdom of God if they are no difficult situation to handle? How will you understand God's love and acceptance if no body rejects you and treat you bad? Beloved of God, Salvation is not a place for comfort. It is a place for constant growth in the knowledge and plan of God. Its okay to be encouraged but every encouragement is given to you to empower you to grow and practice the plans and calling of God upon your life. You need to grow to a place where you are matured in Christ enough to ENCOURAGE YOUR SELF IN THE LORD. There is a demand for you to grow and take charge of every thing God have ordained for your life. It is time to stretch and grow into the next phase of God's plan for your life. Prince Victor Matthew Hope Expression Hub